Chapter 7 Section 3 Napoleon Forges an Empire
Napoleon Bonaparte 5 foot 3 inches tall One of the world’s greatest military geniuses In four years goes from obscure officer to master of France.
Napoleon Seizes Power Napoleon Bonaparte Born in 1769 in Corsica Went to military school at 9 yrs. old 16 finishes school and is a lieutenant Hero of the Hour October of 1795, Royalist march on National Convention, they ask Napoleon to defend the delegates Manages to scatter the crowd and is hailed through Paris as a hero of the French Republic 1796 Leads and wins a series of victories in Italy, and fights in Egypt and is a Hero to the French people
Napoleon Seizes Power Coup d’Etat 1799 directory losing control. November- Napoleon’s troops surround the National Legislature and drive out most of the members The rest vote to dissolve the Directory and have a group of 3 consuls. Napoleon is 1 st consul and is basically a dictator. Coup d'état- a sudden seizure of power. “blow to the state” Napoleon makes treaties with Austria, Britain, and Russia by 1802 Europe at peace for the first time in ten years
Napoleon Rules France Plebiscite- a vote of the people Napoleon has people vote on a new constitution that makes him leader People want stable government so they vote him in. Restoring order at home Economy- efficient tax system and national banking. Efficiency- Got rid of corrupt officials Education- Set up lycees- government run public schools Religion- concordat- agreement. Signed one with the Pope. Separated the church and state
Napoleon Rules France Napoleonic Code A comprehensive set of laws that gave the country a uniform system and eliminated may injustices. It limited liberty and promoted order and authority over individual rights. Napoleon Crowned as Emperor 1804 Napoleon wants to be Emperor and the people vote in his favor December 1804 Napoleon crowned Emperor by the Pope in Notre Dame Places the crown on his own head to show he is more powerful than the church