BLANC DU BOIS: From Obscurity- to Mainstream
Blanc du Bois Where did it come From?
Blanc du Bois Who are its relatives?
Blanc du Bois When was it released? Blanc du Bois was released in 1987 by the University of Florida for propagation throughout the Southeastern United States.
Blanc du Bois When Did Haak Winery Plant It? In 1988, I purchased 150 vines from a Florida nursery. The vines were shipped in late 1988 and were shipped green, not dormant. A late winter freeze in 1988 killed 40% their first year in South Texas. In 1997, Haak Winery planted two acres of Blanc du Bois (1,320 vines) and one acre of Black Spanish (Jacquez). In 2000, the winery opened.
Blanc du Bois What Style of Wine can you make with it?
Blanc du Bois Now ThaT I Am Commercial, How do Sell Blanc du Bois? Invite Dignitaries, Politicians, Family and Friends and Host a Grand Opening with Free Food & Free Wine!
Blanc du Bois What do you do once the Politicians, Family & Friends have eaten your food, drank your wines and left? Become a serious student of Sales & marketing. Advertise: Newspapers, Billboards, , website, Social Media i.e. Facebook, etc. Promote your wines thru public tastings organized by the winery and/or state organizations. (Be Very careful where and under what conditions?)
Blanc du Bois How do you gain recognition for your wines? Enter your wines in Prestigious International Wine Competitions; San Francisco International Wine Competition Los Angeles International Wine competition Finger Lakes International Wine Competition TexSomm International Wine Competition Lone Star International Wine Competition San Diego International Wine Competitio n Austrian Wine Competition (AWC) Vienna, Austria
Blanc du Bois How do you gain recognition for your wines? Enter your wines in Prestigious International Wine Competitions;
Blanc du Bois How do you gain recognition for your wines? Start a Wall of Fame.
Blanc du Bois How do you gain recognition for your wines? Post your medals on your website. Dry-Blanc Du Bois Awards Vintage 2013: GOLD Medal (90 Points) Los Angeles International Wine Competition Silver Medal Houston Livestock Show & Rodeo Wine Competition Silver Medal San Francisco Chronicle Wine Competition Silver Medal Lone Star International wine Competition Semisweet - Blanc du Bois Awards Vintage 2012: Gold Medal Dallas Morning News Wine Competition - March 2014 Sweet - Blanc Du Bois Awards Vintage 2012: Gold Medal Lone Star International Wine Competition - June 2014 Madeira - Blanc du Bois Awards Vintage 2010: Best Dessert Wine, Gold and Best in Class - Los Angeles International wine & Spirits Competition Finagle Speaking Engagements in Georgia to Wine Lovers! (Thanks Doug!)
Blanc du Bois How do you gain recognition for your wines? Get Your Family Involved!
December 25, 2004