Hiring for Team C4ISR – Presentation for CSSC Conference Mark A. Fuhring Deputy Director of Human Resources CECOM Life Cycle Management Command September 28, 2007
WORKFORCE DEMOGRAPHICS About 5100 Civilian Positions in Team C4ISR (Fort Monmouth, Fort Belvoir, Redstone Arsenal) with transfer rights to Aberdeen Proving Ground Current break out of employees by Occupational Category –Engineers and Scientists: 34% –Logistics/Supply/Maintenance: 25% –Administrative/Business: 24% –Contracting: 8% –Clerks/Assistants: 5% –Information Technology: 4% Estimate approximately % will relocate to APG
Hiring Efforts We anticipate hiring up to 2,000 new employees between now and our relocation in 2010/2011. –We’ll relocate some employees prior to 2010, number to be determined We are concentrating more of our recruiting in the Maryland, Delaware and Pennsylvania area Attending about 15 College/University career fairs in Maryland, Delaware and Pennsylvania this fall
Hiring Programs CAREER INTERNS Interns are career, entry level, permanent civilian positions with the Department of Army (similar to Management Trainees) On-the-job training combined with formal classroom training – typically a 2-3 year program We project to hire about 300 interns in the next year Most positions require secret clearance Must be U.S. Citizen
Hiring Programs STUDENT CAREER EXPERIENCE PROGRAM (SCEP) Provide work experience directly related to a student’s academic program and career goals, similar to co-ops Students are eligible for a noncompetitive conversion to a permanent intern position upon successful completion of their academic and work requirements (typically 640 hours) Requires written agreement with all parties (agency, school, student) Good pay - hired at hourly salary $11.16 (HS diploma) /13.67 (2yr college), vacation and sick leave, full benefits Usually part time (summer/break), can be full time Hire SCEPs each year
INTERNS AND SCEPs WHAT DO WE LOOK FOR VARIETY OF MAJORS –Business/Accounting –Electronics/Computer Engineers –Computer Science –Logistics –Mathematics –Liberal Arts (all disciplines) –Social Sciences –Education
WILLING TO LEARN Every career field has prescribed training program to learn technical work On-site offerings to develop business and leader skills Every employee has an Individual Development Plan On-the-Job Training – hands-on meaningful work in first year Strong leader development program Most career fields have opportunity for Masters degree
SALARIES Starting salaries for interns – Engineers and Scientists - $45,000 - $61,000 – Other occupations - $32,000 - $55,000 Salaries after 2-3 Years –Engineers and Scientists - $72,000 - $90,000 –Other occupations - $62,000 - $75,000 About 5% difference between Fort Monmouth and Aberdeen Proving Ground salaries
OTHER BENEFITS Generous leave and benefits package Housing available on Fort Monmouth for $450/mo for first year and if available, longer Flexible work schedule Opportunity to make a difference
COLLEGE FAIRS IN MARYLAND Bowie State University - 19 September 2007 University of Maryland, Baltimore County – 25 September 2007 Salisbury State University – 26 September 2007 University of Maryland, College Park – 2 October 2007 Johns Hopkins University – 4 October 2007 Morgan State University – 10 October 2007 Coppin State University – 11 October 2007 Towson University – 17 October 2007 University of Maryland, Eastern Shore – 18 October 2007
HOW TO APPLY Engineer and Scientist job announcements are posted on USAJobs ( ) Non Engineer and Scientist announcements posted at various colleges We notify all students who give us resumes Students need to submit their resume along with a transcript (unofficial transcript must include the name of the student and school) to our address