1 Amplification & Rethinking Events Paul Shabajee (Greening Events, ILRT)
2 Benefits ‘Amplification’ technologies and approaches –Enhance face-to-face events before, during and after –Enable remote attendance improving access to events and representation contributions from wider community, those ‘in demand’, etc. –Capture/record learning from event –…
3 Events conferences … … weekly team meetings, research funding briefings, departmental away-days, project review meetings, exam moderation, training events, board meetings, policy development meetings, grant assessment meetings, union negotiations, fieldwork meetings, professional association AGMs, vendor pitches, award ceremonies, consultations, brainstorming sessions, trade shows, …
4 Co-evolution of ‘doing’ Events Technologies –New affordances – remote attendance, multi-channel communications, live interactivity, extending ‘events’ in time and space, …
5 Co-evolution of ‘doing’ Events Presentation Software, Data Projectors, Teleconferencing (PSTN and IP), Video Conferencing (suites, desktop and mobile), Telepresence (high end video conferencing), Online Meeting Tools (inc. webinar tools), Live Video Streaming, Pre-Recorded Video, Sub-titling Services, Integrated Conferencing Software/Services, Interactive Voting Systems, Virtual Community Services (e.g. Facebook, Ning, Lanyrd, …), Wireless (WiFi) Networking, Web Sites (and their many associated media and interactive technologies), Virtual Learning Environments, Blogging, Micro-Blogging (e.g. twitter), Instant Messaging/IRC (Internet Relay Chat), Media Sharing Services (e.g. YouTube and Flickr), Podcasting, ActiveBadges (e.g. based on RFID), Personal Area Networks, Slide Sharing, Mobile Devices (laptops, smartphones,...), Location Based Services (network and GPS enabled), Translation Services, e-Readers, Digital Recording of Physical and Virtual Events, Events, Event Mobile Apps (e.g. for iPhone/Android smartphones), 3D Virtual Environments (such as Second Life), Asynchronous Collaboration Environments,...
6 Co-evolution of ‘doing’ Events Technologies –New affordances – remote attendance, multi-channel communications, live interactivity, extending ‘events’ in time and space, … But not Just technologies –Un-conferences, barcamps, lightening talks, lab tours, … –Technology & creative thinking …
7 Sustainability Imperatives The Sustainable United Nations (SUN) unit in UNEP believes that a green event is one organised in such a way that: emissions of greenhouse gases, such as CO2, are minimised, and unavoidable emissions are compensated for, natural resource consumption (including water and energy) is minimised and demand is adapted to available local resources, waste generation is avoided where possible and remaining waste is reused and/or recycled, biodiversity, water, air and soil resources are protected, minimal environmental damage is caused while preparing and implementing the meeting, UNEP, Green Meeting Guide 2009: Roll out the Green Carpet for your Participants, Available at:
8 Sustainability Imperatives the local community benefits economically, socially and environmentally both during and after the meeting, with local sustainable development encouraged to the extent achievable, the above principles are applied in purchasing goods and services for the meeting, the selection of the venue, transportation, catering and accommodation arrangements, the awareness of participants, staff service providers and the local community in sustainability issues is increased, with the greening aims and measures communicated clearly to all, …
9 Sustainability Imperatives Sustainability Impacts of ‘Amplification’ et al? –Potentially reduced travel & use of physical resources –Social impacts – better access & representation, work-life –balance, … –…–… –ICT equipment and services are resource and ‘carbon’ intensive & have extensive supply chains and associated environmental, social, economic issues –… negative impacts can be ‘amplified’ too, e.g. energy/resources for hosting of event video in perpetuity –Socio-economic impacts of fewer face to face events, ….
10 Opportunities to Rethink Events Altogether Opportunities to Rethink –Why? –How? & What? –When? Where? Who? Greening Events II –University of Bristol & UKOLN –Amplification Workpackage Exploring how to make most effective use of event amplification in the context of sustainability imperatives