The Parts of an Essay A Review
YouTube - Broadcast Yourself. Essay Basics A Picture of the Essay Parts of the Essay w/ Definitions Order the Parts Standard Essay Review w/ Empty Outline An Example Essay w/ Missing Parts “FCS/What to Avoid” Editing the Ice Cream Paragraph for FCS Introductory Essay Topics Making a Good Hook YouTube - Broadcast Yourself.
Thesis = Oozing Chocolate Syrup! A Picture of the Essay Hook Thesis = Oozing Chocolate Syrup! Introduction Now, create your own “essay” following these guidelines: Body 1 Introduction Hook – Catches Attention Thesis – Holds It Together -- The thesis you choose must be able to go throughout the essay. Body 1, Body 2, Body 3 -- The body you choose must be able to be made into many more bodies. Within the bodies label what would be the details/ elaboration. Conclusion – Wraps It Up! Body 2 Body 3 Conclusion
Do you know the order? Rewrite these parts so that they are in order: Body 1 Body 2 Hook Make a Point/Wrap It Up! Restate Thesis Body 3 Summarize Bodies Thesis Topic Development
Making a Good Hook What can you do to catch the reader’s attention? Question Famous Quote Famous Line from a Song Jingle or Saying Dramatic Statement
“Have you ever seen a school that needed some TLC?” A Question “Have you ever seen a school that needed some TLC?” (Make sure that the reader would want to answer the question!)
A Famous Quote Make sure that you understand your quote! “Two roads diverged in a wood . . . And I -- I took the one less traveled by. . .” “Be yourself. You’re the only one who can do it right.”
A Jingle
A Dramatic Statement/Story "You are dribbling down the court. There are only seconds left on the clock…” "Fire . . . The power of gasoline and a match can, in a single minute, destroy . . .” "With only one hour of oxygen left in his tank . . ."
After making a hook, remember . . . The hook should relate to the essay's larger topic. After you make a hook, it could take a few sentences to transition into the topic development and then the thesis. Take your time and write what is necessary to help link your ideas. In the conclusion, try to reconnect to the hook to help the essay work as one writing piece rather than four separate paragraphs. Example Introduction