Argo, GOOS & Google Earth Mathieu Belbeoch 15 th September 2010
2 Make sure to have google earth installed: Make sure to use latest version (check it in /Help menu in Google Earth) Once the link is opened succesfully in GE move the layer in your « My Places » (top left)
Aim: A tool for the GOOS community (RT monitoring, planning, cross checkings, data display/download, feedback on QC, beached instruments retrieval, etc) A tool to raise visibility of all contributions (Institutional/national) A tool for outreach (live demonstrations, float stories, photos, « adopt a float », …) A tool to display the ocean state (« climate change oriented ») => A tool to « materialize and humanize » the GOOS … 3
4 The ocean state (as seen by Argo floats) will be soon available (on a dozen of levels), + steric height. A tool useful for deployments planning
5 A cooperative effort: more than 100 data display products are served via many institutions, data centres, etc. Special partnership with JAMSTEC for products on individual obs.
6 Oceanographers are invited to tell stories about they preferred float, or ocean feature. Content will grow with the time and could be made multilingual. For now ~1 story per month and a new educational content coming thanks to EuroArgo: /euroargo/index.php
Steps forward: Promote it for a wide use and community feedback (please do not hesitate !) Re-contact Google and propose a partnership with IOC (for inclusion in Google Ocean) Ask eventually for technical support (to improve the content offer) … and why not ask for sponsoring ? It may be needed to go to Google Headquarters to « sell » the package as they are pretty hard to reach via /mail/phone. Make it more « climate change » oriented Generalize it for all GOOS elements … … for now, for the ones that are being coordinated within JCOMMOPS. 7