IEEE MEDIA INDEPENDENT HANDOVER DCN: srho Title: Policy concept in 3GPP ANDSF Date Submitted: June 30, 2010 Presented at IEEE c Conference Call Authors or Source(s): Hongseok Jeon, Junghoon Jee, Changmin Park, Yoon-Young An (ETRI) Abstract: Introduction of policy concept in 3GPP ANDSF. 1
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Background There was a discussion about policy Information Element in the last 21c conference call. –As a result, we needed to define what is policy. 3GPP ANDSF provides policy information to UEs. To clarify the meaning of the policy, this contribution reviews the policy concept that 3GPP ANDSF presents. 3
ANDSF Overview ANDSF is a server that allows the UE to be provided with relevant parameters for intersystem mobility policy and access network discovery. –The UE-ANDSF interaction is done using S14 interface, which utilizes OMA DM. –ANDSF remotely sets parameters through a Management Object (MO) having hierarchical tree architecture defined in OMA DM. 4 Source: 3GPP TS
ANDSF Management Object 5 Source: 3GPP TS Polic y Discovery Information UE Location Vendor specific requirements
ANDSF Policy Node (1/2) 6 Source: 3GPP TS
ANDSF Policy Node (2/2) Policy node acts as a placeholder for policies for intersystem mobility. –There can be zero or one policy node. –If one policy node exists, there are one or more intersystem mobility policy rules. The intersystem mobility policy rule consists of “RulePriority”, “PrioritizedAccess”, “ValidityArea”, “Roaming”, “PLMN”, “TimeOfDay” and “UpdatePolicy”. 7
RulePriority The RulePriority represents the priority given to one particular rule and is represented as a numerical value. In case more than one valid intersystem mobility policy rule exists, the UE shall treat the rule with the lowest RulePriority value as the rule having the highest priority among the valid rules. 8
PrioritizedAccess The PrioritizedAccess indicates the preferred access for one particular rule. The preferred access network is identified with 4 different information. –AccessTechnology (e.g. WLAN) –AccessId (e.g. SSID) –SecondaryAccessId (e.g. HESSID) –AccessNetworkPriority (e.g. 40) 9
ValidityArea The ValidityArea acts as a placeholder for location conditions for a particular rule. If the UE is currently aware that it is located in the coverage area described by the ValidityArea, the UE shall consider the corresponding rule as valid. –If at least one of 3GPP_Location, or 3GPP2_Location or WiMAX_Location, or WLAN_Loaction, or Geo_Location is a match, UE consider the corresponding rule as valid. –If UE is not able to deduce its location by any means, only rules without Validity Area can be considered for active rule. 10
Roaming The Roaming indicates the roaming condition for the intersystem mobility policy rule. Values: 0, 1 –0: Indicates that the rule is only valid when the UE is not roaming. –1: Indicates that the rule is only valid when the UE is roaming. 11
PLMN The PLMN indicates a PLMN code of the operator, which created this policy. 12
TimeOfDay The TimeOfDay indicates the time of day condition for the intersystem mobility policy rule. The UE shall consider a rule with the TimeOfDay present as valid only if the time of day in the current time zone, as indicated by the UE, matches at least one time interval indicated in the TimeOfDay node. 13
UpdatePolicy The UpdatePolicy indicates the update policy for the intersystem mobility policy rule. Values: 0, 1 –0: Indicates that the UE is not required to request an update of the rules. –1: Indicates that the UE is required to request an update of the rules. 14
Conclusions Policy in ANDSF provides network preference with its conditions such as location, time and roaming state of UE. Among list of network preference presented by ANDSF, UE can select one preference suitable for its condition and apply it. 15