If The Dead Could Speak
Bible condemns necromancy Dt.18:11 Procedure: medium... ‘dead spirit’ Prohibition: do not seek revelation apart from God Problem: Ec.9:5-6 Presumption: dead don’t know future Isa.8:19-20
If this man could speak... Ac.2:…29 God does tell us what some dead say
I. Samuel, 1 Sm.28:3
Dead Samuel speaks… 15: coming back disturbs him 16: directs Saul to Lord, not man (dead) 16: God will not compromise His plan 17-18: sin brings consequences 19: alone [Gn.2:18]. 1 Sm.28:6, 15 Psalm Mt.9:36 (10:6)
I. Samuel, 1 Sm.28:3 II. Nebuchadnezzar, Is.14
Is.14:4, king of Babylon Dead, entering Sheol (9, 11) Residents address him, Passage recalls former boasts, Now silent before Almighty Judge
Is.14:4, king of Babylon warns by silence and example 1. No matter what you have on earth, you will leave it behind 2. Death is the great leveler 3. God is in control, not you
I. Samuel, 1 Sm.28:3 III. Rich Man, Lk.16 II. Nebuchadnezzar, Is.14
“I wouldn’t treat a dog like that” Mt.15:…27, Syro-Phoenician woman Dogs eat crumbs... (scraps) That fall from table Lk.16:21, Lazarus Desired crumbs... (scraps) That fall from table Rich man lived daily in ‘ostentatious luxury’ – L-N. 1 Party 2 Position 1 Party 2 Position
The rich man speaks Verse 24 Begs mercy; for himself, not others Knows Lazarus Once had so much; now... Do anything to avoid this place; earthly blessings cannot compensate
The rich man speaks Verses Blames God for his condition (neglect) Blames God for brothers’ danger Earthly blessings do not transfer Death seals our destiny; prepare now Verse 30 Does not want loved ones to join him Thinks he knows more than God
The rich man speaks Summary Would do anything to save brothers If Word won’t change them, nothing will Where was he when...? Another Lazarus said nothing, Jn.11-12
I. Samuel, 1 Sm.28:3 IV. Abel, Hb.11:4 II. Nebuchadnezzar, Is.14 III. Rich Man, Lk.16
Abel says... Sin will be punished, Gn.4:10 Life, Gn.4:13 Legacy, Hb.11:4; Jd.11; 1 Jn.3:12
Abel says... Sin will be punished, Gn.4:10 Need blood to be saved; Hb.9:22 Faith does exactly what God says Obey God even if family opposes you There is something worse than death; there is something better than life