Writing Essays
Heading Top left corner of the page Your name English I Period ___ McConnell Date A creative title should be centered over the paper.
Formatting your paper Typed and stapled. Size 12 font - Arial or Times New Roman. 1-inch margins (the default on most computers). Double space. No extra space between paragraphs. Title is size 12 font, not bold or underlined, with no extra spaces above or below it.
Turnitin.com All papers MUST be submitted to turnitin.com. If a paper is not submitted to turnitin, it does not count as turned in at all. Checks papers against websites, databases, and all other papers that have been submitted to turnitin.com. Gives you TWO chances to get your paper in on time; if your paper is in on turnitin the night before it’s due, but you don’t have a hard copy in class, you may print it by the end of the day to turn it in on time.
Personal Responsibility A paper loses ONE LETTER GRADE for every day it is late. So a paper that is B+ quality, turned in a day late, will get a C+. Copy the following chart in your notes: Possible problems in submitting your paper. Possible solutions.