Drug Coated Balloons for PAD William B. Newton III, MD Assistant Professor of Surgery Department of Vascular and Endovascular Surgery
Contents Introduction PAD Burden Anatomy of a Drug Coated Balloon LUTONIX® 035 Device Overview Product Offering Procedure Steps LUTONIX® 035 Treatment Algorithm LUTONIX® 035 Pre- Clinical Evidence LEVANT2ClinicalTrial LEVANT2ClinicalCase Studies Resources
Introduction DCB available: LUTONIX® 035 Drug Coated Balloon is the first and ONLY of its kind technology in the U.S. that can advance our treatment algorithm for SFA/Popliteal disease. Others are in the process of obtaining FDA approval.
Peripheral Artery Disease Impact
Anatomy of DCB
DCB Formulation
DCB Development
DCB Design
DCD Carriers
DCB Coating Integrity
DCB Coating Uniformity
DCB Mechanism of Action
DCB Preclinical Safety Data
DCB Offering
DCB Treatment Considerations
DCB Procedure
DCB Procedure Steps
DCB: Antiplatelet Regimen
DCB: Summary
DCB: Case 1
DCB: Case 2
DCB: Case 3
DCB: Case 4
DCB: Case 5
DCB: Case 6
DCB: Questions ??