LOGO 多元評量案例分享 同富國中 陳麗琴 Our hometown should be protected
Think About It How do I motivate students to learn on their own? Engage and involve them.
Think About It How do I make every student engage and involve? Do projects with multiple intelligences.
Think About It How do I make students share their strength? Group work, cooperate and collaborate.
Think About It How do I make students use higher order thinking? Do projects without only memorizing.
Think About It How do evaluate students’ achievement? Decide objectives, criteria and make rubrics.
Project Based Learning Our hometown should be protected 活動名稱: Our hometown should be protected 活動對象: 9 th grade 學習領域: Language Arts Learning Area (English) 活動目標: Learning to learn English on one’s own. Learning to cooperate and collaborate. Learning to write a short writing by following the writing instruction.
Project Based Learning 將學生分為 7 組 ( 異質 ) ,進行討論,以自評及 師評表評量投入程度及團隊和諧互敬程度。 學生分工與協作學習單,以教師及團隊自評 表評量學生工作內容與份量。 學生撰寫文稿,根據文稿,以教師評量表評 量語文能力,至少須寫出 3 句被動式句子。
提供學生批改及訂正機會,學生依老師第一 次批閱的紀錄進行訂正,以教師評量表進行 修正後的文稿。 學生將成品 ( 包含 team works or individual works) 放入檔案夾中,以自評及師評表評量 檔案成果 Project Based Learning
The Textbook 翰林 ( 五 ) Lesson 4 The houses can be destroyed in seconds
The Textbook
Teaching Materials Lesson Plan ★給家長的一封信給家長的一封信 ★ Portfolio guide ★ Self-Assessment: My learning log ★ Group-Self Assessment ★ Teacher-led Assessment
Assessment Tools Observation To check their progress, circulate among the groups and offer help. Self-Assessment Rubric : My learning logMy learning log To check their own learning progress. Group Self Assessment Rubric To measure the participation, group teamwork, shared responsibility, language mastery and focus on the task.
Assessment Tools Portfolio assessment: Portfolio guide (given in the first class): Portfolio guide Teacher-led assessment : Rubric for writingRubric for writing 提醒 : 上課前即清楚告知評量規準及基準, 並且容許有修改彈性
Steps and Timeline Period 1 ★ Vocabulary Worksheet. (team work) Vocabulary Worksheet ★ Grammar focus A. ★ Vocabulary review, Grammar focus A exercise (p50.51)(individual work) ★ Brief introduction of the Movie “ The Day After Tomorrow” ★ Homework :“The Day After Tomorrow” Provoke your thoughts. (team work) Provoke your thoughts
Steps and Timeline Period 2 ★ Homework check: Provoke your thoughts (team work) ★ Grammar focus B (p52) ★ Consolidation for Grammar focus A & B (peer work)Consolidation for Grammar focus A & B
Steps and Timeline Period 3 ★ Reading: “Typhoons and Earthquakes” (Listening and information check) ★ Brainstorming-(Group discussion) ★ Read your ideas aloud (Individual work) ★ Homework: Consolidation for Reading
Steps and Timeline Period 4 ★ Homework check: Consolidation for Reading ★ Dialogue ---(information check and discussion) ★ Exercise and Challenge:(p53 p54) ★ Writing Instruction Writing Instruction
Steps and Timeline Period 5 ★ Peer-learning: Discussion and free-writing ★ Proofreading ★ Hand in your writing Hand in your writing
Students’ Performance Group Red Group Orange Group Yellow Group Green Group Blue Group Indigo Group Purple
Assessment Analysis Group Points Category R ed O range Y ellow G reen B lue I ndigo P urple worksheets Group Teamwork Self and teacher assessment Language mastery Portfolio assessment Total Points
Thoughts ★提供學生運用語言的情境勝於機械式練習。 ★提供明確基準,學生規則可循,學生表現 會比超出老師預期。 ★老師的用心學生感受得到。 低成就學生的回饋
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