Open House School Year Mrs. Paradelo and Mrs. Flores
School Rules Be on time! School begins at 8:25 a.m. and ends at 3:05 p.m. (Wednesdays 1:50 p.m.) If your child is absent, you must provide a written note explaining the absence. Please be aware that vacations and personal days (aside from religious holidays) are not excused. Only illness of self will be considered an excused absence. Limiting the amount of times your child is leaving school early is crucial in their learning. (Fridays are the WORST day to leave early due to testing). Your child must be at school for at least two hours or will be marked absent. Wear REQUIRED uniform to school each day.
Conduct Grade How conduct grades are earned: Students begin their day with their pin on “Ready to learn”. They will be given one verbal warning and the pin moves to “think about it”. If the behavior continues, parent contact will be made. Children will be rewarded in two ways. Individually: Depending on the behavior chart and amount of reward tickets they earn. Group: How they work as a team. Raffle will take place at the end of each month!
Home Learning Home learning SHOULD ALWAYS be completed DAILY in the Composition Journal labeled “Home Learning”. Math HW is to be done in the workbook (please DO NOT TEAR OUT THE PAGES). The workbook should be brought to school DAILY. Responsibility is KEY! Fluency sheets must be reviewed daily. Reading Plus required 2 half hour sessions per week for a grade! Homework is always posted on
F-CAT Florida Comprehensive Assessment Test April It is a law that your child must receive a 2 or higher in the assessment in order to be promoted to the next grade level. They will be tested on Reading and Math. What can YOU do to help? *Monitor your child’s homework daily, Reading Plus, Fluency, Private Tutoring (when needed)
Contact / Parent Conferences Today we are not discussing any child’s academic progress. If needed, please contact us through . You may also send a note with your child throughout the year and we will schedule conferences as needed. (Mrs. (Mrs.
Supplies Please make sure your child has all their materials. Continuously check what you have to replace. Students MUST have 5 sharpened pencils a day, a covered sharpener, crayons, a glue stick and scissors in their pouch. In addition, for math they are required to have a centimeter and inch ruler. Binder Agenda Once the comp. notebooks run out of pages, please replace. *Please make sure that your child’s book bag is cleaned out on a weekly basis.
What can we do at home? Read 30 minutes daily Complete homework on daily basis Make sure that your child is completing his/her Reading Plus sessions Accelerated Reader Keep track of your child’s progress through the parent portal. If you do not have internet access, the Media center here will be open every Tuesday-Thursday from 6-8 Get a library card from the local library!
Thank You For Coming!