Cardiovascular Disease Disease of the heart and blood vessels. Many different types of cardiovascular disease.
Angina Pectoris Chest pain that results from narrowed coronary arteries (in the heart). Pain occurs because heart is not getting enough oxygen. – Sudden physical activity, difficult exercise, or excessive stress can cause angina in people with coronary heart disease. – People who have coronary heart disease take nitroglycerin pills to relieve chest pains – Nitroglycerin is a drug that widens the coronary arteries, which allows more oxygen to the heart.
Congestive Heart Failure condition that occurs when heart’s pumping ability is below normal fluid typically builds up in the lungs and other areas of the body Causes: heart attack, birth defects, high blood pressure, rheumatic fever Solutions: reducing sodium (salt) in the diet is helpful. Usually drugs to assist heart’s pumping ability.
Coronary Heart Disease a disease in which the coronary arteries are narrowed or blocked. coronary artery is a blood vessel that carries blood to the heart. constantly feeds heart with blood (oxygen). plaque- hardened deposits of fat and other materials in the walls of the arteries.
Arteriosclerosis hardening and thickening of the arteries tends to occur naturally as people age.. Atherosclerosis- disease in which fat deposits collect on artery walls. deposits may harden and turn into plaque. Causes: high cholesterol, high fat diet, high blood pressure and smoking
Check Your Heart Rate Count how many beats in 15 seconds. Multiply that # by 5. represents beats per minute. beats per minute is normal.
Arrhythmia a heart condition in which the heart may beat very slowly or very fast for no obvious reason. people who do not improve after taking medications may need to have surgery to implant a pacemaker. -a pacemaker is a device that is implanted in the heart to stimulate normal heart contractions.
Stroke a condition caused by blocked or broken blood vessel in the brain. brain cells in the area of the blockage are deprived of oxygen. the brain cells die within minutes. the affected area of the brain and the parts of the body controlled by those brain cells cannot function. Strokes can also happen if an aneurysm bursts. Aneurysm- weakened area of a blood vessel