Success Criteria: 1. I can distinguish the difference between hearing and listening 2. I can utilize the steps of the listening process to appropriately respond to a communication
TEKS: (1)(G): “Identify the components of the listening process.”
Objective: Student Will Be Able To: Demonstrate their knowledge of listening skills to complete an activity.
“We have two ears and one mouth so that we can listen twice as much as we speak.” - Epictetus
Listening: It is a physical and psychological process that involves choosing to listen, understanding, and responding to symbolic messages from others. Open your ears!!!
4 Kinds of Listening: Deliberative: listening to understand, analyze, and evaluate Empathic: listening to understand, participate in, and enhance a relationship Critical: listening to comprehend ideas and information in order to achieve a specific purpose or goal Appreciative: listening to enjoy a speaker’s message or a performance on an artistic level
The 3 Characteristics of Listening: Active: You participate, listen attentively, and provide feedback Strive to understand & remember messages Passive: Listener doesn’t actively participate and think they can absorb information but not contribute They place responsibility of communication on the speaker Impatient: Short bursts of active listening is interrupted by noise/distractions They intend (usually) to pay attention, but allow their minds to wander
Factors that affect the listening process: Noise: Temporary distractions Train, baby, loud car, sick, tired, etc. Barriers: BLOCKS listening & understanding Unfamiliar language, biases, tuning out, stress, ignorance.
THINK, PAIR, SHARE A teacher must overcome the sound of a lawnmower while teaching. A loud radio is preventing a child from hearing his or her parent's instructions. A student dislikes a teacher and refuses to listen in class. A foreign exchange student does not understand the teacher's directions. A student has a cold and cannot concentrate on the lesson in class. A student stayed up watching television until 3 A.M. and is falling asleep in class.
Steps in the listening process: Step 1 * Not everyone hears the same way (frequencies/hard of hearing) Acquiring/Hearing The reception of sound
Steps in the listening process: Step 2 * Your own needs, interests, attitudes, and knowledge affects your choice to pay attention Attending/Choosing The act of choosing to focus attention on the message
Steps in the listening process: Step 3 * Your knowledge, attitudes, values, beliefs, and self-concept influence your perception Understanding Deciding what the message means to you
Steps in the listening process: Step 4 * You first respond emotionally, then intellectually Responding Your reaction to the message. It can be emotional and intellectual
Memory: (The process of retaining or recalling information) Immediate Memory: Recalling information for a brief period of time Short Term Memory: Recalling information for carrying out a routine or daily task Long Term Memory: Recalling information from past experience
7 Common Roadblocks to Listening: Tuning out dull topics Faking attention Yielding to distractions Criticizing delivery/physical appearance Jumping to conclusions Interrupting Overreacting to emotional words
Activity: Get in groups of 6 Make A Story Objectives To increase listening skills within the group. Method This game is similar to the telephone game. While sitting in a small circle, participants are asked to construct a story by each participant adding one line at a time (e.g., As he got off his horse, he saw a big rabbit). This continues with each additional participant adding another line.