Wave Properties
Reflection When a wave is turned back toward its start point Fixed End – wave hits an obstacle that is rigid and is reflected back inverted
Free End Reflection Wave hits an end of a medium free to move, wave reflected back but not inverted
There is no change in frequency, wavelength, or velocity during reflection as long as the medium stays the same
Transmission When wave passes through from one medium to another Frequency stays the same as it passes into another medium In different medium, the speed, and thus wavelength, will be different
At Boundary Some of the wave will continue on and some of the wave will bounce back Partial transmission Partial reflection
Fast to Slow Media Loose to stiff spring Boundary acts like a fixed end
Slow to Fast Media Stiff to loose spring Boundary acts like a free end
Refraction Change in velocity and wavelength as wave enters a different media Causes a bending appearance if wave hits new media at an angle
Bending Of Water Waves Crests on left hit shallow water which has a lower velocity Causes shorter wavelength Appears as though waves are bent
Diffraction Bending of waves around an edge of an opening or object Why people can hear around a wall Effects of diffraction are evident only when the size of the diffracting object is about the same or smaller than the wavelength of the waves
Reflection Off Barriers When a wave hits a barrier at an angle, it bounces off at an angle Ripple tank: oblique reflection
Law of Reflection Angle of incidence = angle of reflection i = r
Parabolic Barrier