Server Administration
[vpo_server_admin] 2 Server Administration Section Overview Controlling Management Server processes Controlling Managed Node processes Message regrouping Database and reports configuration Backup of VPO Inform Operators Change the password of opc_adm Filtering VPO Internal Messages Acknowledging messages via the command line
[vpo_server_admin] 3 Server Administration Where to Find the Tools Maintain Message Configuration and Operational Service Maintain External Services and Database Maintain Configuration of Agents (Managed Nodes)
[vpo_server_admin] 4 Server Administration Starting and Stopping Server Processes Using the opcsv command to stop, start and get status of services (or use the GUI) Message arrives in VPO pop-up window to confirm the services are stopped or started
[vpo_server_admin] 5 Server Administration Starting and Stopping Agent Processes Stop and start agent processes fromGUI Use the opcagt and opcragt command to stop, start and get status (Note the control agent is still running)
[vpo_server_admin] 6 Server Administration Regrouping Messages Match original Message Group and Node Regroup to Network Message Group
[vpo_server_admin] 7 Server Administration Configuring the Management Server Firewall restrictions Message Stream Interface enabling Auditing profile Divert: Send messages ONLY to MSI Copy: Send messages to MSI AND also to the Management Server
[vpo_server_admin] 8 Server Administration Report Utilities Predefined reports as ORACLE applications
[vpo_server_admin] 9 Server Administration Database Maintenance Size of actual message buffers Auditing hold and download profile History hold and download profile
[vpo_server_admin] 10 Server Administration Inform Operators and Send Message Specific information to be displayed Inform about configuration changes Select only the affected ones if appropriate
[vpo_server_admin] 11 Server Administration opcwall Command line utility opcwall [-user ] Informs all / one user by a Motif popup window
[vpo_server_admin] 12 Server Administration Backup of VPO Data Two Methods: Offline Backup –Shutdown VPO Server –No Operator activities –Low requirements on Rresources Online Backup –Keep VPO running –Minimum downtime (7x24) –High demand on diskspace and CPU Offline Backup -- Use: Runstring: opc_backup opc_recover Activities: –Shutdown VPO and ORACLE –Save configuration data –Save message data –Save OpenView file tree Interactive Command
[vpo_server_admin] 13 Server Administration Online Backup Benefits and Drawback No Shutdown of Server or GUIs Minimum Downtime Full Recovery to any Point in Time Java GUI fully Operational during Backup Online Backup Saves to Disk only Need to Run ORACLE in LOG_ARCHIVE mode High Demand for Diskspace
[vpo_server_admin] 14 Server Administration NNM 6.0 Backup Steps: VPO Pause OV Processes Flush Data to Disk Backup OV Database VPO Backup Integrated Applications Resume Operation Online Backup Integration VPO Backup Integration: Online Backup of VPO Database Create Checkpoint for Redo Logs
[vpo_server_admin] 15 Server Administration Changing the Administrator Password Note: The VPO Administrator is very powerful. The standard password is well documented. Therefore: Change it! Note: The VPO Administrator is very powerful. The standard password is well documented. Therefore: Change it!
[vpo_server_admin] 16 Server Administration Management Server Managed Node Filtering Internal Messages on the Managed Node Message Interceptor Message Agent VPO Internal Messages Template Other Agents Flag in opcinfo: OPC_INT_MSG_FLT TRUE Message Manager VPO Database
[vpo_server_admin] 17 Server Administration Management Server Managed Node Filtering Internal Messages on the Management Server Message Agent any Agent Flag in opcsvinfo: OPC_INT_MSG_FLT TRUE Message Interceptor VPO Internal Messages Template Message Manager VPO Database
[vpo_server_admin] 18 Server Administration Command Line Acknowledgement opcack Acknowledge active messages for a specific operator opcackmsgs Acknowledge active messages that have specific message attributes opcackmsg Acknowledge active message according to message ID opcack Acknowledge active messages for a specific operator opcackmsgs Acknowledge active messages that have specific message attributes opcackmsg Acknowledge active message according to message ID