And So To Bed The main Idea: Although, people do not know why they have to sleep, sleeping is the vital for human.
Text Organization and Tone This “And So to Bed” article review in informative and critical style. The writer presents about the importance of sleeping when people don’t have enough sleep. The purpose of writer is to express the opinion on the importance of sleeping that many experiments support that the sleep deprivation can make people the mental and physical problem including showing the many sleep disorders that can happen in human. This is why everybody needs enough time for sleeping with different amount of hours. Besides, nap is very useful for refreshment if people feel sleepy. Although drug will help us to live without enough sleep, everyone still need to sleep.
Text Organization and Tone (Cont.) The introductory part brings the reader to see that people are facing sleep deprivation after technology development. The body part shows the readers how important of sleeping by giving many examples of research about sleep deprivation by experiments of both human and mouse models research. The writer also confidently ends that we do not know why we have to sleep but we cannot live without it.
I.Enough sleep is important. A. Most people spend nearly a third of their lives asleep. B. We are living in “sleep-sick society”. 1. Exxon Valdez spilled crude oil in NASA Space Shuttle blew up in Nuclear accidents at Chernobyl in 1986 C. Sleep deprivation 1. Road accidents 2. Impaired performance D. 2 types of Sleep 1. REM (Rapid Eye Movement) Sleep 2. Non-REM Sleep
II.Sleeping Necessity. A. Sleep-deprivation. 1. People become less effective-more tired. 2. Miserable, confused and suggestible, and may kill them B. Experiment of rats of Allan Rechtschaffen and his colleagues. 1. Totally sleep-deprived - died within 2 or 3 weeks 2. Get some non-REM sleep but no REM sleep – live twice as long but still died, after sexual hyperactivity 3. Get some sleep of both sorts – survived 4. Immune system failure
III.The time is needed for sleeping. A. The time to survive without sleeping 1. Fatal familial imsomnia died in 9-18 months. 2. Chris Idzikowski thinks it might take a year of sleep deprivation to kill human. 3. Sleep Deprivation Experiment have stopped at max of 10 days. 4. Charles Lindbergh made non-stop flight across the Atlantic in 1927 for 33 ½ hours. B. Sleep-deprivation makes “sleep debt” C. “Multiple sleep latency test” by Mary Carskadon in 1970s. D. A reasonable amount of sleep is vital for health and well-being.
E. Everyone’s needs are different. 1. women > men. 2. younger > older 3. adolescents > adults 4. some need 5 or 6 hours; others need 8 or 9. IV.Demanding of sleeping. A. Daniel Kripke studied those who slept a lot more or less than that were more likely to die. B. Napping for refreshment C. Sleeping pill for insomnia
V.Awaking problem. A. Sleep disorders 1. Sleep apnoea (very short time wakefulness, hundreds time at one night, and snore loudly and finally stop breathing). 2. Restless-leg syndrome 3. Night terrors 4. Sleepwalking 5. Narcolepsy B. Drug Treatment for Narcolepsy called Modafinil. 1. Need more research for Modafinil.