AGENDA I.Welcome II.Review of Charter, Project Successes, and 4/16/15 Action Items III Construction Season Status Report IV. Issues Pending Resolution V January – March Winter Work VI. Open Discussion and Action Item Review VII. Adjourn
GOAL ASSESSMENT How are we meeting our goals? What action needs to be taken to address goals that are not being met?
PROJECT GOALS GoalPerformance to Date Maintain a safe project site Maximize public value and Contractor profitability Build the project on time Build the project within budget Change orders written to date: $737, Major change orders include erosion control, asphalt for maintaining traffic, partial-depth pavement repairs, variable depth milling. Minimize inconvenience to the traveling public Signal timing has been modified with each phase of construction to keep traffic flowing as efficiently as possible. Project has worked to have SR 57 lane closures at night or removed by 3:00 PM each work day. Recent work to repair storm sewers across SR 57 near Midway Blvd. has impacted traffic and caused backups on SR 57. Develop a work environment that promotes mutual respect Collaborate among ODOT, the Contractor, and the utilities to improve construction phasing.
COMMUNICATION GOALS GoalPerformance to Date Identify and follow the chain of command for all communication Establish and maintain honest and open communication Respond in a timely manner to all project issues Complete, clear, and concise correspondence Electronic file of the project Provide adequate notice for maintenance of traffic and utility impacts Identify the point of contact for appropriate stakeholders’ communication
PROBLEM SOLVING GOALS GoalPerformance to Date Identify and address all problems as soon as possible Resolve problems at the lowest level when possible Communicate, implement, and document solutions Seek solutions, not blame Involve tradesmen in the solutions whenever possible Follow the designated chain of command Follow the Dispute Resolution Process Maintain a “Best for the Project” approach
PROJECT SUCCESSES SR 57 widening and I-90 ramp construction completed. – The surface course is to be placed on SR 57. Midway Blvd. and Griswold Rd. intersections are open to full movement, with a plan in place to add protected left-turns. 49 th St. bridge demolition is completed.
ACTION ITEMS There were seven action items from the 4/16/15 partnering meeting: 1.Emergency Service Provider Jurisdiction Map 2.Snow & Ice Jurisdiction Meeting 3.Winter Traffic Control Issues 4.Construction Traffic Control Issues 5.Consultant Communication 6.Timely Notice to Ohio State Highway Patrol 7.Funding Discussion
EMERGENCY SERVICE PROVIDER JURISDICTION MAP The City of Elyria finalized the map and distributed it to all appropriate parties by April 29, 2015.
SNOW & ICE JURISDICTION MEETING According to the ODOT Lorain County management team, there is no jurisdiction agreement between the District and the City, because there is just a slight overlap of approximately 200’ between the two entities. ODOT plows this portion. If the City needs to address this matter further, it will contact the ODOT Lorain County management team.
WINTER TRAFFIC CONTROL ISSUES Plans are in place to install 5-section signal heads, which will add protected left-turn phases for Midway Blvd. EB/WB and Griswold Rd. EB. Tentative completion date for this work is November 21, 2015.
CONSTRUCTION TRAFFIC CONTROL ISSUES Based upon the discussion at the April 16, 2015, partnering meeting, the City was going to schedule a meeting by November 1, 2015, if they thought one was needed. No meeting was scheduled.
CONSULTANT COMMUNICATION KS Associates has been attending every progress meeting since the April 29, 2015, meeting. A list of RFIs, deadlines, and responses has been kept. There have been no problems getting timely information.
TIMELY NOTICE TO OHIO STATE HIGHWAY PATROL The OHSP and the City of Elyria were notified in advance of new signal activation at the Midway Blvd. and Griswold Rd intersections.
FUNDING DISCUSSION Payment for pavement repairs that were needed but not addressed in the plans has been discussed and resolved. The Change Order to pay for these repairs is being processed.
PROJECT OVERVIEW SR 57 I-90 Griswold Rd Midway Blvd Leona St 52 nd St Tillotson St Beechwood Dr. Schaden Rd. Midway Mall Frontage Rd Ohio Turnpike Ohio Turnpike Ramps Midway Mall Dr.
2015 HIGHLIGHTS AND REMAINING WORK SR 57 SB & Ramp 8A Phase 2B-1 Midway Boulevard Phase 3A 49 th Street West Phase 5 Left 49 th Street East Phase 5 Right & SR 57 SR 57 NB/SB Phase 6 SR 57 Phase 7 Other Contract Work Items
SR 57 SB & RAMP 8A PHASE 2B-1 9” concrete pavement has been completed. Ohio Edison pole in conflict with ditch excavation: – Pole was not set at the correct station and offset per the utility note. – Did not affect pavement construction. Remaining work: – 19mm intermediate course asphalt. – Seed and mulch.
MIDWAY BOULEVARD PHASE 3A 200’length of pavement to be completed near the Leona St. intersection. Work to include undercut excavation, 8” concrete pavement, and new drive aprons to Red Roof Inn and Cirillas. Storm sewer work was completed during Phase 1B-1. Work was delayed due to storm sewer testing and repairs from Phase 1B-1 work along Midway Blvd.
49 TH STREET WEST PHASE 5 LEFT Structure and embankment removal work in progress. Area to be placed at final grade per plan and seeded. Other work: drainage, curb and gutter, and sidewalk along the east side of Leona St.
49 TH STREET EAST PHASE 5 RIGHT & SR 57 Structure removal work in progress. Pier #1 and #2 to be removed in order to complete pavement work on SR 57. Proposed 49 th St. east of SR 57 revised by the City of Elyria.
SR 57 NB/SB PHASE 6 Widening of SR 57 to the outside from Griswold Rd. to Beechwood Dr. 9” concrete pavement completed from I-90 EB ramps to the north. Remaining work includes 19mm intermediate course asphalt, Type D barrier wall at I-90 structure piers, grading/seeding, guardrail, and permanent sign structures.
SR 57 PHASE mm asphalt surface course to be placed on existing and new SR 57 pavement, as well as Ramps D, 8A, and 8B. Variable depth milling to be completed on existing SR 57 pavement. Partial depth pavement repairs have been completed. Milling and surface course will begin in May 2016.
OTHER REMAINING CONTRACT WORK ITEMS Permanent Epoxy Striping – I-90 EB; Ramps C, D, F; Leona St.; 52 nd St.; Tillotson St. Lighting Work – High mast tower installation I-90 median and ramps. – Foundations for light poles along SR 57. Signing Work – Flat sheet and extrusheet signs to be installed at various locations on SR 57, I-90 EB/WB, Ramp C, Midway Blvd., and Griswold Rd. Concrete Barrier Wall – Type D wall to be installed along SR 57 SB in front of Lowe’s.
OUTSTANDING ISSUES Adding 5-section signal heads for protected left turns at Midway Blvd. and Griswold Rd. Elevation issues at the intersection of SR 57/Ramps A and C, including the attenuator pad and median barrier wall. Storm sewers under pavement that require repairs, per C&MS 611.
CPM SCHEDULE September 2015 update submitted by Karvo on 10/22/15 has been approved. Contract completion date remains as July 15, Potential time extension for partial depth repairs added to the Project. Recent discussions between ODOT and Karvo regarding 2015 work that may carry over to the 2016 season.
WINTER WORK Finish by Christmas: – Embankment removal for 49 th Street, east of SR 57. – Final grading of the R/W. – Temporary seeding & mulching. – Installation of the concrete barrier wall: Under the I-90 bridge (outside lanes) In front of Sunbelt Rentals (southbound) In front of Lowe’s (southbound) Traffic signs Guardrail Ongoing through the winter: – Light pole installation on SR 57 and the I-90 ramps.
WINTER WORK All work is weather dependent. These work items will not impact traffic with lane closures or pattern shifts.
Partnering re-connect session to be scheduled early spring 2016, just before construction resumes, to provide a detailed overview of work to be done during the 2016 season. Review of Action Items