ProteoRed WG1-WG2 Meeting Salamanca, March,16th 2010 PME5: Quantitative LC-MS differential analysis F. Canals
Joan Josep Bech Núria Colomé Marta Monge THANK YOU! Salvador Martínez de Bartolomé Alex Campos … All participants in the study
2008 MULTICENTRIC STUDY technical replicates Untreated Cells 2DE- DIGE Sample 1 Treated Cells (+ EGF 24 h) Sample 2 Image analysis: - NLD - LUDESI - GE Protein Identification: 30 top differential protein spots > 1.5 fold p < 0.05 LC-MS => Isotopic labeling, Label free MDA-MB-468 Br.Cancer Cells
PROTEORED ASSAY 2008 Gel-free quantitative approaches
laboratories 3 laboratories 2 laboratories Proteins reported as differential
Labsproteins% UPFUPVBPGUCMPCBMPCBQ Proteins Identified by LC/MS/MS
“Centralized” analysis of data “Collective” analysis of “pooled” data Next Multicentric Experiment on (Quantitative) LC-MS experiment
1- Run LC-MS/MS of a sample of “medium” complexity in triplicate -> evaluate reproducibility -> Different protocols – SOP ? 2- 2a) Two standard mixtures A, B: Protein 150 fmolA1-B1 -> 1 : 5 Protein 2500 fmolA2-B2 -> 1 : 2 Protein 35 pmolA3-B3 -> 1.5:1 2b) A, B + Matrix (medium complexity) -> Run triplicates 2a, 2b ? Matrix -> Bacterial lysate?, Fraction cell lysate (supplied?) SOP-> Include Fractionation ? Labeling – Label Free -> assign # labs? LC gradient Search parameters PME09
- Matrix: Bacteriophage T4 capside proteins: ~35 proteins - > adequate complexity for single LC-MS runs - > replicas -Samples: A, B -> 4 level spiked proteins – 3 orders of magnitude -> relative abundance Per 1 g T4 proteins
Distribute ~100 g each sample A,B Isotope label (i-TRAQ, ICPL, O18…) or label-free relative quantitation A/B -> minimum of 4 replicas: evaluate variability, quantitation accuracy… 2DE-DIGE? Provide unified database (E.Coli + spiked proteins). Inter-Lab comparisons. Report using MIAPE document generator PME5
E. Coli sample preparation A9 A10 A11 A13 A14 B4 B5 B7 B9 B11 SCX 10/40 fractions proteins Id Off-gel fractionation: 902 prots Cytoplasmatic fraction
- 4 DIGE - 2 ICPL - 11 iTRAQ - 3 TMT - 6 LF