By: Kendra Steele
Content Area: Science Grade Level: 1 st Grade Summary: The purpose of this instructional PowerPoint is to inform the students about plants and animal changes overtime. Content Standard: GLE Recognize that plants and animals are living things that grow and change over time. Learning Objective: Given an informational PowerPoint the students will be able to understand and distinguish the changes plants and animals have with 100% accuracy. Accomplishment: TSW be able to distinguish the differences between plants and animals change overtime.
All living organisms change over time. Plants and Animals are living organisms that grow, develop, and change overtime. Plants and animals both go through different life cycles. We are going to begin looking at animal change overtime through amphibians and reptiles.
Animals are living things. Amphibians are cold-blooded animals that begin in larva and when becoming adults, gain lungs. Amphibians include: frogs, toads, salamander Amphibians change over their life span.
The life cycle overall change for an amphibian (frog) consist: Egg Tadpole Froglet Frog The frog is first inside the egg the egg then transforms into the tadpole (does not have feet/legs or lungs) then changes to froglet (has small feet-like appendages) and then change to an adult frog obtaining lungs to live on water and land. eggtadpolefrogletFrog Frog Interactive Game/Tutorial of Change
Reptiles like amphibians change over time. Reptiles grow and developed. All living things grow and developed. Reptiles are known for being cold-blooded and scaly skin. Reptiles life changes consist of the following: Egg baby reptile adult Reptile Overall Changes Information
Turn to the person you are sitting next to and tell him/her something new you learned about reptiles.
Just as animals change over time so do plants. Plants are living organisms as well. Plants are organisms that obtain water by having the water go to the roots in order to grow. Plants are very important to the environment. Plants give energy to everything! Plants include: mosses, ferns, flowering plants, grasses, etc.
(Mosses) (Flowering)(Ferns) (Tree)
Plant life cycle change overtime due to growth interactive game interactive game
Through the use of the instructional PowerPoint the students have learned several things including: All living organisms change overtime. Plants and animals are living organisms allowing the plants and animals to grow, develop, and change overtime. Plants and animals change over time due to their different life cycles. Understood the distinction between the different change overtime. For example, reptile and amphibians begin as eggs while a plant begins as a seed. Did multiple interactive games, read extra information, and discussed about the life cycles.