The Celts were a tribe who originally came from Europe about two thousand years ago Around 500BC the Celts settled in Ireland, Wales, Scotland and the Isle of Man
There were two types of houses (a round house or a crannóg ) A crannóg was a type of enclosure built on either natural or artificial islands on rivers or lakes that could only be reached by a footbridge A round house is circular and made of either wickerwork, wood or stone with a thatched roof The houses would have been somewhere between six to twenty feet in diameter
Clothes were made from wool and dyed with natural vegetable dyes, plants or berries Women wore dresses or skirts that were normally floor length Men normally wore tunics, they were a simple T shape and worn at any length from knee to ankle Jewellery was worn a lot by the Celts, the wealthier Celts wore a lot of gold and silver Torcs were invented by the Celts and were worn by many Celts
There were no supermarkets when the Celts lived, so they went hunting to get their food They used quern stones to grind oats into oat flakes The quern stone was a Celtic invention and you could make many things using the quern stone including porridge and bread
Most Celts had a small number of animals, the more animals you had the more popularity you had Many fights and battles were caused because of people stealing each others animals The animals were normally kept in a pen outside but at night the owners would bring them inside Cows were their favourite type of animal because it produces milk and it has a lot of meat on it This picture shows where the animals sleep at night
The Celts made many great inventions, some we still use today Some of their inventions included= soap, the fiddle, the bagpipe, the Celtic harp, the long bow and Irish linen The Celts also made many great fairy tales that are still talked about now and will hopefully be talked about for many more years to come
Celts often battled to extend their land and have more power When the Men left to go to warrior training the Women would help with the farming and do most of the jobs that the Men would do When the Celts were in battle they sometimes put lime into their hair which made their hair very blond Before long the Celts became rich and most of their enemies had either fled, been killed or joined the Celts huge army Soon there was nobody to fight except from their selves so they started to battle against each others clan
Thanks for watching By Eoin Rooney