Federal Program Monitoring Overview and Organization
Objective Overview of Federal Program Monitoring Background Preparing for Review During the Review After the Reviewer
Compliance is a District and School Site Responsibility Accepting funds obligates districts and school sites to maintain legal compliance Oversight Agencies & Monitoring Processes: United States Department of Education (USDE) - State Monitoring Office of Inspector General (OIG) - Fraud & Abuse Single Audit - Required for Federal Funds California Department of Education (CDE) - FPM Process 3
Federal Program Monitoring 4 Background: Both state and federal laws require the California Department of Education (CDE) to monitor categorical programs operated by Local Education Agencies (LEAs). State oversight is accomplished by conducting on-site and/or on-line monitoring. Goal: Promote the achievement of statutory desired outcomes and verify compliance with program requirements. Categorical funds are used for authorized purposes. Statutory performance goals are achieved.
Programs or Instruments 1.Adult Education and Family Literacy Act 2.Before and After School Programs Office (BASP) (NCLB Title IV, Part B [21stCCLC]; [ASSETs]; & [ASES]) 3.Career Technical Education (CTE) 4.Child Development (CD) 5.Compensatory Education (CE) (NCLB Title I, Pt. A) 6.Education Equity (EE) 7.English Learner (EL) (including NCLB Title III) 8.Fiscal Monitoring (FM) 9.Homeless Education (HE) (NCLB Title X, Pt. C) 10.Improving Teacher Quality (ITQ) (NCLB Title II, Pt.A) 11.Migrant Education (ME) (NCLB Title I, Pt. C) 12.Neglected or Delinquent (NorD) (NCLB Title I, Pt. D) 13.Physical Education (PE) 14.Uniform Complaint Procedures (UCP) 5
6 LAUSD FPM Model CYCLE C On-site review District wide (20 Schools) Optional self- review and/or work on resolving outstanding issues On-line review District wide (20 Schools) Optional self- review and/or work on resolving outstanding issues As Needed: Follow-up reviews on-site
Selection Risk Factors 1. Academic 2010–13 trend in API Growth 2. Fiscal High per pupil allocation and carryover percentage Single Audit Findings 3.Data Reporting 4.Random Selection 7
The Monitoring Team Uses: Program Instruments Program Instruments Contain the legal requirements pertaining to a specific program Used to determine whether an LEA is meeting legal requirements 8
Items reviewed at the school site level CE 1: LEA Parent Involvement Policy CE 2: School Parent Involvement Policy CE 7: School Site Council Composition CE 8: SSC Approves SPSA CE 9: Parent Communication CE 18: Supplement not Supplant CE 19: Time Accounting CE 20: Equipment Inventory CE 25: Posting of SARC CE 27: SPSA Evaluation CE 28: Highly Qualified Teachers CE 29: Paraprofessionals Meet Qualifications CE 30: Professional Development 8 others reviewed at the central level, 2 not applicable in LAUSD, and 10 Waived by the CORE Waiver
CE Items and evidence for review What exactly will CDE review at my site if my school is chosen? What can I do to get organized? 10
Compensatory Education (CE) Program Checklist CE Item Describes the evidence you will need to provide for each CE Item. Organization: Folders in both electronic and hard copy format
Electronic organization Create a main Compensatory Education folder on your desktop, my documents, or other accessible location. Within the folder, label a folder for each program item number.
You’ve been chosen! CDE will notify LEAs as early as March or April of Central Office will notify programs, local districts, and school sites through an interoffice correspondence. Submission of documents will be prior to the end of the school year.* documents will be collected at designated due dates prior to the start of the review.
Site Visit Review of documents submitted prior to the visit Site Entrance Meeting Introductions Brief School Comments Schedule and Logistics Interviews of Program Staff Interview School Site Council Members and English Learner Advisory Committee Observation of Instructional Setting Review Student Confidential Records Debriefing
The Interview Activity Remain at your table Open envelope and have one person be the interviewer and have the others be the interviewees Be prepared to share Think compliance: Necessary, Allowable, Allocable, Reasonable Your answer may result in paying back funds, canceling programs, triggering other audits, follow-up review, all of the above, and other legal ramifications
Notification of Findings and Resolution Prior to the Notification of Findings, CDE allows schools to address issues that are found to “have concerns” On the last day of the review, CDE issues a written Notification of Findings Timeline: Findings must be resolved within 45 calendar days after the date of the Notification of Findings If the finding cannot be resolved within 45 days, a Resolution Agreement may be requested that may provide up to an additional 180 calendar days. 17
Maintaining Compliant Programs FPM shouldn’t be an event; it is an on-going process Implement systems that will allow you to maintain the required evidence Systems become a form of on-going professional development and assure continuity 18
Questions? 19