Training Needs Analysis at FHI EU Bratislava Daniela Chudá Martin Ligač Peter Polanský Martina Večerná Peter Závodný
2 Targets to find out level of ICT skills (practical experience) of pedagogical users at the faculty to estimate level of distance learning acceptance by teachers ( not students ) to decide what ICT courses should be organized for teachers in the future
3 Simple questionnaire based on FIM UHK questionnaire modified to comply our needs two-sides A4 form, expected evaluation time 5 minutes paper form only, not web-based
4 Phases translation, modification and preparation roll-out: February 25th deadline: March 5th
5 Return rate 70 forms out of 122 were answered and returned 57,4% - SHOULD BE BETTER
6 Results - availability of PCs, MS Office, internet 57% has personal computer, others share with colleagues all school computers have MS Office installed 79% has own PC at home 72% has MS Office at home only 42% has private internet access
7 Interest in education on ICT 75% has interest 22% has no interest 3% did not answered
8 Preferred type of courses –29% prefers classical courses –58% prefers distance courses 2:1 ratio for distance courses
9 Interest in specific courses 61% Powerpoint 50% database (MS Access) 43% internet usage 30% Excel 21% Windows 16% MS Word from group of first 3 applications –74% has interest in some course –43% has interest in some distance course
10 Questions, discussion