Welcome to Back to School Night Mrs. Wiltz 8 th Grade Science
Agenda Introduction Grading Policy Contact information Curriculum
A little about myself… This is my 17 th year teaching Science. I taught for 9 years in south Louisiana. –7 years of middle school and 2 years of high school teaching. –Physical Science, Earth Science, Biology, Astronomy, Life Science, and Environmental Science I taught 5 years in NYC. –All 5 years were middle school –Life Science, Physical Science, and Integrated Science This is third year in Hillsdale. –I originally taught 6 th and 8 th grade Science but now teach only 8 th grade and coach the robotics team
Grading Policy Classwork and participation 40% Tests, projects, quizzes and labs 50% Homework 10% Your child’s grade will consist of homework, participation, in-class assignments, labs, projects, quizzes and tests.
What does this mean? You child must do homework to be successful in my class. Classwork includes in class assignments (worksheets, labs, notes, projects…) and class participation. Assessments include quizzes, tests and major projects. Missing/late assignments are only accepted with a note from home explaining why the work is late.
Homework Homework is given several times a week. It is posted daily on the website. Missing homework: your child may remain after school on that day or the following day to complete the assignment and receive credit. If there is an emergency or other reason for your child to have an extension please send a note with the late homework. Extra help is available everyday after school in room 120, to all students.
Binder Check I conduct a binder check several times a grading period. A binder checklist: –List of all classwork –Order it should be organized –Point value for each assignment This is a major portion of the classwork grade.
Progress Reports Progress reports are sent out periodically. These reports must be signed and returned the next day.
Science Curriculum 8 th Grade –Science processes Inquiry and problem solving –Physics Motion and forces Energy transformations –Chemistry Structure and properties of matter Chemical reaction
Technology Integration Check out my webpage… I have some really good links to use as review for the NJ ASK Science portion. Our school has a subscription for BrainPop; a website that is great for reviewing and learning about so many different topics…it covers science, math, language arts, social studies, technology and health. User name and password are: ggwhite We also use the laptops research topics and create PowerPoint presentations.
Contact information You may call the office and leave a message or me at My address can be found on the school website as well. If you at anytime want a copy of your child’s progress me and I will send it home with your child…sometime this year you will be able to access this information online with your own password at anytime.