Here’s To A Healthy Heart A Web quest for 4 th and 5 th grade students Created by Jocelyn Wright
Introduction Your school is in the midst of a health crisis! Currently your school has the highest percentage of teens diagnosed with heart disease in the whole state. You ‘re a teen educator who has been hired by the mayor to train students on how to have a healthy heart. You will need to learn as much as possible about heart disease and prepare yourself to educate your fellow student s on the best ways to avoid heart disease.
Task As a health educator, you have to decide what is the best way to educator your school on ways to avoid heart disease. You may decide to create a brochure to pass out throughout the school, or you may decide to hold an assembly and create a PowerPoint presentation to educate the school.
Process Gather updated, factual information related to heart disease. You will focus your search on three main topic areas: Nutrition Exercise Lifestyle choice. You want to focus on suggestions for maintaining a healthy heart asp ition/
Evaluation Evaluation Your report and presentation will be evaluated using the following rubric: Excellent (5pts)Good ( 3 to 4 pts)Poor (1 to 2 pts) Thoroughness of information in Report Report is very thorough: includes all topic listed in task. Report is fairly thorough: one topic listed in the task is missing Report is not thorough: or more topics listed in the task are missing Depth of Coverage in Report Covers task topics in great detail; Covers task topics in adequate detail Covers task topics in minimal details Accuracy of Information in Report Information in report is high accurate. Information in reports is most accurate, but may contain a few flaws Information in report contains many inaccurate flaws. Clarity of Presentation Presentation is clear and easy to understand. Presentation is mostly clear and easy to understand. Presentation is not cleat may be hard to understand.
Conclusion Upon completing this project, you should have a better understanding of how you can help teen prevent heart disease. You should also know why specific choices impact your likelihood of having heart disease. Hopefully, this information will help you make betters decision in your life.