SE 501 Software Development Processes Dr. Basit Qureshi College of Computer Science and Information Systems Prince Sultan University Lecture for Week 11
Contents Team Software Process (Continued) – Re-launch meetings – Implementation and Tracking – Gathering TSP data TSP Case studies and success stories SE 501 Dr. Basit Qureshi: Lecture for Week 11
Bibliography Humphrey, Watts (2000). Introduction to the Team Software Process. Addison-Wesley. The Team Software Process. Introduction to the team software process by James Over, SEI, CMU. SE 501 Dr. Basit Qureshi: Lecture for Week 11
TEAM SOFTWARE PROCESS PART-II SE 501 Dr. Basit Qureshi: Lecture for Week 11
TSP - II Project tracking in the TSP is based on the principles and measures used in the PSP. The detailed team and individual plans facilitate precise project tracking. Each team member is responsible for: – gathering data on their work – tracking status against their personal plan – keeping the team informed Each team member is also responsible for the quality of the work they produce. SE 501 Dr. Basit Qureshi: Lecture for Week 11 Personal Progress Team Progress Project Progress
TSP-II Earned value [Humphrey 95]= Each task is assigned a value based on the percentage of the total project estimate that is required for that task Example: If a project was planned to take 1,000 task hours, a 32-hour task would have 3.2 planned value, or 100*32/1000 = 3.2%. Then, when the team has completed that task, the engineers would have accumulated 3.2 earned value points, no matter how long the task actually took. SE 501 Dr. Basit Qureshi: Lecture for Week 11
TSP-II SE 501 Dr. Basit Qureshi: Lecture for Week 11
TSP -II More detail in Introduction to TSP © SEI CMU by James Over Pages 101 to 142. SE 501 Dr. Basit Qureshi: Lecture for Week 11