Principal: Mr. Charles Hankerson Vice Principal: Mr. John Walker Assistant Principal Mr. Wallace Aristide Mr. Jorge Bulnes Ms. Adalys Rodriguez Ms. April Thompson-Williams Ms. Ottolita Thompson
Activities Director: Ms. Linda Walden Athletic Director: Mr. Earl Allick Class Advisor: Ms. Melanie Ervin Media Specialist: Ms. Kimberly Davis Registrar: Ms. Lawarnia Gray
School Resource Specialist: Mr. Darryl Elmore School Police: Officer James Darby SSR/SLC Coordinator: Ms. A. Smith Treasurer: Ms. Latonia Ritchey
Administrator for Student Services: Mr. John Walker Department Chairperson: Dr. Zina Jackson COUNSELORS Ms. Kimberly Strozier-Miller Ms. Bridget Smith Ms. Phyllis Williams
Ms. Sheri Bearman Test Chairperson Ms. Candance Morley Social Worker Ms. Tyra Tate TRUST Counselor Mr. LarMarc Anderson CAP Advisor Ms. Irene Clark College Resource Center Coordinator
FCAT Reading & Math AP Tests ACT / SAT Dual Enrollment College Resource Center
Tutoring College Preparation Forecasts Pullouts
Pass both parts of the FCAT 2.0 unweighted GPA Minimum – 25 community service hours; highly recommend a minimum of 300 hours 24 credits 5-Point Rule
GRADE 11 Language Arts American History Science Math Electives
Student Portal Student Accounts Internet Usage
Unexcused Absences Excused Absences Indoor/Outdoor Suspensions Makeup Work Late Arrivals
B lue or Khaki Pants – must be well fitting; no sagging Polo styled shirts – white, gold, or royal blue Shirts must have a collar No Designer logos, stripes, prints, or any type or wording
S neakers or closed-toed shoes are required Sandals with back strap are allowed No flip flop sandals No headwear MALE or FEMALE: hats, bandanas, stocking caps, scarves, hair wraps A BAD HAIR DAY is not an acceptable excuse
Electronic devices must be turned off and out of sight. The operation and use of an unapproved electronic device by a student during instructional periods, academic assessments, or standardized tests are expressly prohibited and will result in severe academic and behavioral penalties.
LATE: Arrives to school tardy between 7:20 a.m. - 8:00 a.m. Issued a temporary ID badge; admitted to class with no penalty from the teacher. Arrival 8:00 a.m. – report to SCSI for the remainder of the first block day (Period 1/Period 2). Tardy to Periods will be penalized by the teacher as indicated by the Discipline Plan.
Lunch Applications Waivers – ACT/SAT Free Breakfast – 6:30 a.m Hall Sweeps Detentions Saturday School
GPA = 2.0 CONDUCT – Absences – Excused/Unexcused 20 Tardies 10 Indoor/Outdoor Suspensions
Junior Federation Advisor – Ms. Melanie Ervin – Room 3069 Plans the Junior-Senior Prom End of the Year Class Trip Community Service Projects
Club Rush – September 29 Yearbook Pictures – September Prom – May 29, 2011
Eligibility GPA Conduct Insurance Physicals Saturday School (Tutoring) ACT SAT NCAA