Latitude and Longitude
Grid System Lines of latitude and longitude cover the entire earth. They allow us to find any location on Earth. Lines of latitude and longitude are noted with cardinal directions. The cardinal directions are North, South, East and West Lines of Latitude run East to West Lines of Longitude run North and South.
Latitude The starting point for measuring latitude is the Equator. The Equator is a line of latitude (0*). The Equator runs East and West and divides the Earth into two equal parts. Lines of latitude North of the Equator are labeled with an “N”. Lines of latitude South of the Equator are labeled with an “S”. You already know the location of several lines of latitude from studying Global Winds. Latitude North Latitude South
Longitude Longitude West of the Prime Meridian. The starting point for measuring Longitude is the Prime Meridian. The Prime Meridian is located at Greenwich, England. The Prime Meridian is at 0* Longitude. The ending point for the Prime Meridian is on the other side of the Earth and is located at 180* Longitude. The United States is located West of the Prime Meridian. Lines of Longitude west of the Prime Meridian are labeled with a “W”. Lines of Longitude East of the Prime Meridian are labeled with an “E”. Longitude West of the Prime Meridian. Longitude East of the Prime Meridian.
Locating points on the Earth Using Latitude and Longitude Lines of Latitude and Longitude are measured in degrees. Think back to Global Winds: The Horse Latitudes are located at 30* N and 30* S. They are located North and South of the Equator. Coordinates tell the actual location of a place. 30*N, 96*W When giving a location on Earth, you give the latitude coordinates first and you give the longitude coordinates second.
Find your house!!
Quiz 1. Lines that run East and West, noted as degrees N and S. 2. Lines that run North and South, noted as degrees E and W. 3. The starting point for Latitude. 4. The starting point for Longitude. 5. Lines of latitude and longitude are measured in…… 6. When stating the location of a given place which coordinate comes first, longitude or latitude? 7. Which coordinate comes second? 8. What are cardinal directions?
Answers Latitude Longitude The Equator The Prime Meridian Degrees Latitude comes first Longitude comes second Cardinal Directions are North, South, East and West.