Latitude and Longitude
Latitude- the distance in degrees north or south of the equator The latitude of the equator is 0° (degrees) What is latitude?
The equator is a line of latitude dividing the earth into the northern hemisphere and the southern hemisphere Northern Hemisphere Southern Hemisphere Equator
How is latitude measured? Latitude is measured from 0° at the equator to 90° at the poles. Locations above the equator are measured in degrees north (N), and below the equator in degrees south (S)
Why are latitude lines also called parallels?
What is longitude? Longitude- points west of the prime meridian are numbered from 0° to 180° degrees west (W), and points east of the prime meridian are 0° to 180° degrees east (E).
The prime meridian represents 0° longitude, and it runs through the continents of Europe and Africa Where is the prime meridian?
All meridian lines meet at the poles The International Dateline is 180° from the prime meridian- going west, you gain a day; and going east, lose a day
To locate a specific place on the map: Start at 0°, 0°. Find latitude- degrees and direction (North or South) Find longitude- in degrees and direction (East or West) When giving the coordinates of a place, the latitude is always the first number Coordinates of our classroom 32° N, 117° W Latitude, Longitude
Locating Places with Coordinates The coordinates for New Orleans are 29°N, 90°W. Start at 0°, 0°. Go 29°N (north is “up”) Then go 90°W (west is “to the left”)
Is it NW or WN? Is it NE or EN? Is it SW or WS? Is it SE or ES? Which comes first latitude, or, longitude?
Is it NW or WN? Is it NE or EN? Is it SW or WS? Is it SE or ES? Which comes first latitude, or, longitude? Latitude, Longitude
Definitions Practice 1.Match the following terms with their definitions. ___ latitude ___ longitude ___ prime meridian ___ equator A.the reference point for longitude B.the distance in degrees east or west of 0° C.the reference point for latitude D.the distance in degrees north or south of 0° D B A C
Turn to page 25 and 26 and read the following sections: Measuring in Degrees The Equator The Prime Meridian Locating Point on Earth’s Surface Using Latitude and Longitude After reading, begin answering questions REMEMBER… for Question 2 you are locating the cities and labeling them on the map provided on the very back page of the handout.