Focus on three technologies Podcasting Wikis Interactive whiteboards 19 December, 2015© Pete Sharma Associates Limited 2009
Podcasts - benefits portability – mp3 player learner control authentic materials – ESP
Podcasts Course book - mp3s Graded readers Universal podcasting worksheet DIY 19 December, 2015© Pete Sharma Associates Limited 2009
Podcasts - downside “Wrong kind of podcast” DIY – not for everyone 19 December, 2015© Pete Sharma Associates Limited 2009
collaborative process writing ‘history’ to see changes
Wikis Branching stories Vocabulary Essay 19 December, 2015© Pete Sharma Associates Limited 2009
Wikis - downside not always intuitive not all students want peer correction 19 December, 2015© Pete Sharma Associates Limited 2009
Interactive whiteboards The basics Features Issues Approaches
The basics
Hardware Promethean SMART Mimios / e-beam
Features Icons – pen tool / highlighter tool Erase Draw tool – shapes Screen reveal
Spotlight tool
Software – four approaches ProgramsIWB software Courseware DIY
Software Power Point Word Excel CD-ROMs Internet – embed hyperlink Macmillan English Campus “Always-on Internet” ‘Just-in-time’ teaching
IWB software
Courseware – ‘whiteboardable’ / “content +”
Listening All audio on one place Highlight the script to hear a chunk
Learner response devices Text to board Voting
Courseware Promotion of ‘heads-up’ Reveal specific answers
Issues The ‘digital divide’ The IWB is NOT ‘interactive’ Teacher-centred approaches Over-use Calibrate
Overview Provide an over of NT Describe new pedagogies Critically analyse three technologies –Podcasts –Wikis –Interactive whiteboards 19 December, 2015© Pete Sharma Associates Limited 2009
What to do now……? December, 2015© Pete Sharma Associates Limited 2009