HIGH PERFORMANCE OBJECT DETECTION BY COLLABORATIVE LEARNING OF JOINT RANKING OF GRANULES FEATURES Chang Huang and Ram Nevatia University of Southern California, Institute for Robotics and Intelligent Systems
Outline Introduction Granules JRoG features Incremental Feature Selection Method Simulated Annealing Collaborative Learning Dynamic Search for Bayesian Combination Experiments Conclusion
Introduction Detect pedestrians with part occluded people Speed up and Accuracy up Collaborate learning of Simulated Annealing and increment selection model Dynamic search to improve Bayesian combination
JRoG features (Joint Ranking of Granules)
JRoG example
Distance Definition
Incremental Feature Selection method (Z is normalization factor) N is number of training samples M is number of features Time complexity is O(M ln N), better than O(MN) in conventional AdaBoost
Simulated Annealing Heuristically set N=1000 x dim(g 0 ), r = /n Θ 1 =1 Θ 2 =8 So each granule can be changed 1000 times and SA ends at temperature 0.01T 0 Selection of initial temperature (T 0 is critical)
Flow Chart
Collaborative Learning
Joint Likelihood F: full body H: head and shoulder T: torso L: legs Z: detection responses S: state of multiple humans Wu and Nevatia[19] uses Bayesian combination to deal with partial occlusions in crowded scenes Wu and Nevatia’s search
Dynamic search
Experiment1 Collaborate learning CL: Jump/keep ratio = 1.0, 0.2, 0.25 Initial temp.= 0.03, JRoG # bit = 3 SL: without SA process Evaluate Score: EER (Equal Error Rate) FPR (False Positive Rate)
Experiment2 INRIA dataset Training: 2478 positive, 1218 negative samples from dataset positive by rotating, scaling above Testing: 1128 positive, 453 negative samples from dataset
Experiment3 ETHZ Dataset Four 640x480 videos (one for training, one for testing) negatives from internet More than pedestrians labeled Outperform others in all three videos
Computational Cost Xeon 3GHz Takes 70ms to scan 640x480 ETHZ images at 16 scales from 1.0 to Training of 16-layer cascade costs 2 days
Conclusion A novel collaborative learning method Dynamic Search method for Bayesian combination Improves efficiency and accuracy Extensive to other objects like cars and faces