UBL: Library Content subcommittee Tim McGrath, Chair San Francisco, USA 3 November 2003
Library Content Activities This meeting is a watershed for the UBL Library. Completion of tasks for UBL 1.0 Start thinking about 2.0 tasks
An XML Schema(XSD) of logical Basic Information Entities Example XML instance for each BIE Shared library of basic XML building blocks (address, quantity, etc.) Assembled Schemas for business document types Documentation for the Schemas Customization methodology Publication of Schemas into public registries Library Content Primary Deliverables DONE Not DONE
Since last plenary Built1.0 Alpha draft 14 –Updated models (spreadsheets) –Developed new schemas –Implemented code set mechanism –Implemented CCT, RT schemas Resolved modeling issues –Document ID, Party Name, GUID Undertook NDR checklist review Populated standard code sets Updated sample instances Prepared form presentations
Next Steps Complete 1.0 package –UML diagrams –Documentation –QA Finalise draft 14 into 1.0 Beta –Propose Committee Draft Continue code list population –Stock –Add meta data Plan for supporting trial implementations Plan for customisation
Timetable (draft) November 2003 UBL 1.0 beta released for trial implementation January 2004 UBL 1.0 Committee Draft to OASIS March 2004 UBL 1.0 becomes OASIS Technical Specification
LC Agenda for the week Joint NDR CCTS JLSC presentation Membership roster Code list population Ontology forum Ontology tutorial Work on documentation Weds Finalise 1.0 Beta Plan for supporting trial implementations Plans for customisation (2.0) Wine & Cheese (BYO) Joint SC -Code Lists Liaison SC PM Distribute package Schedule Action Plan Joint NDR CCTS Compliance Review documentation What is missing? Who can do it? AM FriThuTuesMon