Mission Partner Environment (MPE) Governance and Task Management MPE Offsite
MPE Governance Questions What is being governed? Strategic vision, guidance, policy, capability development, integration, sustainment, standards, and operational employment What is MPE governance space? U.S. capability development - daily thought, work and engagement that maintains maturation of the capability – MPE Working Group and Syndicates MPE engagement in three DoD processes, JCIDS, PPBE, Acquisition – JROC, Three-Star Programmers, ITAB, Integration Board MPE linkage with JIE – JIE EXCOM Operational Employment & Mission Partner Coordination – NATO, CCEB, IAV, Other… Governance versus Task Management Are new forums required to govern or manage MPE related activities? Maybe – Caution: New governance begets new process, and process is the enemy of progress
MPE & Mission Partner JMEI Template (Part 1) Content Management “Collection of Willing Nations” FMN/MPE JMEI Template Management Secretariat Leadership is Rotational and Voluntary Standing Future Mission Network “Management” Body The term “Governance” is not applicable or enforceable to this body or to the level of compliance by participants with products agreed upon by this FMN/MPE JMEI Template (Part 1) generation body Design and Change Operational Users Security Board CIAV influence Product: FMN/MPE JMEI Template documents Above this line “governance” is limited to “coalition of the willing” The US train and equip activities are INFLUENCED (not directed) by products from this not yet formed MPE/FMN Secretariat. One option is to use the O.S.C.E. organization Rotational and voluntary Secretariat lead as a model for willing nations to participate in meta-FMN JMEI (templates) definition process. Consensus is not the objective. In the JMEI Template (Part 1) deliberate and coordinated change management environment, formal and permanent leadership by a nation or organization is not a practical option. To avoid political tensions and distractors, an “FMN Secretariat” should not be led by a specific nation or organization….FMN leadership should be a voluntary and temporary to reflect the every changing membership of this “coalition of the willing” coordination effort. Of course it must be hosted some place where national VNCs may meet and collaborate. Evolution and transition of the current mission specific AMN Secretariat to an FMN Secretariat at SHAPE may be an option (as a host site for several practical reasons if a nation NATO is willing to be the host (host does not equate to lead) VNCs work for their nations, not a supra national body. Majority may rule…incentive to remain in synch may or may not provide enough influence over national US (and NATO NCS) train and equip priorities and schedules. Those are national sovereign choices. Based on Figures 6, 7, 9, and 10 of the US FMN 90 Day Study Red lines are Security related guidance and feedback Blue lines are JMEI guidance and feedback Light blue block arrows are FMN/MPE JMEI Template influence paths All the governance action within the US takes place in the upper left hand corner of this slide. Nations train and equip and conduct “IAV” activities based on their willingness to comply with MPE/ FMN JMIE template products generated by an FMN Secretariat. (Joining, Membership, and Exiting Instructions) IAV effectiveness is increase many-fold by collaboration and coordination with other IAV-like bodies already in place within other nations and NATO (NCIA is NATO IAV POC). O.S.C.E. Charter; Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe. Rotational and Volunteer Leadership…”No one nation in charge”. FMN Secretariat: Meet quarterly as called by volunteer rotational leadership (one year? tenure). Leadership responsible for calling meetings, recording meeting results, archiving and publication of FMN JMEI Template Membership determined by whomever wishes to contribute a voice to JMEI Template deliberate coordinated change process. FMN/MPE JMEI Template documents contain the minimum criteria for establishment of a trusted federation of networks at a security classification other than national / NATO Secret. Contents address technical, IA, Security elements of connecting networks as well as criteria for establishing human to human communications by leveraging six core services. FMN/MPE Secretariat products are not consensus based but any decision to remain static or make and update to FMN/MPE JMEI Template criteria on the part of an individual nation or group of nations must consider the collective impact on ability of any JMEI Template adherent to connect to future coalition events supported by a federation of networks. Over time the number and identity of FMN/MPE JMEI Template compliant nations will change according to national train and equip priorities vis a vis investment in FMN / MPE JMEI Template criteria compliance. FMN / MPE MEI Templates inform national “train and equip” governance and resource allocation bodies as well as decision makers. Event / Mission Leads utilize FMN / MPE JMEI Templates to create specific JMEI tailored for their respective event based on type of activity and task objective, number and nature of coalition participants, Guidance and Intentions, etc. CIAV within a mission ensures “Do no harm” with regard to ANY changes to any national extension within a specific coalition federation of networks vis a vis ability of coalition forces to support commander’s vision to achieve mission objective. (It is not likely nations will support establishment of as CIAV for an event such as exercises, experiment, test or training event. CIAV activities are and have been accomplished in Initial, Main and Planning Conference venues for these events.) CIAV within a mission also compares mission threads collected from all network contributing nations to conduct analysis as to how best leverage material and non-materiel DOTMLPF each network contributing nation brings to the mission to support Mission Commander objectives. CIAV within a mission is staffed by representatives of each network contributing nation plus representative of the mission lead CJTF QH CJ6. IAV Influence organization and staffing within a nation is up to the nation. Today IAV influence in the US is a combination of JITC and DISA, within NATO it is NCIA. Event Secretariat is the mechanism via which nations apply to join a coalition federation of networks. The mission specific Secretariat coordinates JMEI compliance assessment with the joining nation, mission lead HQ and nations already participating in a coalition federation of networks. This includes IA and Security accreditation.
MPE Mission Partner & Operational Employment Governance Structure Internal National / NATO NCS Governance This upper left diagram combines all the National “train and equip” activities described on the preceding slides. In other words, this is the process and governance by which the US (or other nation) will train and equip US HQs and US joint forces. Train and equip includes exercises, experiments, test and training events as well as coalition mission experience(s). FMN/MPE JMEI Template documents Nation or NATO NCS Train and Equip HQs and Forces National / NATO IAV Influence Nation or NATO NCS Train and Equip HQs and Forces National / NATO IAV Influence Nation or NATO NCS Train and Equip HQs and Forces National / NATO IAV Influence Nation or NATO NCS Train and Equip HQs and Forces National / NATO CIAV Influence Inter-CIAV Organization Coordination and Collaboration IAV Influence in US today is staffed by DISA and JITC, within NATO by NCIA Above this line “governance” is limited to “coalition of the willing” The term “Governance” applies only within US DoD Processes and Command Structure AND the willingness of US national leadership to comply with FMN/MPE JMEI template criteria during train and equip process Based on Figures 6, 7, 9, and 10 of the US FMN 90 Day Study Red lines are Security related guidance and feedback Blue lines are JMEI guidance and feedback Light blue block arrows are FMN/MPE JMEI Template influence paths All the governance action within the US takes place in the upper left hand corner of this slide. Nations train and equip and conduct “IAV” activities based on their willingness to comply with MPE/ FMN JMIE template products generated by an FMN Secretariat. (Joining, Membership, and Exiting Instructions) IAV effectiveness is increase many-fold by collaboration and coordination with other IAV-like bodies already in place within other nations and NATO (NCIA is NATO IAV POC). O.S.C.E. Charter; Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe. Rotational and Volunteer Leadership…”No one nation in charge”. FMN Secretariat: Meet quarterly as called by volunteer rotational leadership (one year? tenure). Leadership responsible for calling meetings, recording meeting results, archiving and publication of FMN JMEI Template Membership determined by whomever wishes to contribute a voice to JMEI Template deliberate coordinated change process. FMN/MPE JMEI Template documents contain the minimum criteria for establishment of a trusted federation of networks at a security classification other than national / NATO Secret. Contents address technical, IA, Security elements of connecting networks as well as criteria for establishing human to human communications by leveraging six core services. FMN/MPE Secretariat products are not consensus based but any decision to remain static or make and update to FMN/MPE JMEI Template criteria on the part of an individual nation or group of nations must consider the collective impact on ability of any JMEI Template adherent to connect to future coalition events supported by a federation of networks. Over time the number and identity of FMN/MPE JMEI Template compliant nations will change according to national train and equip priorities vis a vis investment in FMN / MPE JMEI Template criteria compliance. FMN / MPE MEI Templates inform national “train and equip” governance and resource allocation bodies as well as decision makers. Event / Mission Leads utilize FMN / MPE JMEI Templates to create specific JMEI tailored for their respective event based on type of activity and task objective, number and nature of coalition participants, Guidance and Intentions, etc. CIAV within a mission ensures “Do no harm” with regard to ANY changes to any national extension within a specific coalition federation of networks vis a vis ability of coalition forces to support commander’s vision to achieve mission objective. (It is not likely nations will support establishment of as CIAV for an event such as exercises, experiment, test or training event. CIAV activities are and have been accomplished in Initial, Main and Planning Conference venues for these events.) CIAV within a mission also compares mission threads collected from all network contributing nations to conduct analysis as to how best leverage material and non-materiel DOTMLPF each network contributing nation brings to the mission to support Mission Commander objectives. CIAV within a mission is staffed by representatives of each network contributing nation plus representative of the mission lead CJTF QH CJ6. IAV Influence organization and staffing within a nation is up to the nation. Today IAV influence in the US is a combination of JITC and DISA, within NATO it is NCIA. Event Secretariat is the mechanism via which nations apply to join a coalition federation of networks. The mission specific Secretariat coordinates JMEI compliance assessment with the joining nation, mission lead HQ and nations already participating in a coalition federation of networks. This includes IA and Security accreditation.
MPE Mission Partner & Operational Employment Governance Structure “Governance” applies to each of the triangles below in as much as each coalition event will have a lead or a commander who “sets the rules and business processes for a particular event. COMISAF and NATO provide foundation for AMN federation governance, this “command” or “lead” authority over resources of another mission partner does not exist external to a coalition event. Participation in an event is a political choice Whether or not to contribute a national extension network to a federation of networks supporting a specific coalition event is also a political decision, followed by technical and operational actions. Above this line “governance” is limited to “coalition of the willing” Product: FMN/MPE JMEI Template documents Specific Event / Mission Governance Construct Security Board Event or Mission 1 Lead (Nation / NATO NCS) Event / Mission Specific JMEI / CONOPS / NETOPS Event / Mission 1 Secretariat CJTF CJ6 & National Network Contributing Reps CJTF HQ Federated Network Ops Center CIAV CIAV is staffed by CJTF HQ CJ6 & National Network Contributing Reps Based on Figures 6, 7, 9, and 10 of the US FMN 90 Day Study Red lines are Security related guidance and feedback Blue lines are JMEI guidance and feedback Light blue block arrows are FMN/MPE JMEI Template influence paths All the governance action within the US takes place in the upper left hand corner of this slide. Nations train and equip and conduct “IAV” activities based on their willingness to comply with MPE/ FMN JMIE template products generated by an FMN Secretariat. (Joining, Membership, and Exiting Instructions) IAV effectiveness is increase many-fold by collaboration and coordination with other IAV-like bodies already in place within other nations and NATO (NCIA is NATO IAV POC). O.S.C.E. Charter; Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe. Rotational and Volunteer Leadership…”No one nation in charge”. FMN Secretariat: Meet quarterly as called by volunteer rotational leadership (one year? tenure). Leadership responsible for calling meetings, recording meeting results, archiving and publication of FMN JMEI Template Membership determined by whomever wishes to contribute a voice to JMEI Template deliberate coordinated change process. FMN/MPE JMEI Template documents contain the minimum criteria for establishment of a trusted federation of networks at a security classification other than national / NATO Secret. Contents address technical, IA, Security elements of connecting networks as well as criteria for establishing human to human communications by leveraging six core services. FMN/MPE Secretariat products are not consensus based but any decision to remain static or make and update to FMN/MPE JMEI Template criteria on the part of an individual nation or group of nations must consider the collective impact on ability of any JMEI Template adherent to connect to future coalition events supported by a federation of networks. Over time the number and identity of FMN/MPE JMEI Template compliant nations will change according to national train and equip priorities vis a vis investment in FMN / MPE JMEI Template criteria compliance. FMN / MPE MEI Templates inform national “train and equip” governance and resource allocation bodies as well as decision makers. Event / Mission Leads utilize FMN / MPE JMEI Templates to create specific JMEI tailored for their respective event based on type of activity and task objective, number and nature of coalition participants, Guidance and Intentions, etc. CIAV within a mission ensures “Do no harm” with regard to ANY changes to any national extension within a specific coalition federation of networks vis a vis ability of coalition forces to support commander’s vision to achieve mission objective. (It is not likely nations will support establishment of as CIAV for an event such as exercises, experiment, test or training event. CIAV activities are and have been accomplished in Initial, Main and Planning Conference venues for these events.) CIAV within a mission also compares mission threads collected from all network contributing nations to conduct analysis as to how best leverage material and non-materiel DOTMLPF each network contributing nation brings to the mission to support Mission Commander objectives. CIAV within a mission is staffed by representatives of each network contributing nation plus representative of the mission lead CJTF QH CJ6. IAV Influence organization and staffing within a nation is up to the nation. Today IAV influence in the US is a combination of JITC and DISA, within NATO it is NCIA. Event Secretariat is the mechanism via which nations apply to join a coalition federation of networks. The mission specific Secretariat coordinates JMEI compliance assessment with the joining nation, mission lead HQ and nations already participating in a coalition federation of networks. This includes IA and Security accreditation. Network Contributing Nation(s) REL Event Classification Environment National Forces / Embedded Operational Users Event / Mission 1 Governance Body
MPE Mission Partner & Operational Employment Governance Structure Internal National / NATO NCS Governance “Collection of Willing Nations” FMN/MPE JMEI Template Management Secretariat Leadership is Rotational and Voluntary Standing Future Mission Network “Governance” Body Nation or NATO NCS Train and Equip HQs and Forces National / NATO IAV Influence FMN/MPE JMEI Template documents Nation or NATO NCS Train and Equip HQs and Forces National / NATO CIAV Influence Nation or NATO NCS Train and Equip HQs and Forces National / NATO IAV Influence Nation or NATO NCS Train and Equip HQs and Forces National / NATO IAV Influence Inter-CIAV Organization Coordination and Collaboration Design and Change Operational Users Security Board IAV Influence in US today is staffed by DISA and JITC, within NATO by NCIA Product: FMN/MPE JMEI Template documents Above this line “governance” is limited to “coalition of the willing” Specific Event / Mission Governance Construct Security Board Event or Mission 1 Lead (Nation / NATO NCS) Security Board Event or Mission 2 Lead (Nation / NATO NCS) Event / Mission Specific JMEI / CONOPS / NETOPS Event / Mission Specific JMEI / CONOPS / NETOPS Event / Mission 1 Secretariat CJTF CJ6 & National Network Contributing Reps Event / Mission 2 Secretariat CJTF CJ6 & National Network Contributing Reps CJTF HQ Federated Network Ops Center CJTF HQ Federated Network Ops Center CIAV CIAV is staffed by CJTF HQ CJ6 & National Network Contributing Reps CIAV CIAV is staffed by CJTF HQ CJ6 & National Network Contributing Reps Based on Figures 6, 7, 9, and 10 of the US FMN 90 Day Study Red lines are Security related guidance and feedback Blue lines are JMEI guidance and feedback Light blue block arrows are FMN/MPE JMEI Template influence paths All the governance action within the US takes place in the upper left hand corner of this slide. Nations train and equip and conduct “IAV” activities based on their willingness to comply with MPE/ FMN JMIE template products generated by an FMN Secretariat. (Joining, Membership, and Exiting Instructions) IAV effectiveness is increase many-fold by collaboration and coordination with other IAV-like bodies already in place within other nations and NATO (NCIA is NATO IAV POC). O.S.C.E. Charter; Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe. Rotational and Volunteer Leadership…”No one nation in charge”. FMN Secretariat: Meet quarterly as called by volunteer rotational leadership (one year? tenure). Leadership responsible for calling meetings, recording meeting results, archiving and publication of FMN JMEI Template Membership determined by whomever wishes to contribute a voice to JMEI Template deliberate coordinated change process. FMN/MPE JMEI Template documents contain the minimum criteria for establishment of a trusted federation of networks at a security classification other than national / NATO Secret. Contents address technical, IA, Security elements of connecting networks as well as criteria for establishing human to human communications by leveraging six core services. FMN/MPE Secretariat products are not consensus based but any decision to remain static or make and update to FMN/MPE JMEI Template criteria on the part of an individual nation or group of nations must consider the collective impact on ability of any JMEI Template adherent to connect to future coalition events supported by a federation of networks. Over time the number and identity of FMN/MPE JMEI Template compliant nations will change according to national train and equip priorities vis a vis investment in FMN / MPE JMEI Template criteria compliance. FMN / MPE MEI Templates inform national “train and equip” governance and resource allocation bodies as well as decision makers. Event / Mission Leads utilize FMN / MPE JMEI Templates to create specific JMEI tailored for their respective event based on type of activity and task objective, number and nature of coalition participants, Guidance and Intentions, etc. CIAV within a mission ensures “Do no harm” with regard to ANY changes to any national extension within a specific coalition federation of networks vis a vis ability of coalition forces to support commander’s vision to achieve mission objective. (It is not likely nations will support establishment of as CIAV for an event such as exercises, experiment, test or training event. CIAV activities are and have been accomplished in Initial, Main and Planning Conference venues for these events.) CIAV within a mission also compares mission threads collected from all network contributing nations to conduct analysis as to how best leverage material and non-materiel DOTMLPF each network contributing nation brings to the mission to support Mission Commander objectives. CIAV within a mission is staffed by representatives of each network contributing nation plus representative of the mission lead CJTF QH CJ6. IAV Influence organization and staffing within a nation is up to the nation. Today IAV influence in the US is a combination of JITC and DISA, within NATO it is NCIA. Event Secretariat is the mechanism via which nations apply to join a coalition federation of networks. The mission specific Secretariat coordinates JMEI compliance assessment with the joining nation, mission lead HQ and nations already participating in a coalition federation of networks. This includes IA and Security accreditation. Network Contributing Nation(s) Network Contributing Nation(s) REL Event Classification Environment National Forces / Embedded Operational Users National Forces / Embedded Operational Users REL Event Classification Environment Event / Mission 1 Governance Body Event / Mission 2 Governance Body
Challenge: US MPE Management Influence on US “Train and Equip” Processes Internal National Governance Nation or NATO NCS Train and Equip HQs and Forces National / NATO IAV Influence Nation or NATO NCS Train and Equip HQs and Forces National / NATO IAV Influence FMN/MPE JMEI Template documents US Train and Equip Nation or NATO NCS Train and Equip HQs and Forces National / NATO IAV Influence Inter-CIAV Organization Coordination and Collaboration Dashed lines denote “no direct authority”, only willing collaboration US National CIAV Influence HQs and Forces CIAV Influence in US today is respectively staffed and coordinated by DISA and JITC, within NATO by NCIA External Engagement Train and equip actors: Title 10 Services and SOCOM, Title 50 Intel Community, Title 14 US Coast Guard, Title 32 National Guard and Air National Guard, etc. DISA has “Joint” and “Enterprise” support role. *Denotes Prioritized Category from US FMN 90-Day Study
MPE JMEI Development & Validation Flow Chart US FMN 90 Day Study Figure 7 Coalition Nations Prioritized by those that provide Combat Power, Logistics, BOG*, etc. Mission, Exercise, Training Event CCMD Standardization JMEI** Template MPE U.S. Components CIAV*** Bi-lats Allies, Partners Systems, Applications, Services Regional Accommodation Systems, Applications, Services Exercise / OPLAN Validation Event JMEI The process flows top to bottom with a feedback loop to complete the cycle. Upper right: An event is conceived: Identification of: Event Objectives Lead Organization, Command Structure and Relationships, Mission Partners. An event is a coalition mission, exercise, experiment, test or training event Top Gray Bubble: Discussions conducted with Mission Partners to identify and coordinate details of coalition event objectives and synchronization of national contributions to meet event objectives Connection JMEI are used to establish a trusted federated network environment at a specific event security level for nations electing to contribute a network and willing to meet minimum technical, IA, Security and Core Service criteria The Connection JMEI are standardized across all US CCDRs to enable reuse in any mission or event environment by US joint forces and mission partners US Services (Components to CCDRs) and Mission train and equip to FMN concept tenets to use extant DOTMLPF in a mission environment [in addition to national secret] A CIAV process influences and facilitates US and Mission Partner capability developers to conduct interoperability and interface assessments to establish DOTMLPF cross mapping of capabilities that support mission threads Employment of US and Mission Partner DOTMLP capabilities are influences and tailored to geographic region as well as specific event and mission partner constraints OPLANs and Exercises designed to validate OPLANs are informed and shaped by results of DOTMLPF “Train and Equip” Combination of collective event participant capabilities, ability to form a trusted a federated network to leverage the power of the net to meet event objectives and OPLAN and OPLAN Validation Exercises inform the specifics of an Event JMEI which lays out technical, Security, IA, and TTP standards and expectations for the event. Identification of event security classification caveat, C4ISR and mission support processes and Information Exchange Requirement directed by the event commander in support of CCIRs. A nation or mission partner either meets the criteria as articulated in the Connection JMEI and Event JMEI or is not allowed to connect their national network contribution to the federation. Completed JMEI and OPLAN and used to execute event Feedback from event informs the CCDR standardization process and engagement with mission partners regarding coordinated and deliberate change [update] of the Connections JMEI. * Boots on the Ground **Joining, Membership & Exit Instructions ***Coalition Interoperability, Assurance & Validation Feedback J3 Mission Partner Advance Planning versus Crisis Reaction
Specific Mission [Event] Governance Construct (Notional) US FMN 90 Day Study Figure 6 Network Contributing Mission Partners
Management Functions FMN / MPE Secretariat Voluntary and Rotational chair Duties: Schedule and host meetings, document meeting proceedings, archival, management and publication of FMN / MPE JMEI template documents Membership consists of nations desiring to contribute voice to shape content, context and rate of change of FMN / MPE JMEI template documents Content and context to establish minimum criteria with which to establish trusted federation of networks for specific events and missions Functions: Coordinate deliberate and coordinated change of FMN / MPE JMEI template documents Prioritize / coordinate activities of Working Groups FMN / MPE JMEI templates describe best practices to join networks contributed by nations to form a trusted federated environment at a classification level specific to a coalition event.
Event or Mission Secretariat Management Functions Event or Mission Secretariat Chaired by mission [event] lead Membership consists of network contributing nations Functions: Prioritize / coordinate activities of Working Groups Governance, policy setting and legal Primary point of contact Facilitate, coordinate joining, sustainment actions and exiting of network contributing mission partners (nations) Event JMEI management and coordinated update Feedback to national rep to MPE/FMN Secretariat JMEI Ownership is Event Lead
Who: Network contributing nations Governance Functions Operational Users Who: Network contributing nations Op business processes (mission threads and architectures) Provide to mission [event] lead for use in CIAV processes Capability gap / requirements management Coalition Tactics Techniques and Procedures Training Requirements Information Management Policy
Design and Change (Architecture) Governance Functions Design and Change (Architecture) Who: Mission or Event lead HQ CJ6 supported by mission Network Operations Center (NOC) Design Authority Maintenance of Standards Maintenance of baseline architecture Maintenance of patterns and templates Change Impact Assessment Forward Release Plan Forward Schedule Change
Design and Change (Service Management) Governance Functions Design and Change (Service Management) Who: Mission or Event lead HQ Network Operations Center (NOC) Publish mission or event NETOPS Determine and enforce service management and control of policy and procedures Review issues associated with service management and control raised by the operating authority
Mission or Event Design and Change (Change Advisory Board) Governance Functions Mission or Event Design and Change (Change Advisory Board) Who: Mission or Event lead and Higher HQ as applicable Assess changes for accreditation Authorize partner nations joining the network Authorize changes to the architecture Responsible to trigger CIAV activities Headed by the operating authority for the event lead HQ core network
Governance Functions Mission [Event] Coalition Interoperability Assurance and Validation (CIAV) Who: Chaired by lead nation HQ, staffed by representatives from network contributing nations Functions Interoperability Assurance and Validation (A&V) (collects and compares operational threads / architecture changes provided by network contributing nations) Assess validity of CTTPs to support mission commander objectives Report capabilities and limitations to Operational Users based on A&V activities Provide and maintain the A&V environment It is not expected that a CIAV would be established for an exercise, experiment test or training event. However, CIAV functions and activities are accomplished throughout the event planning conference series (IPC, MPC, FPC) and associated syndicates or working groups.
Security Board (enduring within a nation) Governance Functions Security Board (enduring within a nation) Who: National security and network compliance and accreditation organizations Determine security requirements for core and partner nations Determine whether CJTF HQ and supporting force cores meet FMN / MPE JMEI template security requirements Enforcement of security policy against change management activities Review architectural changes affecting the security domain Oversight and management of all Information and Network Assurance activities
Security Board (mission specfic) Governance Functions Security Board (mission specfic) Who: Mission or Event lead and Higher HQ as applicable Determine mission [event] specific security and IA requirements for CJTF HQ core and network contributing nations, publish in mission JMEI documents Determine joining nation cores meet mission JMEI template security requirements Enforcement of security and IA policy against change management activities Review architectural changes affecting the security and IA environment within specific mission or event federation of networks Oversight and management of all Information and Network Assurance activities within specific mission or event federation of networks
Security Board (mission specific continued) Governance Functions Security Board (mission specific continued) Who: Mission or Event lead and Higher HQ as applicable Evaluate security requirements based on threat level Validate that network contributing nations meet security requirements prior to joining and throughout mission or event Define the information sharing domain and release criteria Review security incidents reported by the operational authority (lead nation / agency)