Chapter 6 Unit Questions How do we use Geometric ideas in Algebra? How do we use probability in Algebra?
Open Learning Logs Date on Left…Section 6 – 8 on right
Warm – Up Answer true or false for 1 – 4. You may have to guess. 1.The unit of money in Mauritius is the rupee. 2.The Prime Minister of Canada in 1900 was Laurier. 3.Stan Jok played baseball for the Boston Red Sox. 4.Hanna Van Buren’s maiden name was Hoes. 5.How many different ways could you have answered these four questions?
Section 8 How do we use the Multiplication Counting Principle?
Homework Check
Multiplication Counting Principle Definition: If 1 choice is made in m ways and a 2nd choice is made in n ways, then there are mn ways of making the 1st choice followed by the 2nd choice
In a Math Contest… A team is made of exactly 1 Student and 1 Teacher The TEACHERS – Mr. Quill & Mrs. Price The STUDENTS – Alice, Bert, Carol, Denise and Ellen How many teams of student/teacher can we have? LIST THE TEAMS AND COUNT ‘EM UP QA QB QC QD QE PA PB PC PD PE Looks like 10…Hmmm…. 2 teachers… 5 students… 10 teams
Valley View Special Weekend Breakfasts! Choose exactly one from each category… Eggs - ScrambledFriedPoached Meat - BaconSausage Juice -OrangeGrapefruitTomato How many different orders can be placed? Using the Multiplication Counting Principle then, = 18 different orders! LIST THEM!
Carl goes to summer camp for 10 days! Lucky dog! It is sunny 7 days and rainy 3 days. Each day he has a choice of exactly 1 activity…! If sunny:choice of 5 outside activities If rainy:choice of 2 inside activities How many ways can Carl choose? = ,000 Using powers, it’s the number of choices raised to the power of the number of times you must make the choice
Science test: 10 T/F and 15 Multiple Choice (4 choices) How many ways to answer the test? T/F has 2 possible choices and I must choose 10 times so… 2 10 Multiple Choice has 4 possible choices and I must choose 15 times so… 4 15 Altogether then… Q: How many of those will give you a 100%? = 1,099,511,627,776 different ways to answer the test.
Science test: t T/F and m Multiple Choice (4 choices) How many ways to answer the test? T/F has 2 possible choices and I must choose t times so… 2t2t Multiple Choice has 4 possible choices and I must choose m times so… 4m4m Altogether then… 2 t 4 m
Mr. Rogan Chapter test: 4Multiple Choice( r possible answers) 3Multiple Choice( t possible answers) 5True/False( 2 possible answers) Write an algebraic formula to calculate the total possible ways to answer the test. (Use C for total choices) C = r 4 t 3 2 5
Homework HoffmaSheet 6 – 8