Mrs. Maxwell’s Nutrition Review Game
$200 $400 $600 $800 $1000 $200 $400 $600 $800 $1000 $200 $400 $600 $800 $1000 $200 $400 $600 $800 $1000 You are what you eat Numbers Game Recommendations General Info
You are what you eat Numbers Game Recommendations General Info $200 $400 $600 $800 $1000 $200 $400 $600 $800 $1000 $200 $400 $600 $800 $1000 $200 $600 $800 $400 $1000
You are what you eat $200 A diet high in ________ can lead to developing high blood pressure.
You are what you eat $400 Active teenagers require a diet HIGH in ___________ to assist in keeping their energy level high.
You are what you eat $600 _____________ is a disease that is due to deficient levels of iron in the blood.
You are what you eat $800 The mineral present in dairy products that assists in the prevention of osteoporosis.
You are what you eat $1000 Name 3 sources of protein
You are what you eat $200-Answer Sodium
You are what you eat $400-Answer Carbohydrates
You are what you eat $600-Answer Anemia
You are what you eat $800-Answer Calcium
Category 1 $1000-Answer Chicken Legumes Fish Beef dairy etc.
Numbers Game $200 Adolescent teenage girls should have approximately _______ calories per day.
Numbers Game $400 Foods that should be limited in your diet should not exceed this % daily value.
Numbers Game $600 Fruit should be approximately this portion of your plate.
Numbers Game $800 To be considered a good source of a nutrient, foods must have at least this % daily value.
Numbers Game $1000 Which can be considered a good source of Protein? Pork Sausage 10% Spinach 6% Spaghetti with meatballs 24%
Numbers Game $200-Answer 2,000 calories
Numbers Game $400-Answer 5%
Numbers Game $600-Answer Approximately ¼ of your plate
Numbers Game $800-Answer 20 %
Numbers Game $1000-Answer Spaghetti and meatballs 24%
Recommendations $200 Cup of vegetables = size of what object
Recommendations $400 3 oz portion of protein is = size of what object
Recommendations $600 Present on every USDA regulated food product.
Recommendations $800 Essential to eat following exercise to help repair muscle tissue.
Recommendations $1000 Sugars and _________ should be limited because they provide empty calories.
Recommendations $200-Answer Computer Mouse
Recommendations $400-Answer Deck of cards
Recommendations $600-Answer Nutrition Facts Label
Recommendations $800-Answer PROTEIN
Recommendations $1000-Answer Solid Fats
General Info $200 Unit of energy
General Info $400 Another name for hypertension
General Info $600 Dark urine is an indicator you are suffering from this problem
General Info $800 The rate at which your body processes food.
General Info $1000 Main form of storage in the body
General Info $200-Answer Calorie
General Info $400-Answer High Blood Pressure
General Info $600-Answer Dehydration
General Info $800-Answer Metabolism
General Info $1000-Answer Fat
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Final Jeopardy You have 15 seconds to consult… Substance essential for almost all functions of the human body
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