AfL Swimming Cards - Contents Slide NumberCard Title 1Contents 2Sculling 3Treading Water 4Front Crawl : Body Position & Leg Action 5Front Crawl : Arm Action, Breathing & Timing 6Front Crawl : Full Stroke 7Front Crawl : Peer Assessment Sheet 8Backstroke : Body Position & Leg Action 9Backstroke : Arm Action, Breathing & Timing 10Backstroke : Full Stroke 11Backstroke : Peer Assessment Sheet 12Breaststroke: Body Position & Leg Action 13Breaststroke : Arm Action, Breathing & Timing 14Breaststroke : Full Stroke 15Breaststroke : Peer Assessment Sheet 16Butterfly : Body Position & Leg Action 17Butterfly : Arm Action, Breathing & Timing 18Butterfly : Full Stroke 19Butterfly : Peer Assessment Sheet 20Diving 1 : Sitting & Kneeling Dives 21Diving 2 : Crouching & Standing Dives 22Diving 3 : Racing Dive 23Diving 4 : Competitive Start 24Touch Turns 25Tumble Turns 1 : Push & Glide with Forwards Roll 26Tumble Turns 2 : Kicking and Turning at the Wall 27Tumble Turns 3 : Glide into Wall and Turn 28Tumble Turns 4 : Glide into Wall, Turn & Twist 29Tumble Turns 5 : Full Tumble Turn 30Synchronized Swimming : Front Layout 31Synchronized Swimming : Back Layout 32Synchronized Swimming : Forwards Somersault 33Synchronized Swimming : Backwards Somersault 34Synchronized Swimming : Front Layout with Forwards Somersault 35Synchronized Swimming : Back Layout with Backwards Somersault 36Synchronized Swimming :
Success Criteria You need to be working at the same level for every skill to achieve it as a final level. Level 3Level 4Level 5 Scull head first for 5 meters. Scull head first for 10 meters+ in deep water. Scull feet first for 5 meters+ with arms overhead. Scull feet first for 10 meters+ in deep water. Learning Objective: To demonstrate an effective sculling action. Sculling is a basic skill for support or propulsion. The hands and arms move smoothly away from and towards the mid-line of the body: “Figure-of-8” is drawn. Hands flat. Fingers together. Continuous movement. Force is applied by pressing firmly against the water. How the hands and fingers are positioned determine the direction of support or travel. Flat Scull Standard Scull Reverse Scull
Success Criteria You need to be working at the same level for every skill to achieve it as a final level. Level 3Level 4Level 5 Tread water for 1 minute or more. Tread water for 2 minutes with one arm out of the water. Learning Objective: To demonstrate efficiency treading water. Treading water is a skill that enables you to remain vertical with your head out of the water. It is used in synchronised swimming & personal survival. Egg Beater Kick This is perhaps the most efficient technique. Technique: Sitting position in the water (back straight). Knees bent; thighs parallel to surface. The left foot kicks clockwise… Whilst the right foot kicks anti-clockwise. Legs never meet – when one is outside the mid- line of the body and the other is inside.
Success Criteria You need to be working at the same level for every skill to achieve it as a final level. Level 3Level 4Level 5Level 6Level 7 Show a good kicking action with a float. Swim 25m of recognisable front crawl unaided. Swim 50m with good technique. Swim 100m maintaining good technique. Swim 200m maintaining good technique. Swim one width unaided. Accurately describe good technique. Recognise strengths and weaknesses in performance Suggest ways for others to improve their performance. Make accurate analysis of performance, identifying how to improve. BODY POSITION 1. Horizontal and flat on front – streamlined. 2. Water level with eyebrows (look forwards and down). TIP: The water should be around your head – not covering it! 3. Feet just below the surface. LEG ACTION 1. Alternating, up and down action. 2. Long legs; soft knees. TIP: ‘Floppy feet’ will help make your kick more efficient. 3. Kick from hip (press down on the water with your thigh). Learning Objective: To perform the following in relation to frontcrawl 1.A good body position in the water. 2.An effective leg kicking action.
TIMING 1. Continuous, rhythmic stroke. 2. Breathe every 3 rd stroke. 3. Kicking balances the stroke. As long as your stroke flows, you won’t get this wrong. 4. Breathing should not disrupt the rhythm or flow of the stroke. BREATHING 1. Lay your ear on the water, turning your head to the side (where your arm is recovering over the water). 2. Your face should be back in the water by the time your hand is entering. ARM ACTION 1. Alternating action. 2. Press down on the water pulling under your body – touch your outer thigh with your thumb. 3. Lift your elbow high, bringing your hand out of the water… 4. …stretch forward, entering thumb and index finger first ahead of your shoulder. TIP: Keep your fingers close together to make swimming more efficient. Learning Objective: To perform the following in relation to frontcrawl 1.An effective arm action. 2.The correct breathing technique. 3.Full rhythmic stroke. Success Criteria You need to be working at the same level for every skill to achieve it as a final level. Level 3Level 4Level 5Level 6Level 7 Show a good kicking action with a float. Swim 25m of recognisable front crawl unaided. Swim 50m with good technique. Swim 100m maintaining good technique. Swim 200m maintaining good technique. Swim one width unaided. Accurately describe good technique. Recognise strengths and weaknesses in performance Suggest ways for others to improve their performance. Make accurate analysis of performance, identifying how to improve.
TIMING 1. Continuous, rhythmic stroke. 2. Breathe every 3 rd stroke. 3. Kicking balances the stroke. As long as your stroke flows, you won’t get this wrong. 4. Breathing should not disrupt the rhythm or flow of the stroke. Success Criteria : you need to be working at the same level for every skill to achieve it as a final level. Level 3Level 4Level 5Level 6Level 7 Show a good kicking action with a float. Swim 25m of recognisable front crawl unaided. Swim 50m with good technique. Swim 100m maintaining good technique. Swim 200m maintaining good technique. Swim one width unaided. Accurately describe good technique. Recognise strengths and weaknesses in performance Suggest ways for others to improve their performance. Make accurate analysis of performance, identifying how to improve. BODY POSITION 1. Horizontal and flat on front – streamlined. 2. Water level with eyebrows (look forwards and down). TIP: The water should be around your head – not covering it! 3. Feet just below the surface. LEG ACTION 1. Alternating, up and down action. 2. Long legs; soft knees. TIP: ‘Floppy feet’ will help make your kick more efficient. 3. Kick from hip (press down on the water with thigh). BREATHING 1. Lay your ear on the water, turning your head to the side (where your arm is recovering over the water). 2. Your face should be back in the water by the time your hand is entering. ARM ACTION 1. Alternating action. 2. Press down on the water pulling under your body – touch outer thigh with thumb. 3. Lift your elbow high, bringing your hand out of the water… 4. …stretch forward, entering thumb and index finger first ahead of your shoulder. TIP: Keep your fingers close together to make swimming more efficient. Learning Objective: To perform the front crawl… 1. Showing parts of the stroke e.g. body position, leg action, arm action. 2. Showing the full competitive stroke.
Success Criteria : you need to be working at the same level for every skill to achieve it as a final level. Level 3Level 4Level 5Level 6Level 7 Show a good kicking action with a float. Swim 25m of recognisable front crawl unaided. Swim 50m with good technique. Swim 100m maintaining good technique. Swim 200m maintaining good technique. Swim one width unaided. Accurately describe good technique. Recognise strengths and weaknesses in performance Suggest ways for others to improve their performance. Make accurate analysis of performance, identifying how to improve. Teaching Point or Notes Body Position Horizontal and flat on front – streamlined. Water level with eyebrows (looking forwards and down). Feet just below the surface. Leg Action Alternating, up and down action. Long legs with soft knees & floppy feet. Kicks from hip (pressing down on the water the thigh). Arm Action Presses down on the water pulling under the body – thumb brushes outer thigh. High elbow brings the hand out of the water. Forwards stretch, entering thumb and index finger first ahead of the shoulder. Fingers close together. Breathing Lays ear on the water, turning to the side where the arm is recovering over the water. Face is back in the water by the time the hand enters. Timing Continuous, rhythmic stroke Breathes every 3 rd stroke. Breathing does not disrupt the stroke.
Success Criteria You need to be working at the same level for every skill to achieve it as a final level. Level 3Level 4Level 5Level 6Level 7 Show a good kicking action with a float. Swim 25m of recognisable backstroke unaided. Swim 50m with good technique. Swim 100m maintaining good technique. Swim 200m maintaining good technique. Swim one width unaided. Accurately describe good technique. Recognise strengths and weaknesses in performance Suggest ways for others to improve their performance. Make accurate analysis of performance, identifying how to improve. BODY POSITION 1. Horizontal and flat on back – streamlined. 2. Head back (water should be around your head, not covering it). 3. Hips lifted. 4. Feet just below the surface. LEG ACTION 1. Alternating, up and down action. 2. Long legs; soft knees. TIP: ‘Floppy feet’ will help make your kick more efficient. 3. Kick from hip (press on the water with your thigh). 4. Keep knees below the surface. Learning Objective: To perform the following in relation to backstroke 1.A good body position in the water. 2.An effective leg kicking action.
TIMING 1. Continuous, rhythmic stroke 2. Kicking balances your stroke. As long as your stroke flows, you won’t get this wrong. 3. Breathing should not disrupt the rhythm or flow of the stroke. BREATHING 1. Steady breathing pattern. 2. Don’t hold your breath. ARM ACTION 1. Alternating action. 2. Bend elbow, pressing hand through the water close to the body. 3. Exit the water with thumb brushing outer thigh. 4. Straight arm recovery. 5. Turn arm to enter hand little finger first (palm out). 6. Brush ear with arm, entering hand in line with shoulder. TIP: Keep your fingers close together to make swimming more efficient. Learning Objective: To perform the following in relation to backstroke 1.An effective arm action. 2.The correct breathing technique. 3.Full rhythmic stroke. Success Criteria You need to be working at the same level for every skill to achieve it as a final level. Level 3Level 4Level 5Level 6Level 7 Show a good kicking action with a float. Swim 25m of recognisable backstroke unaided. Swim 50m with good technique. Swim 100m maintaining good technique. Swim 200m maintaining good technique. Swim one width unaided. Accurately describe good technique. Recognise strengths and weaknesses in performance Suggest ways for others to improve their performance. Make accurate analysis of performance, identifying how to improve.
TIMING 1. Continuous, rhythmic stroke. 2. Kicking balances your stroke. As long as your stroke flows, you won’t get this wrong. 3. Breathing should not disrupt the rhythm or flow of the stroke. Success Criteria : you need to be working at the same level for every skill to achieve it as a final level. Level 3Level 4Level 5Level 6Level 7 Show a good kicking action with a float. Swim 25m of recognisable backstroke unaided. Swim 50m with good technique. Swim 100m maintaining good technique. Swim 200m maintaining good technique. Swim one width unaided. Accurately describe good technique. Recognise strengths and weaknesses in performance Suggest ways for others to improve their performance. Make accurate analysis of performance, identifying how to improve. BODY POSITION 1. Horizontal and flat on back – streamlined. 2. Head back (water should be around your ears). 3. Hips lifted. 4. Feet just below the surface. LEG ACTION 1. Alternating, up and down action. 2. Long legs; soft knees. TIP: ‘Floppy feet’ will help make your kick more efficient. 3. Kick from hip (press on the water with thigh). 4. Keep knees below the waters surface. BREATHING 1. Steady breathing pattern. 2. Don’t hold your breath. ARM ACTION 1. Alternating action. 2. Bend elbow, pressing hand through the water close to the body. 3. Exit the water with thumb brushing outer thigh. 4. Straight arm recovery over the water. 5. Turn arm to enter hand into the water little finger first (palm out). 6. Brush ear with arm, entering hand in line with shoulder. TIP: Keep your fingers close together to make swimming more efficient. Learning Objective: To perform backstroke… 1. Showing parts of the stroke e.g. body position, leg action, arm action. 2. Showing the full competitive stroke.
Success Criteria : you need to be working at the same level for every skill to achieve it as a final level. Level 3Level 4Level 5Level 6Level 7 Show a good kicking action with a float. Swim 25m of recognisable backstroke unaided. Swim 50m with good technique. Swim 100m maintaining good technique. Swim 200m maintaining good technique. Swim one width unaided. Accurately describe good technique. Recognise strengths and weaknesses in performance Suggest ways for others to improve their performance. Make accurate analysis of performance, identifying how to improve. Teaching Point or Notes Body Position Horizontal and flat on back – streamlined. Head back (water should be around the head, not covering it). Hips lifted. Feet just below the surface. Leg Action Alternating, up and down action. Long legs with soft knees & floppy feet. Kicks from hip (pressing on the water with thigh). Knees below the waters surface. Arm Action Bent elbow, pressing hand through the water close to the body. Exits the water with thumb brushing outer thigh. Straight arm recovery over the water. Turns arm to enter hand into the water little finger first (palm out). Brushes ear with arm, entering hand in line with shoulder. Breathing Keeps a steady breathing pattern. Doesn’t hold their breath. Timing Continuous, rhythmic stroke. Breathing does not disrupt the rhythm or flow of the stroke.
Success Criteria You need to be working at the same level for every skill to achieve it as a final level. Level 3Level 4Level 5Level 6Level 7 Show a good kicking action with a float. Swim 25m with good technique. Swim 50-75m maintaining good technique. Swim 100m maintaining good technique. Accurately describe good technique. Recognise strengths and weaknesses in performance Suggest ways for others to improve their performance. Make accurate analysis of performance, identifying how to improve. BODY POSITION 1. Horizontal on front – streamlined. 2. Slight downward incline from head to feet. 3. Head still, looking forward and down. LEG ACTION 1. Draw heels together into bottom (knees point down, not forward). 2. Turn feet outward. 3. Whip legs out and back to draw a circle with your heels. 4. Squeeze ankles together to finish the kick. 1231/23 4 Learning Objective: To perform the following in relation to breaststroke 1.A good body position in the water. 2.An effective leg kicking action.
TIMING 1. Pull & Breathe Kick Glide (as arms shoot forward) (hold for 2) 2. Breathe on every stroke. 3. The stroke should be rhythmic. BREATHING 1. As the hands press down and out, the upper body is lifted out of the water…this is when you breathe. ARM ACTION 1. Press hands down and out to just over shoulder width apart. 2. Squeeze hands up and in to just below chest. 3. Shoot hands forward together (quickly!). Learning Objective: To perform the following in relation to breaststroke 1.An effective arm action. 2.The correct breathing technique. 3.Full rhythmic stroke. Success Criteria You need to be working at the same level for every skill to achieve it as a final level. Level 3Level 4Level 5Level 6Level 7 Show a good kicking action with a float. Swim 25m with good technique. Swim 50-75m maintaining good technique. Swim 100m maintaining good technique. Accurately describe good technique. Recognise strengths and weaknesses in performance Suggest ways for others to improve their performance. Make accurate analysis of performance, identifying how to improve.
TIMING 1. Pull & Breathe Kick Glide (as arms shoot forward) (hold for 2) 2. Breathe on every stroke. 3. The stroke should be rhythmic. Success Criteria : you need to be working at the same level for every skill to achieve it as a final level. Level 3Level 4Level 5Level 6Level 7 Show a good kicking action with a float. Swim 25m with good technique. Swim 50-75m maintaining good technique. Swim 100m maintaining good technique. Accurately describe good technique. Recognise strengths and weaknesses in performance Suggest ways for others to improve their performance. Make accurate analysis of performance, identifying how to improve. BODY POSITION 1. Horizontal on front – streamlined. 2. Slight downward incline from head to feet. 3. Head still, looking forward and down. LEG ACTION 1. Draw heels together into bottom (knees point down, not forward). 2. Turn feet outward. 3. Whip legs out and back to draw a circle with your heels. 4. Squeeze ankles together to finish the kick. BREATHING 1. As the hands press down and out, the upper body is lifted out of the water…this is when you breathe. ARM ACTION 1. Press hands down and out to just over shoulder width apart. 2. Squeeze hands up and in to just below chest. 3. Shoot hands forward together (quickly!). 1231/23 4 Learning Objective: To perform breaststroke… 1. Showing parts of the stroke e.g. body position, leg action, arm action. 2. Showing the full competitive stroke.
Success Criteria You need to be working at the same level for every skill to achieve it as a final level. Level 3Level 4Level 5Level 6Level 7 Show a good kicking action with a float. Swim 25m with good technique. Swim 50-75m maintaining good technique. Swim 100m maintaining good technique. Accurately describe good technique. Recognise strengths and weaknesses in performance Suggest ways for others to improve their performance. Make accurate analysis of performance, identifying how to improve. Teaching Point or Notes Body Position Horizontal on front – streamlined. Slight downward incline from head to feet. Head still, looking forward and down. Leg Action Heels draw together into bottom (knees point down, not forward). Feet turn outward. Legs whip out and back to draw a circle with heels. Ankles squeeze together to finish the kick. Arm Action Hands press down and out to just over shoulder width apart. Hands squeeze up and in to just below chest. Hands shoot forward together (quickly!) Breathing As hands press down and out, the upper body is lifted out of the water to breathe. Breathes on every stroke. Timing Pull & Breathe Kick Glide Rhythmic stroke
Success Criteria You need to be working at the same level for every skill to achieve it as a final level. Level 3Level 4Level 5Level 6Level 7 Show a good kicking action with a float. Swim 25m with good technique. Swim 50m maintaining good technique. Swim 100m maintaining good technique. Swim one width of kick unaided. Accurately describe good technique. Recognise strengths and weaknesses in performance Suggest ways for others to improve their performance. Make accurate analysis of performance, identifying how to improve. LEG ACTION 1. Simultaneous up and down action. 2. Legs together. 3. Kick from hip – drive with the thigh. BODY POSITION 1. Horizontal on front – streamlined. 2. Slight downward incline from head to feet. 3. Head still, looking forward and down. Learning Objective: To perform the following in relation to butterfly 1.A good body position in the water. 2.An effective leg kicking action.
TIMING 1. Stroke should be rhythmic. 2. Kick once as arms enter the water. 3. Kick again as arm exit the water behind you. 4. Breathe every 2-3 strokes. BREATHING 1. Chin pushes out (extend neck) to breathe forwards as hands squeeze up and back. 2. Your face should be back in the water before the hands enter. ARM ACTION 1. Press hands down and out to just over shoulder width apart. 2. Squeeze hands up and in to just below the tummy button. 3. Straighten arms backward to flick hands up and out the water behind you – palms upward. 4. Swing arms around the side, low to the water. 5. Arms turn as they swing so that… 6. …thumbs enter the water first, ahead of the shoulders. Learning Objective: To perform the following in relation to butterfly 1.An effective arm action. 2.The correct breathing technique. 3.Full rhythmic stroke. Success Criteria You need to be working at the same level for every skill to achieve it as a final level. Level 3Level 4Level 5Level 6Level 7 Show a good kicking action with a float. Swim 25m with good technique. Swim 50m maintaining good technique. Swim 100m maintaining good technique. Swim one width of kick unaided. Accurately describe good technique. Recognise strengths and weaknesses in performance Suggest ways for others to improve their performance. Make accurate analysis of performance, identifying how to improve.
TIMING 1. Stroke should be rhythmic. 2. Kick once as arms enter the water. 3. Kick again as arm exit the water behind you. 4. Breathe every 2-3 strokes. Success Criteria : you need to be working at the same level for every skill to achieve it as a final level. Level 3Level 4Level 5Level 6Level 7 Show a good kicking action with a float. Swim 25m with good technique. Swim 50m maintaining good technique. Swim 100m maintaining good technique. Swim one width of kick unaided. Accurately describe good technique. Recognise strengths and weaknesses in performance Suggest ways for others to improve their performance. Make accurate analysis of performance, identifying how to improve. LEG ACTION 1. Simultaneous up and down action. 2. Legs together. 3. Kick from hip – drive with thigh. BREATHING 1. Chin pushes out (extend neck) to breathe forwards as hands squeeze up and back. 2. Your face should be back in the water before the hands enter. ARM ACTION 1. Press hands down and out to just over shoulder width apart. 2. Squeeze hands up and in to just below the tummy button. 3. Straighten arms backward to flick hands up and out of the water behind you – palms upward. 4. Swing arms around the side, low to the water. 5. Arms turn as they swing so that… 6. …thumbs enter the water first, ahead of the shoulders. Learning Objective: To perform butterfly… 1. Showing parts of the stroke e.g. body position, leg action, arm action. 2. Showing the full competitive stroke. BODY POSITION 1. Horizontal on front – streamlined. 2. Slight downward incline from head to feet. 3. Head still, looking forward and down.
Success Criteria You need to be working at the same level for every skill to achieve it as a final level. Level 3Level 4Level 5Level 6Level 7 Show a good kicking action with a float. Swim 25m with good technique. Swim 50m maintaining good technique. Swim 100m maintaining good technique. Swim one width of kick unaided. Accurately describe good technique. Recognise strengths and weaknesses in performance Suggest ways for others to improve their performance. Make accurate analysis of performance, identifying how to improve. Teaching Point or Notes Body Position Horizontal on front – streamlined. Slight downward incline from head to feet. Head still, looking forward and down. Leg Action Simultaneous up and down action. Legs remain together. Kick from hip – drive with the thigh. Arm Action Hands press down and out to just over shoulder width apart. Hands squeeze up and in to just below the tummy button. Arms straighten backward to flick hands up and out of the water behind hips – palms upward. Arms swing around the side, low to the water. Arms turn as they swing so that… …thumbs enter the water first, ahead of the shoulders. Breathing Chin pushes out (extends neck) to breathe forwards as hands squeeze up and back. Face is back in the water before the hands enter. Timing Kicks once as arms enter the water. Breathes every 2-3 strokes. Rhythmic stroke.
Success Criteria You need to be working at the same level for every skill to achieve it as a final level. Level 3Level 4Level 5Level 6Level 7 Perform a sitting/crouching dive. Perform a standing dive. Perform a racing dive. Perform a competitive start. From kneeling 1. Kneel with one knee overhanging the pool edge: toes over the edge with the second foot. 2. Squeeze ears with arms: stretch forward and down. 3. Tuck chin onto chest. 4. Lower upper body forward and down, raising hips backward for entry. 5. Streamline away from wall. From sitting 1. Sit with knees bent and feet flat against the pool wall / on the rails. 2. Squeeze ears with arms: stretch forward and down. 3. Tuck chin onto chest. 4. Lower upper body forward, raising hips backward for entry. 5. Streamline away from wall. Learning Objective: To progress through the stages of diving: 1. From sitting. 2. From kneeling. Squeeze hands and ankles together for a good streamline.
Success Criteria You need to be working at the same level for every skill to achieve it as a final level. Level 3Level 4Level 5Level 6Level 7 Perform a sitting/crouching dive. Perform a standing dive. Perform a racing dive. Perform a competitive start. From standing 1. Stand with toes wrapped over the edge. 2. Bend knees and raise bottom up. 3. Squeeze ears with arms: stretch forward and down. 4. Look to entry point. 5. Spring forwards and up… 6. …Raise hips and straight legs backward for diagonal, hands first entry. 7. Streamline away underwater. From crouching 1. Stand with toes wrapped over the edge. 2. Bend knees and raise bottom up. 3. Squeeze ears with arms: stretch forward and down. 4. Tuck chin onto chest. 5. Lower upper body forward, raising hips and straight legs backward for entry. 6. Streamline away from the wall. Learning Objective: To progress through the stages of diving: 1. From crouching. 2. From standing. Squeeze hands and ankles together for a good streamline. Tight stomach and back muscles will help streamline better from a standing dive.
Success Criteria You need to be working at the same level for every skill to achieve it as a final level. Level 3Level 4Level 5Level 6Level 7 Perform a sitting/crouching dive. Perform a standing dive. Perform a racing dive. Perform a competitive start. Learning Objective: To perform a racing dive Squeeze hands and ankles together for a good streamline. “TAKE YOUR MARKS” 1. Walk forwards to stand with toes wrapped over the pool edge. 2. Bend knees and raise bottom up. 3. Place hands by toes. 4. Stay completely still. “GO” 1. Look to entry point. 2. Spring forwards and up… 3. …Raise hips and legs backward for diagonal, head first entry. 4. Streamline away underwater. Tight stomach and back muscles will help streamline better from a standing dive.
Success Criteria You need to be working at the same level for every skill to achieve it as a final level. Level 3Level 4Level 5Level 6Level 7 Perform a sitting/crouching dive. Perform a standing dive. Perform a racing dive. Perform a competitive start. Learning Objective: To perform a competitive front crawl start. Squeeze hands and ankles together for a good streamline. Tight stomach and back muscles will help streamline better from a dive. …into swim 1. Start kicking when your glide begins to slow (butterfly or front crawl kick). 2. Leading with your arms, move towards the surface. 3. Pull back with one arm (the underwater phase of front crawl). 4. Break the water behind you with this arm. 5. Recover over the water into frontcrawl. “TAKE YOUR MARKS” 1. Walk forwards to stand with toes wrapped over the pool edge. 2. Bend knees and raise bottom up. 3. Place hands by toes. 4. Stay completely still. “GO” 1. Look to entry point. 2. Spring forwards and up… 3. …Raise hips and legs backward for diagonal, head first entry. 4. Streamline away underwater.
Success Criteria You need to be working at the same level for every skill to achieve it as a final level. Level 3Level 4Level 5Level 6Level 7 Use touch turns as part of a 100m swim. Correctly use touch turns in 2 strokes as part of a 200m swim. Accurately use touch turns where appropriate as part of a 400m swim. Begin to use tumble turn when appropriate in a 200m swim. Accurately use tumble turns where appropriate as part of a 400m swim. Learning Objective: To perform a touch turn. 1. Start at the wall – streamlined position. 2a. Draw knees up and under the body. 2b. Drive one elbow back. 3. Extend arm to point down the pool. 4a. Watch your other hand pass over your head. 4b. To meet the hand extended behind you. 5. Drive away from the wall on your back – streamlined. 6. During the fastest phase of the glide, twist onto front and swim away…
Success Criteria You need to be working at the same level for every skill to achieve it as a final level. Level 3Level 4Level 5Level 6Level 7 Use touch turns as part of a 100m swim. Correctly use touch turns in 2 strokes as part of a 200m swim. Accurately use touch turns where appropriate as part of a 400m swim. Begin to use tumble turn when appropriate in a 200m swim. Accurately use tumble turns where appropriate as part of a 400m swim. Learning Objective: To perform stage 1 of the progressions into tumble turning. Make it easier: start your forwards roll after a short glide when you are travelling quickly through the water. Progression 1: Push & Glide Forwards Roll Make it harder: start your forwards roll after a longer glide when you are travelling slowly through the water. Push & Glide 1. Push away from floor or wall. 2. Stretch arms overhead, squeezing ears. 3. Travel face down through the water. 4. Straight legs, pointed toes. Forwards Roll 1. Tuck knees and chin in towards chest. 2. Sweep hands back and up in a circular motion to propel yourself upside down. 4. Once upside down, continue all the way round until upright. 5. Hands scull near sides to assist turn.
Learning Objective: To perform stage 2 of the progressions into tumble turning. Kicking at the Wall 1. Hold the rail with straight arms. 2. Alternating, up and down leg action. 3. Long legs; soft knees. 4. Kick from hip (press down on the water with your thigh). Turning at the Wall – Half a forwards roll. 1. Tuck chin and knees in to chest. 3. Sweep hands back to propel yourself upside down. 4. Continue round until on your back. 5. Hands scull near sides to assist turn. 6. Place feet firmly on the wall (legs should still be bent from the tucked roll). 7. Arms stretched overhead. Progression 2: Kicking and Turning at the Wall Leaving the Wall 1. Drive against the wall. 2. Extend legs as you leave the wall. 3. Push and glide away from the wall on your back. Success Criteria You need to be working at the same level for every skill to achieve it as a final level. Level 3Level 4Level 5Level 6Level 7 Use touch turns as part of a 100m swim. Correctly use touch turns in 2 strokes as part of a 200m swim. Accurately use touch turns where appropriate as part of a 400m swim. Begin to use tumble turn when appropriate in a 200m swim. Accurately use tumble turns where appropriate as part of a 400m swim.
Learning Objective: To perform stage 3 of the progressions into tumble turning. Glide into the Wall 1. Stand on a black ‘T’ at the shallow end facing the wall. 2. Push & glide from floor. 3. Stretch arms, squeezing ears. 4. Travel face down in the water. 5. Straight legs, toes pointed. Turning at the Wall – Half a forwards roll. 1. Tuck chin and knees in towards chest. 2. Sweep hands back to propel yourself upside down. 3. Continue round until on your back. 4. Hands scull near sides to assist turn. 5. Place feet firmly on the wall (legs should be bent from tucked roll). 6. Arms stretched overhead. Progression 3: Glide into Wall & Turn Leaving the Wall 1. Drive through feet against the wall. 2. Extend legs as you leave the wall. 3. Push and glide away from the wall underwater on your back. Tight stomach and back muscles will help you streamline. BEFORE YOU TOUCH THE WALL Success Criteria You need to be working at the same level for every skill to achieve it as a final level. Level 3Level 4Level 5Level 6Level 7 Use touch turns as part of a 100m swim. Correctly use touch turns in 2 strokes as part of a 200m swim. Accurately use touch turns where appropriate as part of a 400m swim. Begin to use tumble turn when appropriate in a 200m swim. Accurately use tumble turns where appropriate as part of a 400m swim.
Learning Objective: To perform stage 4 of the progressions into tumble turning. Progression 4: Glide into Wall, Turn & Twist Leaving the Wall 1. Drive against the wall. 2. Extend legs as you leave the wall. 3. Push and glide underwater on your back. 4. During the fastest phase of the glide, twist onto your front and kick away from the wall : dolphin or front crawl leg kick. Glide into the Wall As in stage 3. Success Criteria You need to be working at the same level for every skill to achieve it as a final level. Level 3Level 4Level 5Level 6Level 7 Use touch turns as part of a 100m swim. Correctly use touch turns in 2 strokes as part of a 200m swim. Accurately use touch turns where appropriate as part of a 400m swim. Begin to use tumble turn when appropriate in a 200m swim. Accurately use tumble turns where appropriate as part of a 400m swim. BEFORE YOU TOUCH THE WALL Turning at the Wall – Half a forwards roll. As in stage 3.
Learning Objective: To perform stage 5 of the progressions into tumble turning. Approaching the Wall 1. Swim half a length to touch the wall with one hand. 2. Count the strokes it takes to touch the wall from when your face is directly over the ‘T’. 3. Take 1 away from this number. This is how many strokes you should count from the ‘T’ before you tumble. Turning at the Wall 1. Swim the number of strokes from the ‘T’ you calculated earlier – don’t touch the wall with your hands! 2. Tuck chin and knees in towards chest. 3. Sweep hands back to propel yourself upside down. 4. Continue round until on your back. 5. Hands scull near sides to assist turn. 6. Place feet firmly on the wall (legs should be bent from tucked roll). 7. Arms stretched overhead. Progression 5: Full Tumble Turn Leaving the Wall 1. Drive against the wall. 2. Extend legs as you leave the wall. 3. Push and glide underwater on your back. 4. During the fastest phase of the glide, twist onto your front and kick away from the wall : dolphin or front crawl leg kick. Success Criteria You need to be working at the same level for every skill to achieve it as a final level. Level 3Level 4Level 5Level 6Level 7 Use touch turns as part of a 100m swim. Correctly use touch turns in 2 strokes as part of a 200m swim. Accurately use touch turns where appropriate as part of a 400m swim. Begin to use tumble turn when appropriate in a 200m swim. Accurately use tumble turns where appropriate as part of a 400m swim.
Learning Objective: To perform a front layout in isolation. 1. Horizontal, flat position on front. 2. Ears, shoulders, hips & heels water level. 3. Toes pointed. 4. Arms either: a). at side – head up. b). palm down stretched overhead – head down. 5. Hands scull to maintain position. Flat Scull
Learning Objective: To perform a back layout in isolation. 1. Horizontal, flat position on back. 2. Ears, shoulders, hips & toes water level. 3. Toes pointed. 4. Arms either: a). at side – palms down. b). palm down stretched overhead – palms up. 5. Hands can scull to maintain position. Flat Scull
Learning Objective: To perform a forwards somersault in isolation. 1. Tuck knees and chin in towards chest. 2. Sweep hands back and up in a circular motion to propel yourself upside down. 3. Once upside down, continue all the way round until upright. 4. Hands can scull to assist turn. Staying in a tight tucked position with your chin down will help make performing this skill easier. Standard Scull
Learning Objective: To perform a forwards somersault in isolation. 1. Tuck knees and chin in towards chest. 2. Sweep hands forwards and up in a circular motion to propel yourself upside down. 3. Once upside down, continue all the way round until upright. 4. Hands can scull to assist turn. Staying in a tight tucked position with your chin down will help make performing this skill easier. Standard Scull
Learning Objective: To perform a front layout with forwards somersault in a sequence. Front Layout Forwards Somersault Front Layout 1. Horizontal, flat position on front. 2. Ears, shoulders, hips & heels water level. 3. Toes pointed. 4. Arms either: a). at side – head up. b). palm down stretched overhead – head down. 5. Hands can scull to maintain position. Forwards Somersault 1. Tuck knees and chin in towards chest. 2. Sweep hands back and up in a circular motion to propel yourself upside down. 3. Once upside down, continue all the way round until upright. 4. Hands can scull to assist turn. Flat Scull Standard Scull
Learning Objective: To perform a back layout with backwards somersault in a sequence. Back Layout Backwards Somersault Back Layout 1. Horizontal, flat position on back. 2. Ears, shoulders, hips & toes water level. 3. Toes pointed. 4. Arms either: a). at side – palms down. b). palm down stretched overhead – palms up. 5. Hands can scull to maintain position. Backwards Somersault 1. Tuck knees and chin in towards chest. 2. Sweep hands forwards and up in a circular motion to propel yourself upside down. 3. Once upside down, continue all the way round until upright. 4. Hands scull to assist turn. Flat Scull Standard Scull
Learning Objective: To perform a tub in isolation. 1.From back layout draw knees into chest… 2.Until shins are level with water surface. 3.Back is straight. 4.A sculling action is used to either a). Hold the position. b). Turn through 360 ̊ Flat Scull