Town of Duxbury Special Town Meeting Motions March 8, 2014
ARTICLE 1 SUBJECT: SUPPLEMENTAL APPROPRIATIONS I move that the Town transfer from available funds sums of money to supplement appropriations previously voted under Article 5 of the Annual Town Meeting of March, 2013 for the Fiscal Year beginning July 1, 2013 for line items in the budgets of various Town Departments as follows: Item #DepartmentBudgetAdjustmentRevised FY14 Budget Funding Source 1423 – Snow & Ice Removal – Personal Services $60,000 $120,000Free Cash 2423 – Snow & Ice Removal – Other Expenses $110,000$170,000$280,000Free Cash 3141 – Assessor – Personal Services $218,515$9,050$227,565Dept. 914 – Health Insurance 4210 – Police – Other Expenses $281,400$21,500$302,900Dept. 914 – Health Insurance – Cemetery – Other Expenses $157,550$22,000$179,550Free Cash – P.W. Pool – Other Expenses $176,873$7,500$184,373 Dept. 631 – P.W. Pool – Personal Services – DPW Lands and Natl. Resources – Other Expenses $43,300$10,000$53,300 Dept. 294 – DPW Lands and Natl. Resources – Personal Services 8DPW Vehicle Maintenance – Other Expenses $117,500$20,000$137,500($10,000) Dept. 419 DPW Admin – Personal Services; ($10,000) Dept. 419 DPW Admin. - Other Expenses
ARTICLE 2 9/10 VOTE REQUIRED SUBJECT: UNPAID BILLS I move that the Town appropriate the sum of $ to pay the following unpaid bills of previous fiscal years which may be legally unenforceable due to the insufficiency of an appropriation; and to meet said appropriation, transfer the sums of: $98.40 from Town Clerk – Current Year, Other Expenses, $48.76 from Conservation – Current Year, Other Expenses, AND $ from Information Services – Current Year, Other Expense s VENDORDEPARTMENTAMOUNT WB MasonTown Clerk98.40 WB MasonConservation48.76 VerizonInformation Services439.89
ARTICLE 3 - MOTION 1 SUBJECT: UNION CONTRACTS (Library) I move that the Town appropriate the sum of $16, for the purpose of funding a Collective Bargaining Agreement with Duxbury Free Library Employees, Service Employees International Union, Local 888, for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2013 and ending June 30, 2014, and for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2014 and ending June 30, 2015, and to meet said appropriation, transfer the sum of $2, from the Town Health Insurance Trust appropriation approved under Article 5 of the March 2013 Annual Town Meeting and transfer $14, from Free Cash.
ARTICLE 3 - MOTION 2 SUBJECT: UNION CONTRACTS (Duxbury Patrol) I move to indefinitely postpone this Article
ARTICLE 3 - MOTION 3 SUBJECT: UNION CONTRACTS (Duxbury Police Commanders ) I move that the Town appropriate the sum of $7, for the purpose of funding a Collective Bargaining Agreement with Duxbury Police Commanders Association, for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2013 and ending June 30, 2014, and for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2014 and ending June 30, 2015, and to meet said appropriation, transfer the sum of $2, from the Town Health Insurance Trust appropriation approved under Article 5 of the March 2013 Annual Town Meeting and transfer the sum of $5, from the Town Manager/Selectmen Personal Services appropriation approved under Article 5 of the March 2013 Annual Town Meeting.
ARTICLE 3 - MOTION 4 SUBJECT: UNION CONTRACTS (Dispatchers) I move that the Town appropriate the sum of $99, for the purpose of funding a Collective Bargaining Agreement with Public Safety Dispatchers Union, MCOP Local 376A, for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2012 and ending June 30, 2013, and for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2013 and ending June 30, 2014, and for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2014 and ending June 30, 2015, and to meet said appropriation, transfer the sum of $47, from the Town Health Insurance Trust appropriation approved under Article 5 of the March 2013 Annual Town Meeting and transfer $51, from Free Cash.
ARTICLE 3 - MOTION 5 SUBJECT: UNION CONTRACTS (Clerical) I move that the Town appropriate the sum of $47, for the purpose of funding a Collective Bargaining Agreement with Town of Duxbury Secretaries and Clerks, SEIU Local 888, for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2012 and ending June 30, 2013 and for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2013 and ending June 30, 2014 and for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2014 and ending June 30, 2015, and to meet said appropriation, transfer the sum of $19, from the Town Health Insurance Trust appropriation approved under Article 5 of the March 2013 Annual Town Meeting, $7, from the Property & Liability appropriation approved under Article 5 of the March 2013 Annual Town Meeting, and transfer $19, from Free Cash.
ARTICLE 3 - MOTION 6 SUBJECT: UNION CONTRACTS (Firefighters) I move that the Town appropriate the sum of $111, for the purpose of funding a Collective Bargaining Agreement with Duxbury Permanent Firefighters’ Association, International Association of Firefighters Local 2167, for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2013 and ending June 30, 2014, and to meet said appropriation, transfer the sum of $111, from the Town Health Insurance Trust appropriation approved under Article 5 of the March 2013 Annual Town Meeting.
ARTICLE 3 - MOTION 7 SUBJECT: UNION CONTRACTS (School - Teachers) I move that the Town appropriate the sum of $200, for the purpose of funding a Collective Bargaining Agreement with Duxbury Teachers Association, for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2013 and ending June 30, 2014, and to meet said appropriation, transfer the sum of $200, from Free Cash.
ARTICLE 3 - MOTION 8 SUBJECT: UNION CONTRACTS (DPW) I move that the Town appropriate the sum of $22, for the purpose of funding a Collective Bargaining Agreement with Duxbury DPW Employees, AFSCME, Council 93, Local 1700, for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2014 and ending June 30, 2015, and to meet said appropriation, transfer the sum of $16, from the Town Health Insurance Trust appropriation approved under Article 5 of the March 2013 Annual Town Meeting, and transfer $5, from Water Enterprise Retained Earnings.
ARTICLE 4 SUBJECT: TRANSFER TO THE PERCY WALKER POOL ENTERPRISE FUND I move that the Town appropriate the sum of $14, to supplement appropriations previously voted under Article 5 of the Annual Town Meeting of March 9, 2013 for the Percy Walker Pool Enterprise Fund, and to meet said appropriation, transfer the sum of $14, from the Town Health Insurance Trust appropriation approved under Article 5 of the March 2013 Annual Town Meeting.
ARTICLE 5 SUBJECT: TRANSFER TO THE PENSION RESERVE FUND I move that the Town appropriate the sum of $100, to the Pension Reserve Fund, and to meet said appropriation, transfer the sum of $100, from Free Cash.
ARTICLE 6 SUBJECT: TRANSFER TO OTHER POST EMPLOYMENT BENEFITS TRUST FUND (OPEB) I move that the Town appropriate the sum of $200, to the Other Post Employment Benefits Trust Fund (OPEB), and to meet said appropriation, transfer the sum of $200, from the Town Health Insurance Trust appropriation approved under Article 5 of the March 2013 Annual Town Meeting.
ARTICLE 72/3 Vote Required SUBJECT: TRANSFER TO THE STABILIZATION FUND I move that the Town appropriate the sum of $200, to the Stabilization Fund, and to meet said appropriation, transfer the sum of $200, from Free Cash.
ARTICLE 8 SUBJECT: REPEAL OF CHAPTER 112 OF ACTS OF 2005 I move that the Town authorize the Board of Selectmen to petition the General Court to repeal Chapter 112 of the Acts of 2005 (An Act Establishing an Affordable Housing Trust Fund in the Town of Duxbury).
ARTICLE 9 SUBJECT: HOUSING ALLOCATION PLAN FOR FY15 I move that the Town adopt a plan for the allocation of the resources of the Duxbury Affordable Housing Trust Fund for Fiscal Year 2015 as set forth under Article 9 of the Special Town Meeting Warrant, with the exception of item D, entitled “Rental Assistance Program,” which shall be deleted.
ARTICLE 102/3 Vote Required SUBJECT: AMEND ZONING BY-LAWS: AFFORDABLE HOUSING TRUST FUND I move to indefinitely postpone this Article.
ARTICLE 11 SUBJECT: TOWN CLERK ELECTED/APPOINTED I move that the Town: 1)Authorize the Board of Selectmen to petition the Legislature for special legislation to change the position of the Town Clerk from a position elected by the voters at the Town’s Election to a position appointed by the Town Manager, AND 2)To amend the General By-Laws by deleting Section 3.4, by deleting the last phrase in subsection beginning with the word “except” and ending with the word “election” and by adding “Town Clerk” in Section 5.3 to the list of officials appointed by the Town Manager, such By-Law amendments to take effect only if such special legislation is enacted and upon the expiration of the term of the Town Clerk then in office.