Kolb Elementary School ELAC November 3, 2015 Lilia Woo Tsui, ELD Specialist
Welcome to Kolb ELAC! Welcome from Ms. Gibson, Kolb Principal A little about Ms. Woo, Kolb ELD Specialist Get to know each other… Share your name, your child’s grade, one goal that you have for your child this year. Share at your table…any questions you may have and what you would like to learn today.
What is the role of ELAC? Elects at least one member to the DELAC. Purpose of ELAC Each California public school from K-12 with 21 or more English Learners must form a functional English Learner Advisory Committee (ELAC). The ELAC a committee for parents and other community members who want to advocate for English Learners. The committee reviews and comments on the following: The school’s program for English Learners The school’s needs assessment. The school’s annual language census (R-30 LC Report) Elects at least one member to the DELAC.
How was my child identified as an English Learner? Home Language Information If parents indicate a student has a language other than English, or in addition to English in his or her background, the student must be given the California English Language Development Test (CELDT) test. LAU ET AL. v. NICHOLS ET AL. SUPREME COURT OF THE UNITED STATES December 10, 1973, Argued January 21, 1974, Decided The failure of the San Francisco school system to provide English language instruction to approximately 1,800 students of Chinese ancestry who do not speak English, or to provide them with other adequate instructional procedures, denies them a meaningful opportunity to participate in the public educational program…
California English Language Development Test - CELDT The CELDT is a test of English skills in the following areas: Listening Speaking Reading Writing Purpose Of CELDT Test: -Identify students who are English Learners -Determine the level of English level proficiency -Assess the progress of English Learner students California English Language Development Test - CELDT
CELDT SCORES An initially proficient CELDT score is overall Early Advanced or higher, with no more than one subtest score of Intermediate. *Note: K/1 Listening & Speaking only
LEP/English Learner Status When a student is given the CELDT test for the first time, he/she is designated as one of the following: Not Limited English Proficient (English Fluent) - if overall Early Advanced or higher, with no more than one subtest score of Intermediate English Learner/Limited English Proficient (LEP)) - annual assessment until all reclassification requirements have been met *Note: Kindergarten, 1st, and 2nd grade English Learners will continue to be assessed annually until after they take the CELDT test in 2nd Grade at the earliest. LEP/English Learner Status
Parent Notification of Assessment Parents will be notified of official CELDT scores when we receive them back from the state. (usually in January) Parent Notification of Assessment
Based on preliminary CELDT results, notification was sent home Based on preliminary CELDT results, notification was sent home. Unless parent permission is given, EL students are not placed in ELD pull-out groups. They receive the instruction needed from their classroom or grade-level teachers or additional push-in support from the ELD specialist.
Single Plan for Student Success at Kolb English Learner Services California English Language Development Test (CELDT) English Language Development Support (small groups support to students, push-in support in classrooms, and strategies/information shared with teacher) Integrated activities to support understanding Staff Credentials and Training (CLAD)
ELD Program—How do we support EL students at Kolb? Both integrated and designated ELD are provided to English learners. Integrated ELD is provided to ELs throughout the school day and across all subjects by all teachers of ELs. Examples of strategies: preview of academic vocabulary; use of visuals, graphic organizers, models; use of technology to allow students to hear and visualize concepts. The CA ELD Standards are used in tandem with the CA CCSS for ELA/Literacy and other content standards to ensure students strengthen their abilities to use English as they simultaneously learn content through English. Designated ELD is provided by teachers during a protected time during the regular school day. Teachers use the CA ELD Standards as the focal standards in ways that build into and from content instruction in order to develop critical language ELs need for content learning in English.
CA ELD Standards http://tinyurl.com/bootcamp1pagers Link to view a one page description of the CA ELD standards for each grade level at each of the three language levels: Emerging--------- Bridging----------Expanding Beginning—Early Intermediate—Intermediate—Early Advanced--Advanced
Reclassification Requirements In order for a student to be reclassified as English proficient, all of the following requirements must be met: Score of Early Advanced or Advanced on CELDT Academic performance at or above grade-level standards Teacher recommendation Parent notification and consultation This process can begin as early as 2nd grade, after the official CELDT scores are released by the state.
Parent Notification of Reclassification - Parents will receive this notification when their child has met all of the requirements to be reclassified as English fluent. - If parents approve of this action, no further action is necessary. - If parents have questions or concerns, they may contact EL Support Services to discuss their child’s reclassification. Parent Notification of Reclassification
Benefits of Multilingualism Aside from the social benefits of multilingualism, research has shown that there are many cognitive benefits as well. Here are a few examples: Their brains are very active and flexible (Zelasko and Antunez, 2000) They understand math concepts and solving word problems more easily (Zelasko and Antunez, 2000) They develop strong thinking skills (Kessler and Quinn,1980) They are better at using logic (Bialystok and Majumder, as cited in Castro, Ayankoya, & Kasprzak, 2011) They are better at focusing, remembering, and making decisions (Bialystok, 2001) They are better at thinking about language (Castro et al., 2011) They are better able to learn other languages (Jessner, 2008) In addition, research indicates that bilingualism may delay the onset of Alzheimer’s disease (Dreifus, 2011)
Get Involved DELAC on December 2, 2015 6:30-7:30pm District Office, 7471 Larkdale Ave., Dublin DELAC on February 17, 2016 6:30-7:30pm Parent Night on April 27, 2016 6:00-7:30pm Frederiksen Elementary School (informative workshops) Next ELAC meeting at Kolb in January 2016 (Date TBD)
This presentation is posted on my teacher webpage: Feedback from you What questions do you still have? What would you like to hear about at our next meeting? Do you have feedback about this morning’s presentation? Thank you for coming! Lilia Woo Tsui, ELD Specialist TsuilLilia@dublinusd.org This presentation is posted on my teacher webpage: DUSD website Select ‘Kolb’ Select ‘Teacer Sites’ Select ‘Lilia Tsui’ Select ‘ELAC Presentation’
CA Seal of Biliteracy The State Seal of Biliteracy (SSB), per Assembly Bill 815 (Brownley, Chapter 618, Statutes of 2011), became effective January 1, 2012. This program recognizes high school graduates who have attained a high level of proficiency in speaking, reading, and writing one or more languages in addition to English. Seal of Biliteracy promotes bilingual pride! We encourage students to be biliterate, and help schools to promote bilingualism by providing medals and seals. California Education Code Section 51460(b) states the purposes of the SSB, which include (but are not limited to) encouraging pupils to study languages; providing employers with a method of identifying people with language and biliteracy skills; and strengthening intergroup relationships, affirming the value of diversity, and honoring the multiple cultures and languages of a community. http://www.cde.ca.gov/sp/el/er/sealofbiliteracy.asp