powerpoint presentation designed by claro ruiz vicente Adult Bible Study Guide Apr May Jun 2011 Adult Bible Study Guide Apr May Jun 2011
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Office of the Adult Bible Study Guide Staff Principal Contributors
Garments of Grace Contents 1. In the Loom of Heaven 2. From Exalted to Cast Down 3. A Garment of Innocence 4. The Coat of Different Colors 5. The Priestly Garments of Grace 6. Elijah’s ang Elisha’s Mantle 7. In the Shadow of His Wings 8. Garments of Splendor 9. A Brand Plucked From Fire 10. The Prodigal’s New Clothes 11. The Wedding Garment 12. More Clothing Imagery 13. Clothed in Christ
Garments of Grace Our Goal {169}
Garments of Grace Lesson 9, May 28 Garments of Grace Lesson 9, May 28 A Brand Plucked From the Fire Fire
A Brand Plucked From the Fire Key Text
A Brand Plucked From the Fire Initial Words {268}
A Brand Plucked From the Fire Quick Look 1. Joshua, the Accused (Zechariah 3:1 NIV) 2. Satan, the Accuser (Zechariah 3:1 NLT) 3. Jesus, the “Angel of the Lord” (Zechariah 3:1 ESV)
A Brand Plucked From the Fire 1. Joshua, the Accused
Zealous for Jerusalem {268} Just before Zechariah’s vision of the filthy garments of Joshua, he received a message of promise that he was to communicate to the Jews. God told them to “sing and rejoice,” and then He promised to live with them. How encouraging that message must have been as the people of God attempted to join together to worship Him.
1.Joshua, the Accused The High Priest {270} Joshua, the high priest, represents Israel in all of their faults, shortcomings, and sins. The people are not innocent, they are not sinless, they are not deserving of the promised restoration that the Lord is offering them and which they are claiming for themselves by faith and repentance.
1.Joshua, the Accused The High Priest {272} The fact that Joshua as the high priest was deemed the one in filthy garments only highlights the depth of sin. The priesthood is special even among the chosen nation, called out by the Lord for a unique role and function in Israel, a holy role and function. They, of all of Israel, should have been, symbolically, in the cleanest of garments.
A Brand Plucked From the Fire 2. Satan, the Accuser
“Of Our Brethren” {270}
2. Satan, the Accuser “Of Our Brethren” {270} What makes the threat so powerful is that he doesn’t have to lie about our sins, does he? All he has to do is remind us of them and, without knowing about God’s grace, we would be crushed with a sense of hopelessness and loss. Even without an accuser to throw them up in God’s face, our sins are more than enough to condemn us.
2. Satan, the Accuser “Of Our Brethren” {270} No question, Satan is the accuser, but we all should know the famous text: “And I heard a loud voice saying in heaven, Now is come salvation, and strength, and the kingdom of our God, and the power of his Christ: for the accuser of our brethren is cast down, which accused them before our God day and night” (Revelation 12:10).
A Brand Plucked From the Fire 3. Jesus, the “Angel of the Lord”
Change of Clothes {272}
In verses 3–5, before the new clothes are placed on Joshua, the old filthy ones are removed. What does that mean in the life of the person redeemed? 3. Jesus, the “Angel of the Lord” Change of Clothes {274} Was Joshua now sinless, perfect in heart and soul and mind, never to fall or sin again? Was that the state Joshua had to reach before the change of garments could be placed on him? If so, what hope would any of us have?
What it means is that the guilt and condemnation that belonged to him had been taken away. “His own sins and those of his people were pardoned. Israel were clothed with ‘change of raiment’—the righteousness of Christ imputed to them” (Testimonies 5:469). 3. Jesus, the “Angel of the Lord” Change of Clothes {274}
It was only after the special clothing was given to him that Joshua received the admonition to obey the Lord and walk in His ways. Without being covered in those “rich robes” all his efforts to obey God’s commandments and to keep His “ways” would have left him in the same filthy garments with which he started. 3. Jesus, the “Angel of the Lord” Change of Clothes {274}
A Brand Plucked From the Fire Final Words {276}