ABCs of AYP New Curriculum Directors Presentation September 2008
Overview AYP Criteria for School and System Determinations Non-standard Schools Needs Improvement
Georgia’s AYP Determination Steps 95% in reading/English language arts and math is based on students continuously enrolled during state testing window. Test Participation Reading/English language arts and math performance is based on Full Academic Year (FAY) students Four Step Review Process: Annual Measurable Objective Confidence Interval Multi-year Averaging Safe Harbor Academic Performance Attendance for Elementary & Middle Schools (except for 4 systems) Graduation Rate for High Schools Second Indicator
Participation N Size = 40 US ED and GaDOE expect 100% participation AYP requires 95% participation Participation Rate = number of students who tested number of students continuously enrolled during the state testing window State Testing Window Dates: ― CRCT = April 6, 2009 – May 8, 2009 ― GHSGT = March 16, 2009 – April 3, 2009
Denominator Numerator
Academic Performance Annual Measurable Objectives
Full Academic Year (FAY) Applies Only to Academic Performance For a student to be considered FAY, he/she must be continuously enrolled from the day before the October FTE count day through the close of the State testing window. October FTE Count Day – October 7, 2008 FAY Dates CRCT: October 7 – May 8 GHSGT: October 7 – April 3
Annual Measurable Objectives – N Size 40 or 10% of students in AYP Grade Levels, whichever is higher, with a cap of 75
Absolute Bar
CRCT – MATH CRCT – READING & ENGLISH LANGUAGE ARTS COMBINED Annual Step AMOAnnual StepAMO % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % ENHANCED GHSGT – MATH GHSGT – ENGLISH LANGUAGE ARTS Annual StepAMOAnnual StepAMO % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % %
Reading/ELA AMO Calculation Formula This calculation is not an average of scores. The numerator values represent the number of passing scores in Reading and in ELA. The denominator values represent the number of tests taken in Reading and in ELA. RELA* = R(meets + exceeds) + ELA(meets + exceeds) R(tests taken) + ELA(tests taken) *Pulls from FAY Participants GAA English Language Arts portfolio assessment score is counted for both Reading and ELA.
Enhanced GHSGT - Performance Levels for AYP Purposes Mathematics Basic: Scale scores 400 to 515 Proficient: Scale scores 516 to 524 Advanced: Scale scores 525 to 600 Language Arts Below Proficiency: Less than 200 Basic Proficiency: Scores between 200 and 234 Advanced Proficiency: Scores between 235 and 274 Honors: Scores of 275 and greater
52.5/80=65.6% A student may have passed either Reading or ELA but not both tests. The percentages posted on this page are a result of the Reading/ELA AMO Calculation Formula. However, the list of student names that results from clicking on an underlined number represents ELA data only.
Annual Measurable Objectives Second Looks
Second Indicator
Menu of Second Indicators for Elementary/Middle Schools Meet or exceed standard or show progress from the preceding year Attendance: 15% or less of students absent more than 15 days or show progress Percent Meeting & Exceeding: –CRCT Science – 80% or show progress –CRCT Social Studies – 80% or show progress –EGWT – 80% or show progress Percent Exceeding: –CRCT Reading – 35% or show progress –CRCT English Language Arts – 15% or show progress –CRCT Mathematics – 15% or show progress –CRCT Science – 15% or show progress –CRCT Social Studies – 15% or show progress N size: 40 or 10% of students in AYP Grade Levels, whichever is higher, with a cap of 75.
Attendance as a Second Indicator Attendance Rate Criteria: Schools or LEAs with 15% or less of students absent more than 15 days or show progress over the previous year will meet the Second Indicator. To show progress for attendance a school or LEA must reduce the percentage of students absent more than 15 days from the previous year. Attendance Rate Explanation: Students in AYP grade levels who miss more than 15 days while enrolled at any time in school A will be included in school A's Attendance Rate formula. The days a student misses in another school is not added to school A’s rate. Sample case: School A = 10 days absent Student moves to School B School B = 3 days absent Student moves back to School A and misses 5 more days of school School A = 15 days absent School B = 3 days absent District Absences = 18 days Attendance Rate Calculation: Attendance rate is calculated by dividing the number of students in AYP grade levels who were absent more than 15 days by the total number of students in AYP grade levels. Attendance Rate =# Students in AYP Grades Who Missed More Than 15 Days Total # of Students in AYP Grades
Numerator Denominator
Graduation Rate
Georgia’s Graduation Rate Georgia’s Graduation Rate Standard: Schools and districts must be at or above a 70% Graduation Rate (2008) or meet requirements using Second Looks. Current Graduation Rate Calculation: – Graduation Rate:# of students who graduate with regular diplomas # of dropouts in 9 th, 10 th, 11 th, 12 th from appropriate years + graduates + other completers ― Worksheet available on Actual Values: 2002 = 61.8 % 2005 = 69.4%2008 = 74.4% 2003 = 63.3 %2006 = 70.8% 2004 = 65.4%2007 = 72.3%
Graduation Rate Amendment - Trajectory YearTarget % % % % % % % % Note: Please refer to the Consolidated State Application Accountability Workbook for additional details, including the minimum thresholds required to meet Second Look criteria.
Graduation Rate Process Schools can achieve the graduation rate standard in one of three ways: Step 1: Did the Graduation Rate meet the Absolute Bar ? ― If yes, Graduation Rate requirement was met. ― If no, proceed to Step 2. Step 2: Did the Multi-Year Average (MYA) meet the Absolute Bar ? ― If yes, Graduation Rate requirement was met. ― If no, proceed to Step 3. MYA = (# of 2008 Regular Graduates + # of 2007 Regular Graduates + # of 2006 Regular Graduates) (2008 Graduation Class Size Graduation Class Size Graduation Class Size Step 3: Apply the Safe Harbor Second Look( i.e., 10% Progress and prior year Graduation Rate must meet a minimum threshold). Did the current Graduation Rate increase by at least 10% from the prior year’s Graduation rate? ― If yes, Graduation Rate requirement was met. ― If no, graduation rate was not met.
Withdrawal Codes Code Description B Marriage C* Court Order or Legal Requirement D* Death E Expelled F Financial Hardship/Job G* High School Graduation H* Attend Home Study I Incarcerated/Under Jurisdiction of Juvenile or Criminal Justice Authority L Low Grades/School Failure M Military O Adult Education/Postsecondary P Pregnant/Parent R Removed for Lack of Attendance S Serious Illness/Accident T* Transferred to another public school system in Georgia X* Transferred out of state or country or to a private school U Unknown Y* SB10 State Schools Transfer Z* SB10 Private Schools Transfer 1* SB10 Public Schools Transfer 2* School Choice Transfer * These are NOT included in dropout statistics. 3* USCO NOTE: Students in the care of the Department of Juvenile Justice, Department of Corrections, or Department of Human Resources may be coded “ T” - transferred to another school system if the student is pursuing a high school diploma, not a GED, while under the care of the other agency.
Denominator Graduation Class Size The number of dropouts in 9 th, 10 th, 11 th, and 12 th grade from appropriate years + graduates + other completers. Numerator Number of regular diplomas Click to view second look calculation
Graduation Rate Second Look Calculation
Graduation Rate Calculator * = Graduates - students with a regular diploma type Data * = Graduates with a special education diplomas Data * = Graduates with a Certificate of Attendance Data * = # of dropouts in grade 12 (2008 Data - As coded in Student Record) * = # of dropouts in grade 11 (2007 Data - As coded in Student Record) * = # of dropouts in grade 10 (2006 Data - As coded in Student Record) * = # of dropouts in grade 09 (2005 Data - As coded in Student Record) Graduation Class Size Graduation Rate
New Graduation Rate for
National Governors Association (NGA) Compact The governors agreed to calculate graduation rates by dividing the number of on-time graduates in a given year by the number of first-time entering ninth graders four years earlier. Under the compact, graduates are those students who receive a regular high school diploma. The denominator can be adjusted for transfers in and out of the system. The governors also agreed to develop data systems to track individual students with a longitudinal student unit record data system. When in place, this system will allow states to have even more accurate records of what is happening to students.
Fast Facts Students with Disabilities (SWD): SWD who receive Special Education Services at any time during the school year are included in the SWD group for AYP purposes. GAA Information - Science and AYP: NCLB requires that states develop academic content standards in science by and aligned assessments based on those standards by The science assessments must be administered at least once in each of three grade spans: 3-5, 6-9, and We are required to have Science assessments for the school year but it is unclear whether they will become part of AYP or not. (NCLB Act: section 1111 (K)
Data Elements to Verify The following student demographic elements should be reviewed for all students: Student Grade Level Race/Ethnicity Economically Disadvantaged (ED) Status * Student With Disability (SWD) Status ** English Language Learner (ELL/LEP) *** Days Absent (Excused and Unexcused) Days Present Latest Withdrawal Date Latest Withdrawal Reason Code * Students who are eligible for Free or Reduced Priced Meal. ** Students who are coded as receiving special education services at anytime during the school year. *** Students who are identified as ELL/LEP or have exited the program and are being monitored for two years.
ColumnDescription Student in AYP Grade Level = Y Students enrolled in AYP Grade Levels (Grades 3 through 8 and 11, and Grades 1 and 2 in K-2 schools). Test Window Enrollee = YStudents who were continuously enrolled at the school during the state testing window for that assessment. State Testing Windows GHSGT – March 17, 2008 through April 4, 2008 CRCT – April 2, 2008 through May 2, 2008 Medical Emergency = YStudents who were coded as having a Medical Emergency. Adequate Yearly Progress Reports Downloads
ColumnDescription Student on Test Grade = N Students who were tested off grade. For example, a 5 grader was given a 4 grade test. Test Score = NStudents for whom there is no test score. Present Test Not Attempted = Y Students whose assessment record had the PTNA bubble bubbled. Verify that this is the complete list of students that should have their assessments coded as PTNA. Blank Test or DNA or TNA = Y Students whose assessment record had the DNA or TNA bubble bubbled. Verify that this is the complete list of students that should be have their assessments coded as DNA or TNA. Adequate Yearly Progress Reports Downloads
ColumnDescription Test Participant = NStudents who are not being counted as test participants, i.e. students who do not have test scores. Verify that this list of students is correct. FAY Enrollee = YStudents who were continuously enrolled at the school from the October FTE Count Day until the end of the state testing window. GAA Score = YStudents who took the GAA in lieu of the CRCT or GHSGT. GAA Score Accepted = YStudents whose GAA Score is Accepted to be used in the AYP Reports. Adequate Yearly Progress Reports Downloads
ColumnDescription SWD and Part Time = YStudents who were reported in FTE Count 3 with one or two special education segments and all other segments as “O”. First Year in US = YStudents who are coded as First Year in US students. Passed on Prior Administration = Y (GHSGT only) Students who passed the GHSGT on a prior administration. These students are not counted for participation or academic performance. Failed on Prior Administration = Y Students who failed the GHSGT on a prior administration. (Must be tested.) Adequate Yearly Progress Reports Downloads
Non-Standard Schools High Schools
For AYP Calculations: EOCT Data Used. Mathematics I scores represent the math requirement (Algebra I and Geometry are combined for systems that are operating under a math waiver). 9th grade Literature and Composition scores represent the ELA requirement. Second Looks may apply if AMO bar not achieved. Attendance is 2 nd indicator for 9 th and 9 th -10 th grade Non-Standard High Schools.
Needs Improvement Designations
School Level NI Status Entering Needs Improvement (NI) : occurs if the school has not made AYP in the same area(reading/ELA, math, 2 nd indicator) for two consecutive years. Removal from NI : occurs if the school has made AYP for two consecutive years. Escalation in NI (i.e., increasing in levels of NI status): occurs if the school fails to make AYP in the same subject (reading/ELA, math, 2 nd indicator) for two consecutive years. Remaining in current NI status for the following year occurs if : ―A school fails to make AYP, but does not fail to make AYP in the same subject for two consecutive years. ―A school that makes AYP for one year.
District Level NI Status Entering Needs Improvement (NI): occurs if a LEA has not made AYP in the same area (reading/ELA, math, 2 nd indicator) for two consecutive years at both elementary/middle school and high school levels. Removal from NI: occurs if a LEA has made AYP for two consecutive years. Escalation in NI (i.e., increasing in levels of NI status): occurs if the LEA fails to make AYP in the same subject (reading/ELA, math, 2 nd indicator) for two consecutive years at both elementary/middle school and high school levels. Remaining in current NI status for the following year occurs if : a LEA fails to make AYP, but does not fail to make AYP in the same subject for two consecutive years at both elementary/middle school and high school levels.
January – Student Record Opened Mid May – Assessment Processing and AYP Report Applications Available Mid June – Student Record Closes End of June – AYP Report Certification Deadline July – Release of AYP Determinations June through July – Appeal Submission Window August – Summer Graduate Data Collection September/October – Re-Release of AYP Determinations Timeline for Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) AYP is an: All Year Process
Georgia Dept of Education - My GaDOE Portal – Documents AYP User Guide AYP Quick Reference Assessment Processing User Guide Summer Graduates User Guide GaDOE Accountability Division Accountability Specialist Contact Information U.S. Dept of Education – Consolidated State Accountability Application Workbook Support Resources
Accountability Team Office of Standards, Instruction and Assessment Georgia Department of Education 205 Jesse Hill Jr. Drive, 1766 Twin Towers East Atlanta, GA Website: Joanne Leonard, Ed.S. – Director of Accountability (404) / Melissa Barry, M.Ed. – Research and Data Analyst (404) / Nancy Haight - Accountability Specialist (404) / Cowen Harter, Ed. S. - Accountability Specialist (404) / Donna Kelly, Ed. S. – Accountability Specialist (404) /