DECISION MODELING WITH MICROSOFT EXCEL Chapter 9 Copyright 2001 Prentice Hall Publishers and Ardith E. Baker Monte Carlo Simulation Part 2
_________can be used for models in which the question is “How much of this should we do?” We will now use an _________________model to provide an illustration of simulation. THE OMELET PAN PROMOTION: HOW MANY PANS TO ORDER? In Foslins, certain sections of the _____________ department have just suffered their second consecutive bad year. An Inventory Control Example: Foslins Housewares Due to competition, the gourmet cooking, glassware, stainless flatware, and contemporary dishes sections of Foslins are not generating enough ________to justify the amount of floor space.
To fight back, the chief buyer ____________the sections that are in trouble to create a store within a store. With these changes, plus the store’s ______________for quality and service, she feels that Foslins can effectively compete. An “International Dining Month” _____________will be featured in October to introduce the new facility. Five specially made __________(each from a different country) will be featured on sale. For example, a copper omelet pan from France, a set of 12 long-stem wine glasses from Spain, etc. All items must be ordered 6 months in___________. Any unsold items after October will be sold to a discount chain at a reduced price. If they run out, a more __________item from the regular line will be substituted.
Consider the special omelet pans: Buying price: $22.00 Selling price: $35.00 Discounted price: $15.00 (at the end of October) Selling price if substituted: $35.00 Regular pans: Buying price: $32.00 Normal selling price: $65.00 Now, without knowing the demand for this special product, how many pans should be ordered in advance?
For example, suppose you order 1000 pans and the demand turned out to be ________pans. In this situation, you would be 100 pans short and would have to buy 100 _______pans and sell them at the sale price in order to make up the_________. The net profit would be: $35(1100) - $32(100) - $22(1000) = $12,300 In general, let y = number of pans ordered and D =___________. Then for D > y, Profit = 35D – 32(D – y) – 22y Profit = 3D + 10y
In another scenario, suppose you order ______pans and the demand turned out to be 200 pans. In this situation, you would have an _______of 800 pans and would have to sell the addition pans at $15 each and take a___________. The net profit would be: $35(200) + $15(800) - $22(1000) = -$3000 In general, for D < y, Profit = 35D + 15(y – D) – 22y Profit = 20D - 7y For D = y, the two formulas are identical.
This spreadsheet __________an order of 11 omelet pans and a random demand of 8 (i.e., y = 11 and D = 8). Since the order quantity is ________than demand, (y >D) there are 3 extra pans. Thus, the profit is $83.
PROFIT VERSUS ORDER QUANTITY Now, assume that demand has the following _______________: Prob {demand = 8} = 0.1 Prob {demand = 9} = 0.2 Prob {demand = 10} = 0.3 Prob {demand = 11} = 0.2 Prob {demand = 12} = 0.1 Prob {demand = 13} = 0.1 Note: These demands have been chosen artificially ___________in order to simplify the example.
To generate random ___________for this probability distribution in Crystal Ball, enter this ____________ distribution in a two-column format for Crystal Ball.
Now, click on cell B5. Next, click on the Define Assumptions icon, choose Custom distribution and click OK.
In the resulting dialog, click on the Data button
Now, enter the spreadsheet cell range where the discrete distribution was placed and click OK.
After clicking OK, the distribution will be displayed: Click OK again to accept these settings.
To determine the ______________through the use of the simulations, click on cell B11 and then click on the Define Forecast icon. If not already selected, choose _____as the window size and When Stopped (Faster). Click OK.
In order to use _________to calculate the average profit, first generate a number of trials, setting y = 11. The ________that results on any given trial depends on the value of demand that was generated on that trial. The average profit over all trials is the_______________. To do this, click on the Run Preferences icon and change the Maximum Number of Trials to________. Click OK.
Next, click on the Start Simulation icon and after Crystal Ball has run the 500 iterations, the following dialog will appear: Click OK and Crystal Ball will automatically produce a histogram.
To look at the statistics from the____________, go to the Crystal Ball View menu and choose Statistics. Based on these trials, the best _________of the expected profit of ordering 11 omelet pans is $ Note that since both the ________and the average profit are random variables, running the simulation again will most likely result in a different ____________profit.
Expected Value versus Order Quantity. To calculate the _____expected profit using the spreadsheet and Crystal Ball, simply enter each _______in cell B5 (one at a time), run the simulation and then record the average profit. These average _________will then be multiplied by their respective____________. The sum of these values will give the true expected profit.
Simulated versus Expected Profits. For any particular order____________, the average profit generated by the spreadsheet simulator does not ______the true expected profit. The implication of this fact on the ___________of making a decision is interesting. The __________expected profits and simulated average profits for order sizes of 9, 10,11, and 12 pans are shown below: Based on the____________, your decision would be to order 10 pans for the true expected profit or 11 pans for the simulated average profit.
The previous example illustrates that_____________, in general, is not guaranteed to achieve________________. A simple way to increase the ____________of achieving optimality is to increase the number of trials. With simulation, your decision may be wrongly identified if care is not taken to simulate a ____________number of trials. In a real problem you would not ______calculate the true expected profit and use simulation to calculate an average profit. Use simulation when it is computationally _______________or not even possible to calculate the expected profit associated with the alternative decisions, or when it is important to ______the variability of the performance measure for various solutions.
RECAPITULATION To summarize: 1. A spreadsheet simulator takes _____________and decisions as _________and yields a performance measure(s) as output. 2. Each _________of the spreadsheet simulator will generally yield a different value for the performance___________. 3. The performance measure (for an order size of 11) was_____. The 500 trials taken together combine to produce a measure of ___________of the order size: average profit.
More information can be obtained from the simulation. Suppose you want to know how often a ___________ occurred (i.e., demand exceeded quantity ordered), click on cell B9 and add it as a “__________” cell. Then, rerun the simulation. The results show that a shortage occurred in 95 of the 500 trials (20.6%). Indicators of ___________are also important products of simulation studies. Management usually seeks _______ which have low variability.
4. Increasing the number of simulation ___________ will usually improve the accuracy of the ________ of the expected value of the performance measure. 5. In a_____________, we can never be sure that the optimal decision has been found. Although, a 95% or 99% _____________interval can be calculated. 6. Management must assess four main factors : a. Does the model capture the real________________? b. Are the _________of the starting and ending conditions of the simulation properly accounted for? c. Have enough ____been performed for each decision so that the average value of the measure(s) of performance is a good indication of the true expected value? d. Have enough _________been evaluated so that you can believe that the best answer found is “close enough” to the optimum?
Previously with the Foslins model, we had assumed a simplified __________distribution. However, a more realistic model of demand is the _________distribution with a mean of 1000 and a standard deviation of 100. Simulation of Foslins’ Model with a More Realistic Demand Assumption The Foslins’ Spreadsheet: Simulating Demand More Realistically. To simulate___________, modify the Run Preferences dialog to indicate the larger number of _______________. In addition, use the same 1000 __________values for demand in each of the upcoming simulations (for different order quantities for comparison). This is known as setting the __________value.
The Foslins’ Spreadsheet: Simulating Demand More Realistically. In the spreadsheet, change the quantity ordered to Also, change the random distribution of ________from a customized one to the normal distribution with a mean of 1000 and a standard deviation of 100.
To simulate 1000 trials, click on the Run Preferences icon and change the number of iterations.
Now, specify the seed value: First, click on __________in the Run Preferences dialog. Check the use Same Sequence … option and enter an Initial Seed Value of _______(or any other number). Click OK. Note that the _________do not change. We want to compare the average profit for different order quantities but the _______set of random demands. Profit will differ only because of different order____________.
_______________is the process of decreasing variability in simulation results. It is an important technique in reducing the amount of ________________necessary to obtain valid simulation results. With simulation, using the same __________of random variables provides us with complete control of the random_____________. THE EFFECT OF ORDER QUANTITY Click on the Start Simulation icon to begin the simulation. After 1000 iterations, the following dialog will open. Click OK to bring up a _________of the profit values.
The average profit for an order quantity of 1020 pans is $12, Here is the resulting_____________. You can view the statistics by clicking on the View – Statistics ________option.
You can determine how the __________profit varies for a range of order quantities and a given set of demands by entering different order quantities in cell B3. First, place a _______order quantity in cell B3. Finding the ____________quantity is an iterative procedure -- change the order quantity and re-run the simulation. Then, compare the profits to find the ______________profit. Click on the Reset Simulation icon and in the resulting dialog, click OK. Now, you can begin the simulation again by clicking on the Start Simulation icon.
For example, suppose you ran 1000 iterations at each of the following order quantities: OrderQuantity ExpectedProfit$12,270.29$12, $12,270.76$12, $12, $12,270.70$12, $12,268.95$12, So, this iterative process has shown that an order quantity of 1017 gives a maximum profit of $12,
However, this quantity that _____________profit may not maximize the true ___________profit. Indeed, it may be impossible to guarantee that the optimal solution will be found using______________-. Remember, the ______________solution is theoretical as opposed to a real-world concept. At best, an optimal solution represents a “____________” for the real-world problem. Since the average profit for order quantities between 1015 and 1018 only varied by a couple of________, even if we didn’t get the exact optimal order quantity, we are confident that we are “________________.”
The Probability Distribution of Profit. To find out more about the solution suggested by simulation (ordering 1017 pans), we can look at the ____________distribution. This histogram visually describes the ______________ that Foslins will be taking in ordering 1017 pans. The ________distribution means that there is a definite probability that the profit will _________the mean profit. The area to the left means that there is some chance of __________a profit below the expected profit. However, there is little chance of _______________money.
Here is a _______management example from the service industry. The airlines were the first to pioneer the use of these tools. Midwest Express: Airline Overbooking Model American Airlines (AA) started the practice of _________ off the value of a seat on a given flight when more customers showed up than it had seats available. AA estimates that ______________alone adds over $200 million per year to its bottom line. Other areas besides overbooking that are practiced in the revenue management area include___________, seat allocation among the various fare classes, and control of the entire ___________of flight legs.
Midwest Express is headquartered in Milwaukee, Wisconsin and was started by the large consumer products company Kimberly Clark, which has large operations in nearby Appleton, Wisconsin. After reviewing the __________data on the percentage of no-shows, it was found that the average no-show rate for Flight 227 from Milwaukee to San Francisco is 15%. The aircraft (MD88) has a _________of 112 seats in a single cabin. As all service is considered premium, there is no First Class/Coach cabin distinction. Demand for this primarily __________route is strong and the average fare is $400.
If only 112 reservations are accepted, then the flight will almost certainly go out with ______seats because of the no-shows. These no-shows represent an ____________ cost for Midwest Express. On the other hand, if more _____________than seats are accepted, then even after accounting for the no-shows, there will still be a risk of ____________________seats. The normal procedure in the event that a customer is denied boarding, is to put the “______” customers on the next available flight and provide them with some _____________(a free flight in the future, a voucher for a free meal and a hotel, etc.). On the average, the compensation usually costs Midwest Express around __________.
This model assumes that the fares are fully ____________(if they don’t show, they don’t pay). The goal is to find the _______overbooking level that maximizes_________. The more ____________that are accepted, the less likely there will be empty seats, but the ______________that a customer will be denied boarding is increased.
You can perform multiple trials using ________since the value returned will change every time the spreadsheet is recalculated by pressing _________. In order to see the __________values returned for each iteration, to Monte Carlo by clicking on the Settings icon and then on the Sampling tab. In the Standard Recalc section, click on Monte Carlo.
Now, use simulation to determine the ________ overbooking level. To see which value maximizes Midwest Express’_________, consider the range of reservations from 112 to 146 in increments of 2. To do this, enter the following formula into cell B10: =RiskSimtable({112,114,116,118,120,…,144,146}) Now, click on icon. In the resulting Simulations Settings dialog, click on the _________tab. Change the number of iterations to 1000 and the number of simulations to 18.
Now, click on cell B19 and then click on the Add Output Cell icon to add this cell to the simulation. Click on the Run Simulation icon to start the simulation. The Simulating dialog will appear in which you can observe the status of the simulation.
@Risk automatically displays the results of these 18 simulations: Click on the Merge Sim#’s button.
The following information will be displayed. As shown in Sim#1, if only 112 reservations are accepted, the avg. profit would be $38,080. As the no. of reservations are increased, the avg. profit increases then starts to decline. The max. profit of $43,901 occurs at 134 reservations.
Capacity Balancing Now, let’s explore the assertion that ___________should be “__________” throughout a manufacturing plant. MODELING A WORK CELL Consider the following work cell: processes it at the first work station (WS1), processes it at the first work station (WS1), WS1 and then processes it at WS2. and then processes it at WS2. WS2 Raw Material This cell takes a___________, WIP holds it in a temporary _______area if the 2 nd work station is busy, holds it in a temporary _______area if the 2 nd work station is busy,
The completed part is used in assembly at the rate of 3 per hour. The goals are to Meet the ___________for this part on the assembly line, Keep work in ________(WIP) between the two work stations down Minimize the ________of the work stations subject to achieving the first two goals.
SIMULATING BALANCED CAPACITY Since the assembly area needs the part at a rate of 3 per hour, set the _______of both work stations at 3 per hour. The Capacities of WS1 and WS2 are_____________. However, because of processing time_________, a work station might be able to process anywhere from 1 to 5 units per hour. Suppose that during any given hour, a work station will have the capability of _____________1, 2, 3, 4, or 5 units with equal probability (discrete uniform distribution). Then the __________output of that work station will be 3 units per hour provided it always has something on which to work.
Assume that sufficient raw material will always be available to WS1 so that it will never be_____________. However, because the processing times are variable at WS1, there may be times when WS2 is ______for lack of material.
The Initial Conditions. The following spreadsheet displays the first 16 simulated hours of operation of the work cell. The initial conditions at the beginning of the first hour of the simulation are no work in process (WIP), and WS1 and WS2 are idle.
Now, enter a _______uniform random number generator in cell C10 (WS1 Output) and cell D10 (Potential WS2 Output) to produce one of 5 possible values with equal____________. First, type in the data in a _______format for Crystal Ball.
Now, to enter the discrete uniform random number ____________for WS1 Output and Potential WS2 Output in Crystal Ball, click on cell C10 and enter = CD.Custom($C$2:$D$6) With the ________still on cell C10, click on Excel’s Copy icon and then highlight the range C10:D25. Next, click on Excel’s _________icon to copy the uniform discrete distribution to all 32 of these cells. Highlight cells G10, G13, G16, G19, G22, and G25. Click on the Define Forecast icon and change the Window size to Large and the Display to When Stopped (faster) and click OK. Repeat this step for each of the 6 _________cells, or use the Copy/Paste feature with the forecast cells.
Click on the Run Preferences icon and change the Maximum Number of Trials to 1000 and click OK. Now click on the Start Simulation icon and after Crystal Ball has run the 1000 iterations, it automatically produces an individual histogram for each of the 6 forecast cells.
To better view these, click on Run – Open Trend Chart. Crystal Ball plots the distribution of Average ____ over the first 16 hours by using the six selected hours that we indicated. The center band indicates the ______ + 25% and the next darker band is a 95% confidence interval. This shows that the Average WIP seems to be ________ slightly over the first 16 hours.
Beyond the Initial Conditions. Now, expand the simulation beyond the 16 hours by copying the _______ down for another 184 hours. Re-run Crystal Ball using the same basic steps as in the previous example. The resulting _____ of avg. WIP for the first 200 hours of operation shows a __________growth. The longer the cell is in operation, the greater the amount of WIP that _____________. Here, the average ____________and the average service rate are equal when the capacities of the two work stations are_________. Hence, the unexpected growth.
Now, let’s add ____________to WS2 so that its average production rate is 3.5 units per hour (using a discrete uniform distribution between 2 and 5 units). SIMULATING UNBALANCED CAPACITY Using the data from the previous spreadsheet, add the following distribution for ___________________2: Now, change the formulas in cells D10:D209 to be: = CD.Custom($G$2:$H$5) Select six forecast cells, spread ________across the 200 hours and run 1000 iterations.
The resulting graph of average WIP over time shows a much __________average WIP. These results suggest that there is no ___________ growth in the Average WIP with the steady-state value lying somewhere between 5 and 7 units.
In conclusion, the capacity of the two work stations should not be ____________(equal output rates). If WIP is to be kept to reasonable levels, then the _______________work station (WS2) should have a somewhat greater capacity. By running the simulation for longer periods of time, the effect of the initial ____________can be overcome, and the true long-term behavior can be discerned. In general, simulation results are useful only when care is taken in the experimental design to eliminate ____________effects such as starting or ending conditions. Simulations that are too short may give ______________ results.
Optimization Under Uncertainty We can now combine the optimization ______that we’ve discussed with the ability to do ____________simulation. Let’s demonstrate the use of optimization under _________with OptQuest (available with Crystal Ball Pro) on two very common examples – portfolio allocation and project______________. Suppose that we can choose to invest in one of three stocks – Intel, Microsoft, and Proctor & Gamble, or in a money market account. Let W represent the fraction invested in______________ X represent the fraction invested in Intel stock Y represent the fraction invested in_______________ Z represent the fraction invested in P&G stock
Historically, based on the last 9 years, the average _____________return has been: 46.6%Intel 62.1%Microsoft 20.8%Procter & Gamble The constraints are: 5.2%Money Market 5.2%Money Market No more than 50% of the ___________is to be in any one asset. The sum of the decision variables must be_______ In order to optimize the portfolio, we can either maximize _________subject to a constraint to keep the risk at some satisfactory level or minimize risk subject to a ____________to keep the return at some satisfactory level.
In this example, we will be minimizing risk. Set up a spreadsheet as shown below.
Here are the Solver results. These show that you should ______in 0.51% of Intel, 20.7% of Microsoft, 50% of P&G, and 28.8% of money market accounts. The minimum ____________ is
Now let’s use Crystal Ball with___________. Perform the following steps: 1. Change cells C11:F11 to numbers rather than __________. Highlight cells C11:F11 and click on Edit – Copy and then click Edit – Paste Special – Values and click OK. Standard Standard Mean Deviation Mean Deviation 46.6% % % % % % % % Click on the Define Assumption icon to specify the distribution for cells C11:F11. Specify each as a ________distribution with the following parameters, respectively:
3. Click on the Define Forecast icon and select cell H17 (Portfolio_________). 4. Click on the Run Preferences icon and change the maximum number of trials to Also, select _________________as the sampling method and Use Same Sequence as the random 5. Click on the Define Decision icon and define the decision __________as cells C17:F17 (each as a continuous variable with lower bound of 0% and upper bound of 50%. Select the variable type as _______________.
6. Click on the OptQuest icon to start the program. 7. In OptQuest, select File – New – Yes to optimize all ________variables. Check that the Type Column indicates that these are __________ values and click OK.
8. Define the constraints as follows: a. Intel% + Microsoft% + P&G% + MM% = 1 b. Intel% <= 0.5 c. Microsoft% <= 0.5 d. P&G% <= 0.5 e. MM% <= 0.5 f *Intel% *Microsoft% *P&G% *MM% >=0.25
9. From the Select menu, choose ____________ Objective and click OK. 10. In the Options window, click OK to accept the default process. To start the optimization under_____________, click Yes.
After 10 minutes, you should get results similar to the following:
11. To interpret the results, select Edit – Copy to Excel which will copy the resulting ________for the decision variables back into your spreadsheet and automatically give a ___________diagram for the chosen statistic. In the Forecast window, you can also select View – Statistics to view the summary ____________. The OptQuest engine basically gave the same answer as Solver (in a much longer period of time). The result from OptQuest confirmed that after running 1,000 random________, the average portfolio variance was indeed closely represented by the mean values used in our original spreadsheet, which Solver used to _____________.
Consider the R&D group at a major public utility that has identified eight possible projects for the coming year. PROJECT SELECTION Each project has an initial ___________required and the resulting NPV from a __________cash flow analysis has also been tabulated. The CFO of the company has only authorized $2 million to be spent on R&D projects for the coming year. If implemented, these 8 projects would require an _____________of $2.8 million, so we much choose those projects which will return the largest NPV and still remain within the___________.
Set up the model for optimization using __________ decision variables (yes/no) for each of the eight potential projects.
The resulting solution from Solver shows that projects 1, 2, 3, 4, and 7 should be chosen with the __________NPV obtained of $3.55 million and using all $2 million of the budget. This is an application of ___________ programming where the NPVs are assumed to be certain. Now add some ____________to the success of each project.
Now, due to the uncertainty of each project___________, re-optimize with Solver (maximize cell G15, changing cells are E5:E12, constraint: C15 <= C14). This gives a new solution that ______________projects 1, 2, 4, 6, 7, with an expected NPV of $2.184 million and spending only $1.85 million of the budgeted $2 million. How do we know if this is the best___________, given all the uncertainty? With OptQuest we can specify that it maximize the 25 th _____________of the NPV distribution that results from a simulation of 1000 trials. Then, for each possible combination of decision variables (2 8 = 256 combinations), the software will make “___________” choices as it searches for the best combination.
To set this up in OptQuest, follow the steps outlined below: 1. Click on the Define Assumption icon and define the assumption cells as F5:F12 (each as a _____________with success rate as given in the original spreadsheet, and 1 trial). 3. Click on the Define Forecast icon and specify cell G15 with “NPV” as ______________ name and “Dollars” as the forecast units. 2. Define the decision variables as cells E5:E12 (each as a discrete variable with _____________ of 0, upper bound of 1). 4. Click on the Run Preferences icon and specify a maximum number of trials equal to 1,000. Also, specify Latin Hypercube and Use same sequence with an __________value of 999.
5. Now, start OptQuest by clicking on its icon or by going to the Tools – OptQuest pull-down menu. 6. In OptQuest, click on File – New and select Yes to optimize all ________variables. Check that the Type column indicates that these are discrete values. 7. Define the single _________as: 250*Project *Project *Project *Project *Project5 + 30*Project *Project7 + 70*Project 8 <= 2000
8. From the Select drop-down menu, select Maximize Objective and change the Forecast Statistic from the ________to the Percentile and enter the number In the Options window, click OK to accept the _________process. To begin the optimization under uncertainty, click Yes.
10. To interpret the results, select Edit – Copy to Excel to copy the resulting values for the decision variables to the ________________and automatically provide frequency diagrams of the chosen __________(NPV). Under View switch to Cumulative Chart and enter the right-hand side value as $1.6 million.
In the Forecast window, you can also select View – Statistics to view the summary statistics.
The results from OptQuest showed that the best projects to choose are 1, 2, 5, 6, 7 which spend $1.98 million of the budget and generate a maximum 25 th percentile value of $1.6 million.