Usability Evaluation of the Course Management Features of Sakai Jonathan Howarth Rex Hartson Aaron Zeckoski Virginia Tech Sakai Conference, Atlanta, 2006
| | | | | | | 2 Overview Introduction Usability Setup Positive Feedback Performance and Satisfaction Usability Problems Next Steps
| | | | | | | 3 Introduction - Scholar is Virginia Tech’s implementation of Sakai Using Scholar in a series of dissertation studies Usability evaluation in exchange for input from Scholar developers Summary report { 0/ScholarUsabEvalReportSummary.pdf?version=1} 0/ScholarUsabEvalReportSummary.pdf?version=1 Full report { 0/ScholarUsabEvalReportFull.pdf?version=1 } 0/ScholarUsabEvalReportFull.pdf?version=1
| | | | | | | 4 Usability Examples (1) Examples from the real world
| | | | | | | 5 Usability Examples (2) Examples from the digital world
| | | | | | | 6 Usability Examples (3) Some additional contrived examples World Usability Day posters provided by the Usability Professional’s Association { }
| | | | | | | 7 Usability Examples (4) Usability in the news
| | | | | | | 8 Usability Definition (1) Usability is a characteristic of an interactive system that indicates ease of use, usefulness Usability includes Effectiveness Efficiency Satisfaction
| | | | | | | 9 Usability Definition (2) It is NOT "dummy proofing” “Doing usability” is NOT (just) usability testing Usability is NOT “user friendliness” Misconceptions: Peanut butter theory Priest in a parachute theory
| | | | | | | 10 Usability Motivation Why should you care For the user, the UI is the system Usability can make or break your product Reduces training and help-desk costs Increases productivity Stand out among competition An example Shutterfly increased print orders by 200% by redesigning their website { }
| | | | | | | 11 Setup (1) Comparison with other Sakai usability evaluations { } Scholar version 2.2.x Course management features of Scholar Goals Satisfaction Learnability Performance
| | | | | | | 12 Setup (2) Walkthrough Usability testing 5 participants with different backgrounds Sessions lasted 2 hours 17 tasks 2 questionnaires Gratuity
| | | | | | | 13 Positive Feedback Variety of tools Help system Mechanisms for supporting collaboration
| | | | | | | 14 Performance and Satisfaction (1) Performance Time on task Long amounts of time required for initial tasks Example – 10 minutes average to add lecture and lab events to the schedule Much variance among participants Improvement for repeated tasks Assists As a group, the participants were only able to complete 2 initial tasks Task of adding an assignment resulted in 14 assists
| | | | | | | 15 Performance and Satisfaction (2) Satisfaction Scores on questionnaire Average around a 5 (scale of 1 to 10, 1 = poor, 10 = excellent) No change in scores between 1 st and 2 nd questionnaire Summary Need to decrease time on task Results suggest that participants were able to learn quickly Performance/perceived performance did not have a substantial effect on satisfaction
| | | | | | | 16 Usability Problems (1) GroupP1P2P3P4P5Total Terminology Consistency Sections and groups Conformance with standards Assignments and gradebook assignments Workspaces and worksites Distribution of functionality Miscellaneous Usability problems – verbal feedback, hesitations, deviation from correct sequence of actions
| | | | | | | 17 Usability Problems (2) Terminology Roster {video – explaining what a roster is},video Resources {video – what are resources?}video
| | | | | | | 18 Usability Problems (3) Consistency Lists, confirmation, feedback,...
| | | | | | | 19 Usability Problems (4) Sections and Groups Sections are tools (appear in the menu bar) and are exclusive Groups are not tools (appear in site info) and are not exclusive Conformance with standards Partial saving of page state {video – trying to get to the main Site Info page}video Functioning of the browser’s back button
| | | | | | | 20 Usability Problems (5) Assignments and gradebook assignments {video – working in both tools to correct a point value}video
| | | | | | | 21 Usability Problems (6) Workspaces and Worksites {video – trying to explain the difference}video
| | | | | | | 22 Usability Problems (7) Distribution of functionality Adding and removing students {video – separation of add and remove causes problems on repeated task}video Editing assignments {video – ability to access assignment from multiple locations}, etcvideo Example –
| | | | | | | 23 Usability Problems (8) Miscellaneous problems Reoccurring schedule entries, system-centered permissions, clean Word text {video – difficulties pasting text}video
| | | | | | | 24 Next Steps Usability evaluation must be iterative It’s not possible to get it right the first time (in any complex design domain) Need: Ready, Fire, Aim!
| | | | | | | 25 Questions ?