3 Types of Stress 1. Tension: stress that pulls rock apart Rock gets thinner in the middle 2. Compression: stress that pushes rock together 3. Shearing: stress that pushes rock in opposite directions
Faults A fault is a break in the earth’s crust. Fault’s occur along plate boundaries where forces push and pull the earth’s plates.
3 Types of Faults 1. Normal Fault: occurs when the rock above the fault (the hanging wall) moves down (along the footwall) Tension stress causes this type of fault Creates valleys
2. Reverse Fault: occurs when rock above the fault (H.W.) move up (along the F.W.) Compression stress causes this type of fault Creates mountains
3. Strike-Slip Fault: occurs when rock on either side of the fault move past each other in opposite directions There is no up or down motion Shearing stress causes this type of fault Example: San Andreas Fault, Cal.