Describing graphs(trends) Revision
Mistakes? There was a upward trend in oil prices last year. (1) Sales reach peak in June. (2) There was a slightly decrease in retail sales. (1)
Mistakes corrected There was an upward trend in oil prices last year. Sales reached a peak in June. There was a slight decrease in retail sales in February.
Careful with the following: Tenses (Past Tense, Pres. Simple,...) Adjectives vs. adverbs a substantial increasevs. to increase substantially Articles There was an increase in the price of oil last year. Sales reached a peak
Adjectives and adverbs Verb + Adv rise substantially fall suddenly decrease slightly grow significantly increase moderately go up dramatically Adj + Noun a substantial rise in a sudden fall a slight decrease a significant growth a moderate increase a dramatic rise
Adjectives and adverbs Verb + Adv rise substantially fall suddenly decrease slightly grow significantly increase moderately go up dramatically Adj + Noun
Adjectives and adverbs Verb + Adv ?Adj + Noun a substantial rise a sudden fall a slight decrease a significant growth a moderate increase a dramatic rise
TENSES grow/grew/grownrise/rose/risen go/went/gone fall/fell/fallen Sales fell in June last year. Retail sales rose in Our market share grew last year. Our profits dropped in the first half. Our sales have grown since last year. Their popularity has risen enormously. The output has fallen in the recession.
TENSES grow/grew/grownrise/rose/risen go/went/gone fall/fell/fallen Sales f... ↓ in June last year. Retail sales r...↑ in Our market share g... ↑last year. Our profits d ↓ in the first half. Our sales ↑ since last year. Their popularity ↑ enormously. The output ↓ because of the recession.
Prepositions :TO, OF, BY, FROM, IN, AT It will rise.... $5 and go.... $20. The price is stable $. This is an increase.... $5... the price. This is a $5 rise.... the price. Sales have grown... 2%.
Prepositions :TO, OF, BY, FROM, IN, AT It will rise BY $5 and go TO $20. The price is stable AT 15$. This is an increase OF $5 IN the price. This is a $5 rise IN the price. Sales have grown BY 2%.
Mistakes? There was a increase in sales last year. (1) Sales reach a low in June.(1) Sales have rise from February to March.(1) The trend is upwarding.(1) An upward trend of retail sales is noticed in January.(2) There was a slightly decrease in sales since March. (2) Sales rise for about a month, and then reached peak in June. (2) There was considerable increase of sales last week. (2) There was significantly growth between May and June. (1)
Mistakes? Correct the red parts. There was a increase in sales last year. (1) Sales reach a low in June.(1) Sales have rise from February to March.(1) The trend is upwarding.(1) An upward trend of retail sales is noticed in January.(2) There was a slightly decrease in sales since March. (2) Sales rise for about a month, and then reached... peak in June. (2) There was.... considerable increase of sales last week. (2) There was... significantly growth between May and June. (2)