on the YOUTH VOICE 6 Core Strategies Reduce & Eliminate Restraint & Seclusion Youth & Family Involvement Prevention Tools Workforce Development, Trauma Informed Care Using DataLeadershipDebriefing “Staff should have an understanding of having a difficult past” Staff should be “Kind, caring, and nurturing” Data can be used “…to develop a different plan for us” “Talk to us in a calm voice ” “Do it (Debriefing) in an environment that is not so confined, and is most comfortable for the child” “Once you identify the trend, make changes” A Leader is: “Friendly, Caring, a Role-Model, Trustworthy, Dependable, & confident A leader is: “…Respectful and respect themselves.” “Support from people around me” “Playing calm music help us” Staff need to “Listen”
Enhancing YOUTH Voice in Services Encourage youth thinking and teach them they can shape their own future Involve youth in all aspects of their service planning Help them to make informed choices and support the choices they make Don’t assume ask questions Build a loving environment where they feel they are at home and feel comfortable seeking advice Provide training and support for youth to become real participants in developing individual service plans Don’t punish youth for relapse instead help them to discover triggers and improve their service plan if necessary YOUTH POWER! Handbook
YOUTH POWER! YOUTH POWER! is the New York State network of young people who have been labeled and are seeking change. Together we have decided to speak up about our experiences because no one knows what it is like for us better than we do. Through peer-to-peer mentoring, we empower young people to be active citizens, aware of government operations, their rights and the ability to use their voices to influence policies, practices, regulation and law. We are young people helping other people, ensuring availability of self-help and peer support while changing systems so that young people get the support they need with the respect and dignity they deserve.
Pauline Gordon, NYC Regional Youth Partner Phone: 347‐880‐ Desiree Moore, Long Island Regional Youth Partner Phone: 631‐245‐ Michael Johnson, Central Regional Youth Partner Phone: 315‐679‐ Cassandra Morse, Western Regional Youth Partner Phone: 607‐684‐ Families Together New York Sate Ryanna Soule Associate Director of YOUTH POWER! Families Together in New York State Office: Ex. 34 Stephanie Orlando Director of YOUTH POWER! Families Together in New York State Office: x YOUTH POWER! Zach Garafalo RAMP Coordinator ex. 13