Correct this run on sentence about a centerpiece. The centerpiece is in the middle of the table and it has a squash there are two small pumpkins and dried leaves.
The centerpiece is in the middle of the table. It has a squash and two small pumpkins with dried leaves. Table of ContentsWarming Up to Language Arts
Combine these sentences about a cat into one. The cat is on the fence. The cat is gray and white. She sees a squirrel. Trees are near the fence.
The gray and white cat on the fence near the trees sees a squirrel. Table of ContentsWarming Up to Language Arts
Make four sentences out of the following fragments. the first one to arrive near the brick wall Gary brought soon his friends
Gary was the first one to arrive. He waited near the brick wall. Gary brought his basketball. Soon his friends would join him. Table of ContentsWarming Up to Language Arts
Correct the wordiness in the following sentences. What I want to say is that we can’t find Mom’s car keys. We were going shopping but now we won’t be able to shop.
We can’t find Mom’s car keys. Now we won’t be able to go shopping. Table of ContentsWarming Up to Language Arts
Find four words that are mis-spelled and write them correctly. bisnessmaniger discussjackett secrtarydress papersstrategy blinds
business secretary manager jacket Table of ContentsWarming Up to Language Arts
Match the words on the left with their synonyms on the right. Wigjester Paintfrown Grinamusing Funnycosmetic Clownjokes hairpiece smile
wig, hairpiece paint, cosmetic grin, smile funny, amusing clown, jester Table of ContentsWarming Up to Language Arts
Correct the underlined problems as you rewrite. The Morton’s like to swim in they’re backyard pool. Little Joe think hes quite the champion diver, and mother disagrees.
The Mortons like to swim in their backyard pool. Little Joe thinks he’s quite the champion diver, but mother disagrees. Table of ContentsWarming Up to Language Arts
Write these sentences with the correct capitalization. The Foreman on the job site is raymond floyd. he and his Crew are working on the new ford factory in cincinnati, ohio.
The foreman on the job site is Raymond Floyd. He and his crew are working on the new Ford factory in Cincinnati, Ohio. Table of ContentsWarming Up to Language Arts
Write these sentences with the correct punctuation. His attaché case contained the following items pencils pens a calculator file folders computer disks and a legal notepad.
His attaché case contained the following items: pencils, pens, a calculator, file folders, computer disks, and a legal notepad. Table of ContentsWarming Up to Language Arts
Fix this paragraph. The sentences are out or order. That is the time when the fish are biting. If he doesn’t get a bite for awhile, he chan- ges his location and sometimes his bait. Morning is a great time to fish. Jack Medford loves to go fishing at dawn.
Jack Medford loves to go fishing at dawn. That is the time when the fish are biting. If he doesn’t get a bite for awhile, he changes his location and sometimes his bait. Morning is a great time to fish. Table of ContentsWarming Up to Language Arts
1. On wensday, we had an assembly. 2. The principle said, All classes shud go to the gym. 3. Mr holmans class see the show. 4. Our class watch the show at 115 yesterday,
1. We all claped win the show was over. 2. Sum students couldn’t here the music. 3. Jody asked Whats happening over there 4. Cheryl answered People dancing and singing
1. They said they wood be comeing back on march We watched them dansers singers and musicians 3. We will has a break next week 4. Janelle asked will we be out all week
1. Our brake will begin march I is going to jacksonville florida 3. Are you gonna go to the beach 4. me and my sister has aleady packed!
1. Spring brak will be lotsa fun this year! 2. no, we are not staying home this year 3. We be leaving Monday at 800 in the morning. 4. That’s the day were going to myrtle beach.
1. my sister she said “I want to swim in the atlantic ocean” 2. On may , there was thunder lightnin and rane. 3. We took a four our trip to my grandfathers farm. 4. grandmother were bakeing a cake for us.
1. dad said isnt she a great cook 2. Our neighbor mrs olsen came over to visit. 3. She bringed us fruits vegetables and cookies. 4. mrs smith comed over for diner on monday.
1. her and grandma has been frends for years. 2. They talked in the kitchen from 200 to it were a very sunny day today 4. jose exclaimed, maybe spring will be hear soon!
1. The sun times reported that it were 70 degrees today 2. I didn’t wear no jacket outside today. 3. the flowers is all beginning to bloom 4. the birds was bilding there nests in them trees.
1. stephanie asked doncha wanna play on the swings 2. The bell ringed but we wanted to kep on playing. 3. We was excited when mr hill yelled time for lunch! 4. sum students they had to finish there work first.
1. Mr burr he came to talk about nature. 2. He telled us abot takeing care of our planet. 3. He visit daves class last friday. 4. Dave said I liked the frogs best of all
1. Us liked the hole collection of animals him showed us 2. We seen frogs snakes lizards and turtles. 3. didja see the frog jump of the table 4. The frog it landed on sues desk!
1. Mr burr he work for a group called earth watch 2. We meeted he on the football field that day. 3. mr heavans he give us a science test. 4. The test were on plants wed readed abot.
1. yes the test was a pop quiz 2. Sum students werent ready for the quiz 3. Mary said That test were a surprize! 4. Our teacher telled us to study.
1. Jim and I said we studied alot last night 2. i gess mary watched television instead of studing. 3. We taked the test rite after lunch 4. jennifer john and me thot it be easy!