What is Geography? Geography is the study of people, their environment, and their resources Geography answers the question how the natural environment affect the way people live. Geography shows how people relate to the land and explains the past and the future through land examination.
History and Geography working together History is an account of what happened in the lives of different people over a past time period. Geography and History work together to explain what happened in the past. People use geography and history to determine the best action to use in making decisions. The past teaches us to strive to avoid mistakes and work for a better future. We need to learn Geography and history to understand what the mistakes were.
Themes of Geography Location Place Relationship Movement Region
Location Location: Where something is and to find it. Absolute: The exact location of a place Examples are latitude, longitude, and a street address. Relative: A general description where a place is located.
Place Determine by it’s physical and human characteristics. Physical characteristics include but not limited to: climate, soil, plant life, animal life, human constructions, and more. Human characteristics includes city planning, farming, etc.
Relationship Relationship refers to how Humans and the Environment interacts. Humans have to adjust their lifestyle base on their surroundings. Humans change their environment to make life easier.
Movement Movement is the exchange of people, goods, and ideas from one place to another place.
Region Regions are an area that has similar characteristics that gives it a unifying effect. These can be man made or natural.
Utah’s Three Major Land Regions Great Basin is part of the western desert. The bowl shape forms the Great Salt Lake and Utah Lake. Rocky Mountain-includes the Uinta and Wasatch mountain Range. Has some of it’s own lake and reservoirs. Colorado Plateau-Covers most of Utah. The runoff water of the plateaus run into the Colorado river. All 5 national parks are in this region.
Human made Regions What are some regions that may not have any similar natural characteristics but have some sort of unity?