Service-Learning General Presentation
What is Service-Learning? This is a way of learning that engages students with course objectives while addressing community needs.
Service-Learning at MCC Professors decide to include Service- Learning as one of their methods for teaching the course. The Service-Learning project is NOT in addition to the coursework, but rather it is part of the process. No additional work is added by this project.
Service-Learning Projects These vary – they are designed by your Professor. The number of hours for your project are determined by your Professor and are dependent on the amount of work you will be doing. Your Professor will provide details on the Service- Learning project for your class. This course is either Dedicated (all students participate) or Option (students give name to Professor if they want to co the Service-Learning project.)
Benefits of Service-Learning Your Name Here! Transcripting: Service-Learning hours are noted on your transcript. Certificate Distinction: Upon graduating and receiving a 2.0 above average and have done 200 or more Service- Learning hours, you will receive this Certificate of Distinction, as well as another Distinction for your Diploma.
Benefits of Service-Learning Presidential Volunteer Service Award Those who qualify for the award are eligible to receive a personalized certificate of achievement, a congratulatory letter from the president of the United States and one of the lapel pins below. For more information, please go to Bronze Award Criteria Young Adults (15-25): 100 to 174 hours Adults (25 and older): 100 to 249 hours Silver Award Criteria Young Adults (15-25): 174 to 249 hours Adults (25 and older): 250 to 499 hours Gold Award Criteria Young Adults (15-25): 250 hours or more Adults (25 and older): 500 hours or more
Tools used for Service-Learning Note: The Service-Learning Manual and replacement student time logs can be found on the Service-Learning website, please go to Time Logs: To keep track of your Service-Learning hours. These are handed into your Professor at the end of semester.
Processing Service-Learning Federal Work Study Step 1: Identify yourself to your Professor if you wish to do the Service-Learning project (if it is an option course). Step 2: 4 weeks after the course starts, you will receive an from Service-Learning asking if you would like to participate. Print this, fill it out and take/send it to Financial Aid (DCC only) for processing. Step 3: 2 weeks later, Financial Aid will you if you qualify – with further instructions (including taking 2 forms of ID to Human Resources) AND an attached Stipend form. Important – You MUST fill out this form EACH semester AND have a current FAFSA on file in order to be qualified for Service-Learning Federal Work Study monies.
Step 4: Print and fill out the Stipend form when you have finished your Service-Learning hours – have your professor will sign it and send this form to Service- Learning, DCC. Processing Service-Learning Federal Work Study
Any of the this information – that includes this presentation as well as the Service-Learning Manual, student time logs and further information on the benefits for students as well as processing the Stipend for Service-Learning Federal Work Study can be found at the Service-Learning website.** Please go to ** Note the Center for Service-Learning, now located at Damon City Center, 5 th floor – Room 5070 does have a supply of this information as well. Thank you for viewing our Service-Learning Presentation! Enjoy and have a great semester!! For questions, please see your Professor.
Service-Learning General Presentation