N ATIVE M OBILE A PPLICATION D EVELOPMENT We develop apps on the following platforms: iOS – iPhone, iPad Android Windows 8 Symbian Java Phone Application Development Blackberry 10 Blackberry
O THER S ERVICES Hybrid Apps We develop custom Hybrid-Apps or using any platform such as PhoneGap basis business requirements or needs. WAP Site Development For smart phones HTML 5 Feature phone Responsive web Mobile Gaming
I NDIA ’ S R AW S TAR Download: /IN/app/id ?m t=8 /IN/app/id ?m t=8 An entertainment media mobile application to capture competition video entries for a live show
A UDI M AGAZINE Audi's much admired quarterly Magazine which covers a breadth of subjects from car launches to features about art, motorsport, design, technology and innovation. Status: Not Live
H ONEY D EW 100 [G AMING ] A simple yet intuitive game to engage clientele customers along with promotion of clients’ products. Status: Private Distribution
S PICE H OCKEY [G AMING ] Comprehensive ice-hockey game, branded with client product guidelines, to engage customers along with promotion of clients' products. Status: Private Distribution
E -O N – T HE S USTAINABLE C ITY An app developed in complete swedish language, a promotional app to demonstrate the features of an upcoming project in Sweden. Download URL: m/us/app/the- sustainable- city/id ?mt= 8
I NDIA ’ S R AW S TAR Download: store/apps/details?id=c om.viral.rawstar store/apps/details?id=c om.viral.rawstar An entertainment media mobile application to capture competition video entries for a live show
N AAPTOL Download: store/apps/details?id=c om.naaptol.NaaptolMob ileApp store/apps/details?id=c om.naaptol.NaaptolMob ileApp An m-Commerce app to help user compare various products, get details, and order the products through their android phone application.
W OCKHARDT H OSPITALS A simple yet comprehensive tablet application enabling doctors to capture data and fetch analysis in offline mode and sync later – targetted specifically for remote rural areas as part of Wockhardt’s CSR Status - Private
B IG F LIX – M Y M OVIES Bigflicks video subscription service was bought to Bada OS to enhance customer’s access to content on these devices. Status – Not Live
S CAN AND S TAYFREE Stayfree Application was developed across all platforms, for end user to choose best product for them and also to give promotional tips and reminders for them to purchase their product inventory. Status – Not Live