Austria is a Federal State Competences are structured in different departments Federal State: Water law (Floods Directive) Federal Provinces: Spatial Planning, Building Codes, Emergency Management, etc. Districts & Municipalities: Zoning, Development Management, Land Development Plan, Emergency Planning, etc. Topographical diversity Alpine Pre-Alpine Lowland SETTING THE SCENE
Results FD implementation PFRA/APSFR 391 Areas of potential significant flood risk (variability in length) FHRM Addressing uncertainty / reliability of data (shades of inundation area) Considering and communicating residual risk (overload and failure)
Obtaining a (nationwide) comparable, transferable, transparent method for establishing flood risk management plans on different levels (objectives, measures, prioritisation) Defining clear interfaces to existing instruments Outlining needs for action and priorities Fostering collaboration of all relevant sectors Using synergies with the Water Framework Directive Informing and consulting the public Coordinated planning and implementation under public participation NATIONAL TARGETS
COORDINATION AND HARMONISATION Discussion and Decision Committee BMLFUW (Competent Authority) Federal Water Engineering Administration Torrent and Avalanche control Ministry of Transport, Innovation and Technology Ministry of the Interior Federal Province Departments Water Management Flood Protection Spatial Planning Emergency Management Environmental Agency, Stakeholders Experts, Consultants, Research Int. coordination DG ENV – CIS WG F ICP Danube River ICP Rhine ICP Elbe Nat. coordination WG Risk WG Scenario WG Hazard WG Flood Risk Management Plan WG Hazard Zone Plan Stakeholders and NGOs Support Co-funded pilot projects
Working process (PFRA/APSFR, FHRM, FRMP) CA (BMLFUW) provides a “Federal Blueprint” based on the resolutions of the Discussion and Decision Committee (AK_HWRL) Federal Provinces provide information, data and knowledge CA (BMLFUW) merges available information, publishes draft FRMP Public information and consultation Publication Reporting COORDINATION AND HARMONISATION
FLOOD RISK MANAGEMENT PLAN 4 appropriate objectives Avoidance of new risks Reduction of existing risks Strengthening resilience Raising awareness 22 types of measures Cost effectiveness Effects and characteristics State of implementation Anticipated implementation legislation Prioritisation Measure characteristics (non- structural, CC adaptation, contribution to WFD) State of implementation Preparedness Awareness Protection Prevention
LEVELS OF FRMP Level A River Basin District (Danube, Rhine, Elbe) National Level APSFR Level+ 391 APSFR related FRMPs Background documents: Catalogue of measures, guidelines, etc.
Well coordinated in Austria Same timeline of implementation Joint activities to start public information and consultation Considered in the characterisation of measures Extensive experience in implementing nature oriented flood protection and mitigation measures (e.g. NWRM) with potential multiple benefits for FD and WFD Planning principles in Austria reflect on synergies Non-structural measures have priority over structural measures Measures in the catchment area have priority over measures along the main channel Retention measures have priority over linear structural measures Natural methods of building have priority over technical methods LINKS BETWEEN FD AND WFD
FD implementation strengthened the coordination and harmonisation across sectors, administrational levels and stakeholders FRMP is a holistic attempt to outline the needs for action for all sectors (water management, flood protection, spatial planning, emergency planning, etc.) Obligation to review the process and to revise information supports a sustainable approach by discussion achievements and deficits transparently Consideration of residual risk (overload and failure) is of substantial relevance especially for awareness raising and public information and consultation EXPERIENCE AND LESSONS LEARNT
Implementation of the EU FD is very valuable for strategic planning on national level Links to existing and well-proven mechanisms of detailed planning and funding are essential Priorities in Austria are set on non-structural measures, reliable planning and measures fostering flood retention Contribution, coordination and harmonisation to/with the priorities and needs of the WFD implementation are, therefore, ensured CONCLUSIONS